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                                   26 April 2005 at 1.00 p.m.


Metsäliitto Group’s comparative IFRS figures

Metsäliitto Group changed its financial reporting standards from
Finnish Accounting Standards (FAS) to International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) at the start of 2005.

Metsäliitto Group has prepared an opening IFRS balance sheet for
its IFRS transition date of 1 January 2004.  In preparing this
opening balance sheet the company has availed itself of some
exemptions available to first-time adopters of IFRS, which are
explained in more detail in the appendix to this release. IFRS
reporting principles will be addressed in full in the 2005 annual

                               2004     2004    2004     2004
Key figures                    1-12     1-12     1-9      1-9
                                FAS     IFRS     FAS     IFRS
Operating profit                 66      144      54      140
Result for the period           -21      -24      -9       -2
Members’ funds                1 586    1 351   1 585    1 376
Interest bearing net          3 133    3 336   3 349    3 503
Balance total                 8 451    8 651   8 551    8 701
Return on capital employed, %   1.2      2.5     1.4      3.3
Return on equity, %            -4.5     -3.9    -3.8     -2.8
Equity ratio, %                37.3     32.1    34.9     30.1
Gearing ratio, %                100      120     115      136
                               2004     2004    2004     2004
Key figures                     1-6      1-6     1-3      1-3
                                FAS     IFRS     FAS     IFRS
Operating profit                 55      105      50       70
Result for the period            12       14      18        8
Members’ funds                1 596    1 371   1 595    1 350
Interest bearing net          3 561    3 713   3 538    3 694
Balance total                 8 591    8 678   8 728    8 802
Return on capital employed, %   1.8      3.7     3.0      4.6
Return on equity, %            -1.7     -1.5     0.1     -2.2
Equity ratio, %                34.5     29.6    34.0     28.8
Gearing ratio, %                121      145     120      146

                               2004     2004    2004    2004
Balance sheet                   1.1      1.1   31.12   31.12
                                FAS     IFRS     FAS    IFRS
Members’ funds (./. capital   1 555    1 309   1 586   1 351
note loans)
Minority interests            1 408    1 239   1 559   1 428
Interest bearing net          3 468    3 618   3 133   3 336
Balance total                 8 508    8 547   8 451   8 651
Equity ratio, %                35.0     29.8    37.3    32.1
Gearing ratio, %                117      142     100     120

Metsäliitto Group’s consolidated operating profit for 2004 was EUR
78 million higher under IFRS than FAS. Operating profit was
improved in comparison to FAS by such items as the discontinuation
of goodwill amortisation and the reporting of fixed asset
impairment losses recognised during 2004 on the opening IFRS
balance sheet.

A loss of EUR 135 million before minority interest, minority
interest of EUR 114 million, and a net loss of EUR 21 million were
reported for 2004 under FAS. Under IFRS the year’s operating loss
before minority interest totalled EUR 104 million, minority
interest EUR 80 million, and the net loss for the period EUR 24

Balance sheet
The adoption of IFRS had a EUR 246 million negative impact on the
Group’s equity on the 1 January 2004 opening balance sheet and EUR
235 million on the 31 December 2004 closing balance sheet. The most
significant changes related to pension liabilities, asset
impairments and a partial reclassification of members’ capital
contributions as financial liabilities.

Changes in members’ equity and minority interests had a roughly 5
percentage point effect on the company’s equity ratio, and a
roughly 20 percentage point effect on its gearing ratio.

The appended tables and notes further describe the effects of IFRS
on the Group’s 2004 consolidated net profit and its opening and
year-end 2004 balance sheets.


Comparative IFRS figures with notes; year 2004 by quarter and
1 January 2004 opening IFRS balance sheet (both unaudited)

Metsäliitto Group changed its financial reporting standards from
Finnish Accounting Standards (FAS) to International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) at the start of 2005.

Metsäliitto Group’s opening IFRS balance sheet is dated for its
IFRS transition date of 1 January 2004. The first IFRS-based
interim report will be released for the first quarter of 2005.

