Metsä Tissue reports healthy Q3 sales growth

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Cost inflation continues to squeeze profits 
Metsä Tissue, a leading producer of tissue and cooking papers, reported sales
totalling 692 million euros (661) and operating profit excluding non-recurring
items of 45 million euros (72) for the year to date September. Net sales showed
a year-on-year increase of roughly 5 per cent on the corresponding period last
year as a result of higher sales volumes (+3%) and favourable exchange rates
(+2%). Sales of Metsä Tissue's own brands, especially Lambi, Katrin and Serla,
showed a year-on-year increase of 11 per cent. 

Operating profit was heavily impacted by sharp increases in the cost of raw
materials, pulp and recovered paper. Pulp prices have risen by approximately 40
per cent since the end of 2009, and recovered paper prices have nearly doubled
in continental Europe. The negative impacts of this cost inflation were
partially mitigated by successful pulp hedging and price increases. Rising
energy prices continue to challenge the business both directly and indirectly
through energy taxation reforms. In the third quarter, a 2 million euro
non-recurring charge was booked related to restructuring at the Mänttä mill in

Two major business development programmes published during the previous
quarter, one related to Polish operations and the other to the company's Baking
and Cooking business, both proceeded on schedule. Shortly after the end of the
third quarter, Metsä Tissue finalized a deal concerning the purchase of a
specialty paper machine (PM5) and related infrastructure assets at M-real
Corporation's Reflex mill in Düren, Germany. The deal followed up a Memorandum
of Understanding signed in June 2010. The transaction is expected to close at
the beginning of November. 

Metsä Tissue intends to launch production of SAGA products at the Düren mill in
the first half of 2011. The mill's close proximity to key markets will improve
product availability and create synergies with the company's existing
production and warehousing locations. As part of the deal, 74 employees will
transfer to Metsä Tissue. 
Related to the decision to acquire capacity in Germany, statutory negotiations
were initiated at the company's Mänttä mill in Finland. The process was
completed in August, resulting in a headcount reduction of 117 employees.
Production will continue on PM7 in Mänttä, but all other baking and cooking
paper production as well as all related converting will be concentrated in
Germany. The older machine in Mänttä, PM5, is to be shut down. 

In a move designed to support the Katrin brand's growth targets, Metsä Tissue
announced its decision to significantly augment the company's Away-from-Home
converting capacity. The confirmed EUR 7 million project is scheduled for
completion by the first quarter of 2012 at the Mänttä mill. 

Process harmonization is continuing intensively as part of a programme designed
to introduce uniform company-wide ways of working and a common ERP system. The
new system will be launched on a phased basis from 1 January 2011 onwards
starting with Metsä Tissue locations in the West Europe region. 

Other Q3 highlights include the completion of the step-wise Lambi Kids concept
launch targeted at families with children. The Lambi brand further boosted its
visibility with a newly redesigned website. All other Metsä Tissue brand
websites are likewise undergoing a renewal process. 

Continuing its long-standing involvement in the fight against breast cancer,
Lambi launched its fifth annual line of Pink Ribbon products supporting breast
cancer research. Also in October, Katrin launched a pioneering social media
campaign called ‘Global Hand Chain' in support of UNICEF's Global Handwashing

Growth in demand for tissue and cooking papers is expected to continue. High
pulp prices and, especially, escalating recovered paper prices and other input
costs are still causing great cost pressure. 

The company's large-scale strategic projects will together contribute to a more
solid base for further business development and growth as well as to
improvements in customer service and supply reliability. Investments in brand
and product development will continue. 

Tissue and Cooking Papers           1-9/10   1-9/09    Q3/10    Q3/09  QI-IV/09 
Sales                                  692      661     236       226      890
EBITDA                                  70      103      21        42      135 
 - ” -, excl. non-recurring items       75      103      23        42      135 
Depreciation and impairment losses     -34      -31     -10       -11      -42 
Operating result                        36       72      11        31       93 
 - ” -, excl. non-recurring items       45       72      13        31       93 
Capital expenditure                     18       18       7         8       35 
Personnel at end of period           3 105    3 213   3 105     3 213    3 150
