Botnia and OSE have signed an agreement to treat Fray Bentos wastewater

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On April 29, OSE (the Uruguayan waterworks) and Botnia signed an agreement to
start the works required to treat the municipal wastewater of the city of Fray
Bentos at the effluent treatment plant of Botnia´s mill. 

At the moment OSE carries out a primary treatment of the municipal wastewater
before discharging it into the River Uruguay. With this agreement, the
wastewater treated by OSE will be biologically treated at the sludge plant of
the mill. This will remarkably reduce the total amount of organic material and
nutrients discharged into the River Uruguay. 

The works shall be performed and managed by OSE and will cost approximately USD
1.7 million. Botnia will pay USD 850.000. In addition, the parties have agreed
to carry out a joint and continuous monitoring of the volume and quality of the
effluents treated at Botnia´s mill. 