This information release summarises the related key changes in
accounting principles and the effects of the adoption of IFRS on
Metsäliitto Group’s consolidated financial statements and opening
IFRS balance sheet. IFRS reporting principles will be addressed in
full in the 2005 annual report.

Metsäliitto Group has applied a number of exceptions permitted under
the IFRS 1 first-time adoption standard in preparing its opening
IFRS balance sheet in respect of the following:
  -    tangible and intangible assets; valuation
-    business combinations
-    pension liabilities
-    financial instruments
-    cumulative translation differences

The transition from FAS to IFRS reporting will have an effect on the
accounting treatment of such items as
  -    equity
-    pension arrangements
-    derivatives contracts
-    asset write-ups
-    deferred taxes
-    finance leases and other similar agreements
-    provisions
-    business combinations

Application of the IFRS 1 (First-time Adoption of International
Financial Reporting Standards) transitional standard

1. Presentation of comparative information

Metsäliitto Group will prepare and release its first IFRS-based
annual financial statements for the 1 January – 31 December 2005
reporting period.  Comparative information will be presented for
one year (2004) by way of an IFRS-based income statement, balance
sheet, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, and
notes to the financial statements.

2. Tangible assets

The opening IFRS balance sheet of Metsäliitto Group reports fixed
assets at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairments, plus
revaluations (write-ups) under previously applied accounting
standards to the extent permitted under IFRS 1. Forest assets
constitute an exception to this rule, and have been reported at
fair value in accordance with IAS 41 (Biological Assets).

3. Intangible assets

Metsäliitto Group’s intangible assets are reported on its opening
IFRS balance sheet at cost less accumulated amortisation and

4. Business combinations

Metsäliitto Group has applied an exemption permitted under IFRS 1
with regard to business combinations in preparing its opening IFRS
balance sheet. The assets and liabilities of subsidiaries have not
been restated at fair value but have instead been included on the
opening balance sheet at their book values under previously applied
accounting standards, less any asset and goodwill impairment losses
recognised on the balance sheet date.

5. Pension liabilities

Metsäliitto Group has availed itself of IFRS 1, and has included
any accrued actuarial gains and losses relating to its defined
benefit pension plans on the opening IFRS balance sheet. Subsequent
actuarial gains and losses will be subject to the 10 per cent
”corridor approach” under IAS 19.

6. Financial instruments/derivatives contracts

Metsäliitto Group has applied the provisions of IFRS 1, and has
classified financial instruments on its opening IFRS balance sheet
in the manner required under IAS 32 (Financial Instruments:
Disclosure and Presentation) and IAS 39 (Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement). Any gains and losses arising from the
marking to market of derivatives positions established to hedge
financial assets and liabilities and currency and interest rate
exposures have thus been reported under members’ funds on the
opening IFRS balance sheet.

7. Cumulative translation differences

Metsäliitto Group applies the transitional provisions of IFRS 1 and
assumes that no cumulative translation differences exist on the
transition date. This means that any foreign exchange gains or
losses arising on the translation of the financial statements of
foreign operating units into euro are included in retained

Changes in accounting principles and related effects

1. Members’ capital (IAS 32 and IFRIC 2)

Under FAS, the members’ capital and the additional members’ capital
of Metsäliitto Cooperative, the parent company of Metsäliitto
Group, are treated as equity. IFRS, meanwhile, treats any financial
instruments (here members’ capital) that are redeemable upon demand
as financial liabilities.

The new bylaws of Metsäliitto Cooperative specify an annual maximum
amount for the return of members’ capital. The amount of members’
capital and additional members’ capital that can be returned will
be the equivalent of one-third of the distributable equity
reflected on the latest balance sheet adopted by an annual general

The opening IFRS balance sheet of Metsäliitto Cooperative
reclassifies EUR 114 million and the 31 December 2004 balance sheet
EUR 124 million of members’ capital as interest-bearing

2. Employee benefits (IAS 19)

Under FAS, pension costs have been recognised on the consolidated
financial statements in accordance with the local regulations
applicable to each consolidated entity. IFRS treats pension
arrangements as either defined contribution or defined benefit
plans. In the latter case the pension plan’s assets and liabilities
are valued actuarially, and their net difference is recognised as
either an asset or liability on the balance sheet.

