A new world record in pulp production by Botnia Fray Bentos mill

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- The mill's environmental performance during the start-up phase has been up to
best standards worldwide 

Botnia's pulp mill in Fray Bentos has reached its nominal production capacity
in only 145 days from start-up. This is a new world record in pulp production,
the last two best marks being 171 and 174 days achieved by other mills of
similar production technology and capacity. The nominal production capacity was
achieved on a thirty-day rolling average basis. 

Thanks to the best available technology, design and highly qualified teamwork,
Botnia's Fray Bentos mill achieved excellent performance during start-up both
in production and in environmental care. To date, the mill has produced 377,000
tons of pulp, of which 70% is exported to Europe and 30% to Asia. 

The environmental performance of the mill during the start-up period has
exceeded expectations. From the very beginning, Botnia was committed to use
Best Available Techniques (BAT). Thanks to this the mill has during the
start-up phase complied with the strictest standards and is today one of the
best mills in the world in environmental performance. 

"Already during the very first months, the environmental indicators have been
well below the permit limits set by the National Environmental authorities
(DINAMA) and those established by the European Union", stated Gervasio
González, Manager of Environment at Botnia's mill in Fray Bentos. "As the mill
has been performing very well already during the start-up phase, we can expect
an excellent performance in the future as we continue fine-tuning our
processes", he concludes. 

"We are all proud of achieving this new record. It has been possible due to the
outstanding team of professionals working at the mill", says Sami Saarela, Mill
Manager. "I have participated at several mill start-ups and can say that this
was really the best one. The successful start-up shows that the mill has
excellent design and best available technology and that the team of highly
qualified professionals ensure the smooth running of all processes", Saarela

For more information please contact Mr. Marko Janhunen, Vice President,
Communications and Public Relations, Uruguay project at +358 50 5900047. 
