Metsä Tissue reports good performance

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Metsä Tissue reports good performance under a challenging business climate 

The sales of Metsä Tissue, a supplier of tissue and cooking papers, totalled
EUR 435 million (461) and operating profit EUR 41 million (20) in January-June,
2009. Sales declined by -6% compared to the previous year. The decline resulted
from adverse exchange rates (-4%) and lower sales volumes (-2%). The sales
volume of the company's own brands was stable compared to the previous year.
During the spring, both brands and private labels were supported by summer
campaigns and seasonal products. 

The results of the efficiency improvement projects implemented during 2007 and
2008 have materialised as expected. This, together with the favourable
development of input material costs compared to last year, contributed to the
improved operating profit. Cash flow generation and liquidity was good. 

During the second quarter, Metsä Tissue announced the rebuild of paper machine
10 at the Mänttä mill. The rebuild will take place during the first half of
2010. The investment will further improve the quality of Metsä Tissue's branded
products Lambi, Serla and Katrin in the Nordic area. The substantial
investments in the company's Mariestad mill over a four-year period have
yielded the expected quality improvements. The enhanced Scandinavian Serla
products with increased consumer preference and a growth in sales are good
examples of the outcome. 

Metsä Tissue has continued to improve its energy efficiency and sustainability
through the development of its operations. Finnish and German operations were
audited with regard to energy efficiency and both were granted Energy
Efficiency Management certificates. The latest example of the work in this area
is the company's decision to upgrade the insulations of its tissue machines for
more optimal energy consumption. 

To support the company's reliability as a supplier and business partner, the
enhancement of the business processes continued in the support functions
assisted by new or improved ICT solutions. In Human Resources, for example, an
SAP system is being taken into use during the year. In the same function, the
staff survey proceeded to the next phase - drafting regional action plans. The
European Works Council (EWC) agreement was renewed. 

Regardless of the economic crisis, the demand for tissue and cooking paper
products is expected to remain fairly stable, although in developing markets
growth has slowed down. The Away-from-Home business has been more affected by
the recession than the consumer business, which has shown growth potential in
some segments and product categories. 

Raw material costs reached their bottom in March. Since then, commodity prices
have risen and are anticipated to further increase during the latter half of
the year. Pulp prices, for example, have been rising by approximately 20% from
the end of the first quarter whereas oil prices have increased nearly 100%. The
increase of variable costs, together with moderate growth expectations, will
make the latter half of the year more challenging than the first half. 

The company is prepared to secure continuous profitability by enhancing the
efficiency of its businesses, deliveries, production and internal processes as
well as by focusing on risk management. At the same time, Metsä Tissue is
dedicated to continuously investing in both its processes and supply to ensure
maximum customer benefit. Brand and product development continue to stay in

Metsä Tissue                      1-6/09    1-6/08    Q2/09   Q2/08    1-12/08
Sales                                435       461      217     231        930
EBITDA                               62         49       33      23         98
- ” -, excl. non-recurring items     62         49       33      23         99
Depreciation and impairment         -21        -29      -10     -13        -56
Operating result                     41         20       22      11         42
- ” -, excl. non-recurring items     41         20       22      11         44
Investments                          11         10        7       7         33
Personnel at end of period        3 278      3 385    3 278   3 385      3 222