Finnish statutory employee pension arrangements (TEL) have been
treated as defined contribution plans under FAS. The original IFRS
interpretation has treated related disability coverage as a defined
contribution plan. In December 2004 the Finnish authorities
approved a number of changes regarding the determination of
disability coverage contributions that will take effect on 1
January 2006. These changes will result in the treatment of
disability coverage arrangements as defined contribution plans.
Metsäliitto Group’s opening IFRS balance sheet includes TEL
disability coverage liabilities for the years 2004 and 2005 in the
amount of EUR 8 million (EUR 6 million after tax), and the 31
December 2004 balance sheet EUR 6 million for 2005 (EUR 5 million
after tax).

A total of EUR 51 million of the pension liabilities of foreign
consolidated entities have been recognised in the equity section of
the opening balance sheet. Various changes in the course of 2004
reduced 31 December 2004 members’ funds by EUR 37 million pre-tax.

3. Business combinations (IFRS 3)

IFRS 3 requires that any goodwill stemming from business
acquisitions be recorded at cost less accumulated impairment
losses. Goodwill is no longer amortised after the adoption of IFRS
but is instead tested for impairment on an annual basis. Since
Metsäliitto Group has availed itself of the IFRS transitional rules
and has not restated the effects of business acquisitions, goodwill
has been recognised on the opening IFRS balance sheet at cost less
accumulated amortisation up to the date of transition and any
impairment losses recognised on the transition date.

Total goodwill stood at EUR 695 million on the opening IFRS balance
sheet, and at EUR 704 million on the 31 December 2004 balance
sheet. FAS-based goodwill amortisation totalled EUR 45 million in
2004. Goodwill has been allocated to specific business segments.

Finnforest Corporation, a subsidiary of Metsäliitto, sold 7 power
plants at the end of 2004 to a power company called Biokraft Oy,
which is jointly owned by Vapo Oy (81%) and Finnforest Corporation
(19%). A 10-year supply agreement was signed with respect to the
heat requirements of Finnforest production facilities.

Biokraft Oy has been reported on the December 2004 IFRS balance
sheet as a special purpose entity (SPE). Vapo Oy’s ownership has
been presented as an interest-bearing liability on the balance
sheet of Finnforest, which has been eliminated in consolidation
against the ownership interest of Vapo at the Metsäliitto Group
level. Under FAS, the gain on the disposal of the power plants was
recognised as income. These gains on sale were reversed under
related IFRS treatment. Their combined effect on the 2004 reported
IFRS income totalled EUR 16.7 million after tax and minority

4. Impairment of assets (IAS 36)

Metsäliitto Group has tested its cash-generating assets for
possible impairment on the transition date by discounting related
expected cash flows. This testing has prompted the recognition of
EUR 49 million in asset impairment losses, net of minority
interest, on the opening balance sheet. These mainly relate to
goodwill attributed to various businesses of Metsäliitto Group,
such as the Consumer Packaging (fixed assets of Savon Sellu),
Commercial Printing (fixed assets of Zanders’ Reflex plant) and
wholesaling business. The effect of impairment losses on members’
funds totalled EUR 47 million after tax and minority interest.

The fixed assets of the above plants have been written down in
their entirety, with the exception of land. This is due to the
current operating losses of these units as well as their poor
prospects. The impairment of goodwill allocated to the wholesaling
business related to the poor financial performance of certain
operating units within the business.

The testing of the cash-generating assets included on the 2004
closing balance sheet has not given rise to the recognition of any
impairment losses.

The definition of cash-generating units employed in the impairment
testing of assets is based on the business segmentation used as a
basis for segment reporting.

