Lauri Junnila appointed Senior VP, Strategy and Finance
As Senior Vice President, Administration, Jukka Forsström is leaving Botnia Mr.
Lauri Junnila has been appointed to the post of Senior Vice President, Strategy
and Finance, with effect from 1 March 2005. Mr Junnila will be responsible for
the Botnia Group's strategic development, strategic investments and financial
affairs. He will also be head of the Administration Competence Centre.
Mr. Jukka Forsström will continue to prepare the financing and corporate
structure for the Uruguay pulp mill project until 30.6.2005.
Timo Karinen, Vice President, Business Development, will take on the additional
responsibilities of the company's strategic development process, risk
management for the Group, and certain corporate governance responsibilities.
Marko Kuoppa has been appointed Vice President, Accounting, with effect from 1
March 2005. He will be responsible for all the company's financial functions.