Katrin launches social media campaign to support Global Handwashing Day

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UNICEF has declared October 15th as Global Handwashing Day. Handwashing can
save more lives than any vaccine or medical intervention. To support the good
cause, Katrin launches a pioneering social media campaign called Global Hand
“We chose to campaign in social media, since it is a good way to reach young
audience. Handwashing is taught and supervised during preschool and first years
in the elementary school, but when students grow older, this good habit tends
to be forgotten. We want to remind: handwashing keeps you healthy”, says Frank
Ledosquet, Marketing Director. According to latest studies, even 12% of the
European washroom users do not always wash their hands. 

www.globalhandchain.com: shaking clean hands world-wide
Katrin's campaign involves for example Facebook's advanced features. “The basic
idea is very simple: we invite people to commit to handwashing by sharing
images and spread the word”, says Ledosquet. How funny and/or touching the hand
chain will end up like, is up to participants creativity. At the website, you
can also learn about handwashing and send soapy invitations to your friends.
“We expect a positive competitive spirit, since visitors can see which country
has the busiest handwashers. Overall, we aimed for a humoristic approach in the
campaign. Although the cause is important, it does not mean that the campaign
has to be boring”, Ledosquet sums up. 

More topical than ever
The H1N1 virus has now reached post-pandemic state, but new waves are still
expected. This makes handwashing more topical than ever.  Most people already
know that hands should be washed before dinner and after visiting the washroom.
But to stay healthy and avoid spreading diseases, handwashing is recommended
after blowing your nose or couching, coming inside from outdoor activities,
visiting an ill person, changing a diaper and touching animals. It is also
crucial before serving or preparing food. 

Did you know…?
* Humans have 2 - 10 million bacteria between fingertips and elbow. 
* There is as much bacteria under your ring as there are people in Europe.
* Damp hands spread 1000 times more bacteria than dry hands.

These and other facts can be found from www.globalhandchain.com.

Join the cause, show your hands!