5. Property, plant and equipment / Capitalisation of borrowing
costs (IAS 16, IAS 23)

Metsäliitto Group reports tangible fixed assets on its balance
sheet at cost less accumulated scheduled depreciation and
impairment losses. After the IFRS transition date the company also
capitalises borrowing costs that are immediately attributable to
the purchase, construction or manufacture of fixed asset as part of
the cost of such assets.  Such capitalisation only applies to long-
term projects. Construction period interest has previously been
mainly expensed during the reporting period incurred. A total of
EUR 0.5 million of interest expenses related to the construction of
M-real’s Kaskinen BCTMP plant were capitalised during 2004. This
change in capitalisation policy has no effect on the opening IFRS

6. Valuation of forest assets (IAS 41, Biological Assets)

Metsäliitto Group’s forest assets have been valued at cost plus
asset write-ups recognised over the years in accordance with FAS.
Under IAS, 41 forest assets have been classified as biological
assets on the opening IFRS balance sheet and reported at fair
value. Prior asset write-ups have simultaneously been reversed.

The value of Metsäliitto Group’s forest assets, including land,
totalled EUR 171 million on 31 December 2003 under FAS. An outside
expert appraisal placed the fair market value of these assets at
roughly the same figure.

Metsäliitto Group’s consolidated financial statements also include
a 53 per cent share of Metsä-Botnia’s Finnish and Uruguayan forest
assets. Metsäliitto’s share was assigned a fair market value of EUR
28 million on the opening balance sheet. This amount includes a EUR
6 million fair market value write-up.

The value of Thomesto’s forest assets grew by EUR 4 million on the
opening IFRS balance sheet to a total fair value of EUR 7 million.

7. Leases (IAS 17)

Metsäliitto Group is a party to certain agreements relating to
power generation and other facilities and manufacturing equipment
leases that under FAS have been treated as off-balance sheet rental
or supply contracts but under IFRS will be included on the balance
sheet as either financing leases or special purpose entities
(SPEs). The negative effect of these arrangements on the opening
IFRS equity totalled EUR 2 million after tax and minority interest.

The Tako cartonboard facility of the Metsäliitto subsidiary M-real
in Tampere, Finland, is subject to a sale-leaseback agreement. As
this agreement includes a binding repurchase obligation at the end
of the lease period at the original selling price, the lease is
treated as a financing arrangement. This agreement and the
previously recorded related gain on sale have been reversed on the
opening IFRS balance sheet.

8. Income taxes (IAS 12)

FAS permitted a number of alternative approaches to the recognition
of deferred tax liabilities and assets. Under the approach selected
by Metsäliitto Group, deferred taxes have not been recognised in
relation to all temporary book and tax accounting differences. IFRS
requires the recognition of deferred taxes for all temporary book
and tax accounting differences. The most notable distinction
between the approach applied by Metsäliitto Group and IFRS is an
increase in deferred tax liabilities in respect of the carrying
value of forest assets in excess of their tax basis (cost). The
related reduction in members’ funds recognised on the opening
balance sheet totals EUR 15 million net of minority interest. Other
divergences between Finnish and IFRS reporting practices for
temporary differences have given rise to a EUR 7 million deferred
tax liability. A deferred tax asset of EUR 20 million has, in turn,
been recorded on the opening IFRS balance sheet for the reductions
of members’ funds described in this information release.

9. Provisions (IAS 37)

Provisions for future expenses and losses have been permitted
earlier in some cases under FAS than will be allowed under IFRS.
Such cases include reorganisation or restructuring expense
provisions, for example. The M-real subsidiary of Metsäliitto Group
has reversed EUR 21 million of provisions on its opening IFRS
balance sheet that do not meet IFRS recognition criteria. Of this
total, EUR 16 million relates to the sale and wind-up of its Price
& Pierce trading business. This sale was consummated in 2004, and
the IFRS income statement consequently reflects a corresponding
negative difference in relation to the income reported under FAS.

10. Financial instruments (IAS 32, IAS 39)

Metsäliitto Group’s 1 January 2004 opening IFRS balance sheet
classifies and values all financial assets and liabilities and
derivatives contracts used to hedge currency and interest rate
exposures in the manner required under IAS 32 and IAS 39. The
company’s FAS statements also report currency derivatives at their
market value but recognise related hedging income or losses over
the remaining hedging period. The Group has decided to discontinue
the application of hedge accounting (time-based recognition of
hedge performance over the hedging period) to cash flow hedges upon
the adoption of IFRS. Metsäliitto Group will continue to enter into
derivatives contracts to hedge its cash flows, but will now
recognise any income or losses relating to the marking to market of
such contracts directly on the income statement. IFRS-based hedge
accounting will be applied to all equity hedges and select interest
rate hedges on financial liabilities.

