Building a sustainable future with Tissue 20

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As part of the Metsäliitto Group and as a company strongly committed to sustainability, Metsä Tissue is an industry forerunner in mitigating climate change and minimizing its environmental footprint. A prime example of its important work in this field is the Tissue 20 project launched in 2008, which aims to implement energy-saving actions and achieve a combined saving comparable to 20 per cent of the company’s energy consumption level by the end of 2012.

Major energy savings will be achieved by streamlining production processes, educating employees and by investing in energy efficiency. By the end of last year, Metsä Tissue had invested a total of EUR 7 million during the project and a further EUR 3 million investment is to follow later this year.

Through transparent communication and close networking within the Group, Metsä Tissue is working to adopt the most efficient available technologies, optimal rebuild strategies and sustainable operating practices. The rollout of a common Energy Monitoring System also forms an important part of the project.

Since 2008, Metsä Tissue has successfully implemented no fewer than 200 practical improvements with an immediate positive ecological impact. The average pay-back time of all realized investments has been about one year.

Actions taken so far have already achieved a total energy efficiency improvement of 11 per cent, with further enhancements awaited shortly. Savings have been achieved through improvements such as optimization of heat recovery units, installation of steam recovery systems, optimization of refiners, insulation of Yankee cylinder heads, optimization of vacuum systems, reduction of compressed air consumption, installation of heat distributing nets and optimization of lighting.

To guarantee continuous and systematic improvement, energy efficiency was made part of Metsä Tissue‘s integrated management system in 2009. The Energy Efficiency System was adopted at all sites in Finland, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden to ensure that efforts to promote sustainability will continue after the completion of the Tissue 20 project at the end of 2012.

Further information:

Jarkko Kaplin, Vice President, Head of Purchasing and Energy
Tel. +358 (0) 1046 54956, Email:

Marja-Leena Dahlskog, Communications Manager
Tel. +358 (0)1046 55149, Email:

Metsä Tissue is a leading tissue paper products supplier to households and large-scale consumers in Europe. We are also the world’s leading supplier of baking and cooking paper products. Our main brands are Lambi, Serla, Mola, Tento, Katrin and SAGA. We have production in Finland, Germany, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Sweden and we employ some 3200 people. Our turnover is EUR 940 million. Metsä Tissue is part of the Metsäliitto Group.
