Change in Metsä Finance management (15 March 2010)

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Metsäliitto Group Press release 15 March 2010

Ville Jaakonsalo, Managing Director of Metsä Group Financial Services Oy, which
is responsible for Metsäliitto Group's financing, will join another company on
1 May 2010. Timo Korvenpää, M.Sc. (Econ.), 57, a member of the Board of
Directors of Metsä Finance, will manage the tasks of the managing director
until a new managing director has been appointed. 

Korvenpää has a long and diverse experience in demanding tasks within financing.

Further information:
Hannu Anttila, acting Metsäliitto Group CFO, Group Executive Vice President,
Strategy, tel. +358 10 465 5111 