Open interest rate derivatives positions are not marked to market
under FAS and are thus not reflected on the balance sheet.

The marking to market of financial instruments resulted in a
negative net effect of EUR 11 million after tax on members’ equity
on the opening IFRS balance sheet.

Under FAS, where hedge accounting has been applied to currency
derivatives, hedging income and losses have been recognised as
adjustments to sales, cost of goods sold or financing expenses
depending on the item hedged. As the Group has discontinued the
application of hedge accounting, any foreign exchange gains and
losses have been recognised as financing items on the IFRS income

11. Sales

Reported 2004 sales were EUR 44 million higher under IFRS than FAS.
This is mainly due to the full inclusion of Kemiart Liners in the
consolidated IFRS statements as of 1 January 2004 and the changed
treatment of currency translation differences.

12. Interest-bearing net liabilities

Some pension liabilities of foreign subsidiaries have been
transferred from interest-bearing liabilities to pension
liabilities, which are non-interest bearing, on the opening IFRS
balance sheet. Under FAS, these liabilities were treated as
interest-bearing liabilities. The transferred amount totalled EUR
130 million on 1 January 2004 and EUR 124 million on 31 December

13. Costs of share issue

Under FAS, costs of share issue have been expensed during the
accounting period incurred. Under IFRS, they are recorded directly
under members’ funds as a reduction of retained earnings. After-tax
expenses relating to the 2004 share issue by the Metsäliitto Group
subsidiary M-real totalled EUR 12 million (EUR 17 million pre-tax),
which has been recorded as an adjustment against the company’s IFRS
earnings for the year.

14. Cash flow statement

Metsäliitto Group has not prepared a comparative cash flow
statement for inclusion in this release as the adoption of IFRS
will have no material effect on the reporting of cash flows.

Reconciliation of members’ funds            2004        2004
                                           31.12.        1.1.
Members’ funds according to FAS                             
(capital note loans not included)          1 586       1 555
Effects of adopting IFRS                                    
   Pension obligations                       -43         -59
   Financial leases, sale &                  -19         -18
   Impairment losses                         -27         -49
   Reversal of goodwill                       26           0
   Tax impact of previous revaluations        -1          -1
   Biological assets                           5           6
   Provisions                                  1           8
   Financial instruments                     -22         -16
   Transfer from members’ capital to                        
   liabilities                              -124        -114
   Biokraft Oy                               -17            
   Deferred taxes on IFRS adjustments          5          -2
   Other                                     -19          -3
   Total                                    -235        -246
Minority interest                          1 428       1 239
Members’ funds according to IFRS           2 779       2 548

Reconciliation of profit for the         2004   2004   2004   2004
period                                   1-12    1-9    1-6    1-3
Profit according to FAS                   -21     -9     12     18
Effects of adopting IFRS                                          
   Pension obligations                      7      5      4      1
   Financial leases, sale & leaseback       0      0      0      0
   Impairment losses                       22     22      1      0
   Reversal of goodwill amortizations      26     25     13      6
   Biological assets                       -2     -3      0      0
   Provisions                              -8     -3      0      0
   Financial instruments                  -19    -11     -4    -20
   Revaluation of debts                    -1      0      0      0
   Deferred taxes on IFRS adjustments      -3     -2      0      5
   Biokraft                               -23                     
   Other                                   -4    -25    -12     -4
   Total                                   -3      7      2     10
Profit according to IFRS                  -24     -2     14      8


