Lambi Limited Collection brings design into daily use

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Lambi brings design-patterned household towels and toilet tissues to the homes  

Lambi brings design-patterned household towels and toilet tissues to the homes
of consumers interested in interior decoration, trends and design. The product
family is designed by Swedish graphic artist Cecilia Carlstedt. Limited
Collection has been launched so far in Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania,
Norway and Russia. 

”We believe that this is a fantastic new way to bring beauty into everyday
lives. Household towel and toilet tissue design have traditionally not been
paid attention to. Lambi toilet tissues have always been a forerunner in
quality, and now they can also be seen as an element of interior design”, says
Anna Jenkins, Brand Director of Lambi. 

Carlstedt, who has also designed for La Perla and Swarovski among others,
describes her Lambi patterns with the words organic, playful and eccentric. A
skilled designer can in her opinion fashion a design version out of any type of
product. ”The challenge was that toilet tissues or household towels are not
usually looked at in the same way as high-quality fashion brands. In the end I
approached designing for Lambi as I would for any fashion client,” Carlstedt

The Lambi Limited Collection supports Metsä Tissue's Lambi brand
comprehensively and profiles Lambi further among the highest class of quality
among soft tissues. 

”Launching a premium product during financially unstable times can be a
challenging experience but also offers possibilities, because consumers invest
in their families and homes by spending time together and with small everyday
luxury”, comments Paavo Liestalo, Business Director at Metsä Tissue. 

Lambi Limited Collection toilet tissues are available with petrol- and
lilac-colored patterns and household towels with green- and ultramarine-colored
design. Lambi's products are white, soft, hygienic and environmentally
friendly. They are made of 100% pure virgin fiber and are extra gentle for
sensitive skin. Lambi products live up to the high standards of the Nordic Swan
environmental label. 

Additional information:
Anna Jenkins, Brand Director,
+358 44 078 7785,

Paavo Liestalo, Senior Vice President, Consumer Business (Northern Europe and
+358 50 325 2378,
