Changes in Botnia's structure

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The divestment of Uruguay operations, the increased amount and share of market
pulp and the more efficient utilization of Metsäliitto Group synergies were the
reasons for the statutory negotiations that were started on 9 November 2009.
The proposal for the negotiations had been given on 2 November. The
negotiations were completed on 30 November 2009. 

The negotiations were based on economical and operational reasons and affected
160 persons. Included were all white-collar employees, except those in Kemi
production unit and those whose employee relation had been terminated during
the negotiation process in Kaskinen. The estimated need for reduction was 30

Based on the review, there will be changes in the structure of the company and
the emphasis of development resources will be on sales and technical
development of the mills. The employment relation of 23 employees will be
terminated. The termination measures will be completed mostly during 2009.