                            2004          2004   2004          2004
Income statement            1-12 Effects   1-12    1-9 Effects  1-9
                             FAS   of    IFRS    FAS    of    IFRS
                                  IFRS                 IFRS
Sales                      8 554   44    8 598  6 424   38    6 462
 Other operating income      149   -14     135     97   17      114
 Operating expenses       -8 032  -34   -8 066 -5 999  -36   -6 034
 Share of results in                                               
 associates                   -5    5        0     -1    1        0
 Depreciation and                                                  
 impairment losses          -600   78     -522   -468   67     -401
Operating profit              66   78      144     54   87      140
 Share of results in                                               
 associates                    0    1        1      0    5        5
 Net exchange gains/ losses   13   -15      -2      5   -26     -21
 Other financial income &                                          
 expenses                   -213   -6     -219   -141   -14    -155
Result before tax                                                  
and minority interest       -134   58      -76    -83   52      -31
 Income taxes                 -1   -27     -28     -1   -22     -23
 Minority interest           114   -34      80     74   -22      52
Result for the period        -21   -3      -24     -9    8       -2

                            2004          2004   2004          2004
Income statement             1-6 Effect    1-6    1-3 Effect    1-3
                             FAS    s     IFRS    FAS    s     IFRS
                                   of                   of
                                  IFRS                 IFRS
Sales                      4 344   20    4 364  2 155    5    2 160
 Other operating income       70   14       84     40   13       53
 Operating expenses       -4 075   -2   -4 077 -2 007  -5    -2 012
 Share of results in                                               
 associates                    1   -1        0      2   -2        0
 Depreciation and                                                  
 impairment losses          -285   20     -265   -141   10     -131
Operating profit              55   50      105     50   20       70
 Share of results in                                               
 associates                    0    5        5      0    4        4
 Net exchange gains/ losses    6   -27     -21      6   -21     -15
 Other financial income &                                          
 expenses                    -96   -4     -100    -51   -27     -78
Result before tax                                                  
and minority interest        -35   25      -10      5   -24     -19
 Income taxes                 10   -19      -9     -5   10        5
 Minority interest            37   -4       33     18    4       22
Result for the period         12    2       14     18   -10       8

                         2004           2004     2003           2004
Balance sheet          31.12. Effects 31.12.   31.12. Effects   1.1.
                          FAS of IFRS   IFRS      FAS of IFRS   IFRS
Non-current assets                                                  
 Intangible assets         796   6       802      865  -68       797
 Tangible assets         4 199  -51    4 148    4 352  -116    4 236
 Biological assets           0  201      201        0  202       202
Financial assets                                                    
 Interest bearing           64   -5       59       72   1         73
 Deferred tax receivables   62   40      102       29   23        52
 Other non-interest                                                 
 bearing                   277   6       283      291   -4       287
                         5 398  198    5 596    5 609   38     5 647
Current assets                                                      
Inventories              1 172   0     1 172    1 155  -10     1 145
 Interest bearing           18   48       66       11   -3         8
 Non-interest bearing    1 561   3     1 564    1 518   9      1 527
Cash and cash                                                       
equivalents                302  -50      252      215   4        219
                         3 053   2     3 055    2 899   1      2 900
TOTAL                    8 451  201    8 651    8 508   40     8 547
MEMBERS’ FUNDS AND                                                  
Members’ funds           1 585  -234   1 351    1 555  -246    1 309
Minority interest        1 559  -131   1 428    1 408  -169    1 239
Total members’ funds     3 144  -365   2 779    2 963  -415    2 548
Non-current liabilities                                             
 Deferred tax liabilities  438   67      505      472   9        481
 Retirement benefit                                                 
 obligations                47  224      271       31  263       294
 Provisions                 45   0        45       54  -14        40
 Interest bearing        2 878   68    2 946    3 242   30     3 272
 Other non-interest                                                 
 bearing                    34   3        37       31   29        60
                         3 442  363    3 805    3 831  316     4 147
Current liabilities                                                 
 Interest bearing          638  130      768      524  122       646
 Non-interest bearing    1 225   74    1 299    1 189   17     1 206
                         1 863  204    2 067    1 713  139     1 852
Total liabilities        5 305  567    5 872    5 544  455     5 999
TOTAL                    8 451  201    8 651    8 508   40     8 547

