Finnforest Corporate Responsibility Report 2003 awarded

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Finnforest's responsibility reporting of 2003 won the third prize in the
Environmental and Social Responsibility Reporting competition. The prize was
given away by Jan-Erik Enestam, Minister for the Environment, 19.10.2004 at
OtaEco ´04, the Congress for the Environment, Social Responsibility &

The competition is directed to companies and public organisations, and it was
held now for the 9th time. The aim of the competition is to develop the quality
and practices of environmental and social responsibility reporting and increase
the interest of companies and organisations in reporting. The competition
evaluates only the level of reporting, not the actual environmental social
responsibility work done in the organisation. 

In addition to the companies which were registered, all the listed companies as
well as the biggest unlisted companies in Finland were evaluated in the
competition. The participants are grouped in three categories: large
enterprises, small and medium-sized companies and public organisations. The
evaluating criteria are based on the criteria of the European Sustainability
Reporting Awards (ESRA) competition and the guidelines of Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI). 

There were three evaluation categories in the competition. In the first
category, the annual report, environmental and social responsibility report and
the reporting pages on Internet were evaluated. In the second category, only
the environmental or social responsibility report was evaluated. The third
category included the EMAS reporting. Finnforest was evaluated in the first
category where different parts were weighted as follows: annual report 30 %,
annual report and responsibility report pages on Internet 30 %, and
responsibility report 40 %. There were 160 participants in this category where
Finnforest was third after Kesko Oyj and Fortum Oyj. 

The competition was organised by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry
of the Environment, KHT-yhdistys ry (Association for Accountants), LTT Research
Ltd, Taloudellinen Tiedotustoimisto, Ympäristöjohtamisen yhdistys ry
(Association for Environmental Management) and Kauppalehti business newspaper.
LTT Research Ltd is responsible for the evaluation of reports. The chairman of
jury was Hannu Koskinen from KHT-yhdistys ry. 