                         2004    2004   2004     2004   2004    2004
BALANCE SHEET           30.9.   30.9.  30.6.    30.6.  31.3.   31.3.
                          FAS    IFRS    FAS     IFRS    FAS    IFRS
Non-current assets                                                  
 Intangible assets        808     798    830      798    847     797
 Tangible assets        4 211   4 148  4 281    4 175  4 314   4 210
 Biological assets          0     196      0      205      0     203
Financial assets                                                    
 Interest bearing          69      67     64       62     79      82
 Deferred tax receivables  50      84     52       82     57      91
 Other non-interest                                                 
 bearing                  286     293    290      293    290     292
                        5 424   5 586  5 517    5 615  5 587   5 675
Current assets                                                      
Inventories             1 165   1 160  1 167    1 162  1 232   1 225
 Interest bearing          14      11     37       34     35      29
 Non-interest bearing   1 688   1 692  1 678    1 682  1 670   1 667
Cash and cash                                                       
equivalents               259     252    192      184    203     207
                        3 127   3 115  3 074    3 062  3 141   3 128
TOTAL                   8 551   8 701  8 591    8 678  8 728   8 802
MEMBERS’ FUNDS AND                                                  
Members’ funds          1 585   1 376  1 596    1 371  1 595   1 350
Minority interest       1 330   1 195  1 358    1 194  1 358   1 181
Total members’ funds    2 915   2 571  2 954    2 565  2 953   2 531
Non-current liabilities                                             
 Deferred tax             435     496    445      498    467     489
 Retirement benefit        53     295     34      295     30     297
 Provisions                37      32     46       32     49      34
 Interest bearing       2 879   2 908  3 148    3 169  3 150   3 184
 Other non-interest                                                 
 bearing                   36      34     38       37     46      93
                        3 441   3 764  3 712    4 033  3 742   4 097
Current liabilities                                                 
 Interest bearing         812     925    707      824    705     828
 Non-interest bearing   1 382   1 441  1 218    1 256  1 328   1 345
                        2 195   2 366  1 925    2 080  2 033   2 173
Total liabilities       5 636   6 130  5 637    6 113  5 775   6 271
TOTAL                   8 551   8 701  8 591    8 678  8 728   8 802


Consumer packaging
                            1-     10-  7-9/04 4-6/04  1-3/04
                         12/04   12/04
Sales                    1 045     256     264    267     258
EBITDA                     180      45      49     42      44
 - % of turnover          17.2    17.7    18.4   15.9    17.0
Depreciation &                                               
impairment losses          -87     -16     -24    -24     -23
Operating profit            93      30      25     18      20
 - % of turnover           8.9    11.6     9.4    6.9     7.9

EBITDA = result before depreciation and impairment losses

                            1-     10-  7-9/04 4-6/04  1-3/04
                         12/04   12/04
Sales                    2 944     759     738    710     737
EBITDA                     229      34      71     55      69
 - % of turnover           7.8     4.5     9.6    7.7     9.4
Depreciation &                                               
impairment losses         -256     -64     -65    -64     -64
Operating profit           -27     -30       6     -9       6
 - % of turnover          -0.9    -4.0     0.8   -1.3     0.8

MAP Merchant Group
                            1-     10-  7-9/04 4-6/04  1-3/04
                         12/04   12/04
Sales                    1 368     343     332    339     354
EBITDA                      24       5       5      7       7
 - % of turnover           1.8     1.5     1.4    2.1     2.0
Depreciation &                                               
impairment losses           -7      -2      -2     -2      -2
Operating profit            17       4       3      5       5
 - % of turnover           1.2     1.0     0.8    1.6     1.5

Wood products
                            1-     10-  7-9/04 4-6/04  1-3/04
                         12/04   12/04
Sales                    1 923     466     458    529     470
EBITDA                      94      15      24     32      24
 - % of turnover           4.9     3.2     5.2    6.0     5.1
Depreciation &                                               
impairment losses          -71     -18     -18    -18     -17
Operating profit            23      -3       6     14       7
 - % of turnover           1.2    -0.6     1.3    2.6     1.5

                            1-     10-  7-9/04 4-6/04  1-3/04
                         12/04   12/04
Sales 1)                 1 459     346     341    395     377
Operating profit            38       4      -5      7      32
of which                                                     
   Wood procurement in                                       
   Finland                  25       6       8      2       9
   International wood                                        
   procurement               3      -1       2      1       1
   Hygiene products         38      10      10      5      13
   Others and Group                                          
   eliminations            -28     -12     -25     -2      10
1) Sales to companies outside the Group

Quarterly data               2004   2004  2004  2004  2004
                             1-12  10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3
Sales by segment                                          
 Consumer packaging         1 045    256   264   267   258
 Papers                     2 944    759   738   710   737
 MAP Merchant Group         1 368    343   332   339   354
 Wood products              1 923    466   458   529   470
 Others                     1 459    346   341   395   377
  - internal sales           -142    -35   -35   -37   -35
Group sales                 8 598  2 135 2 099 2 204 2 160
Operating profit by segment                               
 Consumer packaging            93     30    25    18    20
 Papers                       -27    -30     6    -9     6
 MAP Merchant Group            17      4     3     5     5
 Wood products                 23     -3     6    14     7
 Others                        38      4    -5     7    32
Group operating profit        144      4    35    35    70
   - % of sales               1.7    0.2   1.7   1.6   3.2
Share of results in             1     -4     0     1     4
Net exchange gains / losses    -2     19     0    -6   -15
Other financial income &     -219    -64   -55   -22   -78
Result before tax             -76    -45   -21     9   -19
Income taxes                  -28     -5   -14   -14     5
Minority interest              80     28    19    12    22
Result for the period         -24    -22   -16     6     8

                                2004    2004    2004     2004
Key figures                     1-12    1-12     1-9      1-9
                                 FAS    IFRS     FAS     IFRS
Operating profit                  66     144      54      140
Result for the period            -21     -24      -9       -2
Members’ funds                 1 585   1 351   1 585    1 376
Interest bearing net           3 133   3 336   3 349    3 503
Balance total                  8 451   8 651   8 551    8 701
Return on capital employed, %    1.2     2.5     1.4      3.3
Return on equity, %             -4.5    -3.9    -3.8     -2.8
Equity ratio, %                 37.3    32.1    34.9     30.1
Gearing ratio, %                 100     120     115      136
                                2004    2004    2004     2004
Key figures                      1-6     1-6     1-3      1-3
                                 FAS    IFRS     FAS     IFRS
Operating profit                  55     105      50       70
Result for the period             12      14      18        8
Members’ funds                 1 596   1 371   1 595    1 350
Interest bearing net           3 561   3 713   3 538    3 694
Balance total                  8 591   8 678   8 728    8 802
Return on capital employed, %    1.8     3.7     3.0      4.6
Return on equity, %             -1.7    -1.5     0.1     -2.2
Equity ratio, %                 34.5    29.6    34.0     28.8
Gearing ratio, %                 121     145     120      146

                               2004     2004     2004     2004
Balance sheet                  1.1.     1.1.   31.12.   31.12.
                                FAS     IFRS      FAS     IFRS
Members’ funds (./. capital   1 555    1 309   1 586   1 351
note loans)
Minority interest             1 408    1 239   1 559   1 428
Interest bearing net                                        
liabilities                   3 468    3 618   3 133   3 336
Balance total                 8 508    8 547   8 451   8 651
Equity ratio, %                35.0     29.8    37.3    32.1
Gearing ratio, %                117      142     100     120

Calculation of key ratios

Return on capital employed, %:

(Operating profit + financial income) ./.
(Balance total – non-interest bearing liabilities (average))

Return on equity, %:

(Profit before taxes – taxes) ./.
(Members’ funds + minority interest (average))

Equity ratio, %:

(Members’ funds + minority interest) ./.
(Balance total – advance payments received)

Gearing ratio, %:

(Interest bearing net liabilities) ./.
(Members’ funds + minority interest)

Interest bearing net liabilities =
Interest bearing liabilities – interest bearing assets

For more information contact
Harri Turunen, Senior VP, tel. + 358 10469 4250
