Metsä Tissue's Q2 sales good, but profits down due to high raw material costs

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Metsä Tissue, producer of tissue and cooking papers, reported sales of 456
(435) million euros and operating profit excluding non-recurring items of 31
million euros (41) for the fiscal quarters ending June. Net sales showed an
increase of roughly five per cent on the corresponding period last year as a
result of higher sales volumes (+3%) and a favourable exchange rate (+2%). 

Sales of Metsä Tissue's own brands showed a year-on-year increase of 12 per
cent. Particularly Lambi, Katrin and Serla were in good demand. The operating
profit was heavily impacted by sharp increases in the cost of raw materials,
pulp and, especially in the second quarter, recovered paper. Pulp prices have
risen by approximately 50% from the end of 2009 and recovered paper prices by
more than 30% due to high demand and tight supply. Some negative impacts were
mitigated by successful pulp hedging. In the second quarter a 7 million euro
(cash 3 million euro and 4 million non-cash) non-recurring charge was booked
related to the Polish development project. The company additionally faced
unforeseen challenges in the form of industrial actions in Sweden and resultant
unexpected inputs and costs. 

Metsä Tissue published two major business development plans geared to ensure
sustainable business operations and growth. A development plan for its Polish
operations was published in May. The plan aims to strengthen the company's
position in Poland, increase its paper production capacity further through
investments and enhance its product, brand and service offering. The plan is to
consolidate Polish paper production at the company's Krapkowice mill and
discontinue paper making at the Konstancin-Jeziorna mill by the end of 2012 at
the latest. 

Another development programme related to the company's Baking and Cooking
business was published in June, with the company signing a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to buy a specialty paper machine (PM5), related equipment
and other assets at M-real Corporation's Reflex mill in Germany. 

The company also announced that it will initiate statutory negotiations with
personnel at Metsä Tissue's Mänttä mill as well as with employees in its
Finnish-based Baking & Cooking business. The negotiations will address options
for strengthening, securing and improving the profitability of the company's
Baking & Cooking business. 

During the spring, the company successfully installed two napkin machines at
the Pauliström mill in Sweden. These lines on top of existing ones in Germany
will bring synergies and further enhance the company's supply reliability. In
June Metsä Tissue announced that from September onwards the Lambi brand will
offer consumers and retailers a complete range of napkins featuring trendy
design patterns and a matching single-colour selection. 

Additionally, Consumer business launched in Scandinavia Lambi Kids concept and
toilet tissue targeted to families with children. Serla Akrobat, an unique
combination of household towel and dispenser designed by an awarded Finnish
team, was launched in Norway. Mola and Tento Gigant XXL were introduced in
Eastern Europe during the second quarter. 
The rebuild of PM10 at Metsä Tissue's Mänttä Mill was brought to conclusion
ahead of schedule in April. The investment has increased energy efficiency and
further improved the quality of Lambi, Serla and Katrin products. 

As part of Metsä Tissue's Network to Grow strategy, collaborations with various
academies have been initiated. In June, an international research team
representing Karlstad University, Metsä Tissue and four other businesses was
appointed to look into ways of enhancing the environmental and economic
sustainability of tissue paper production. 

The demand for tissue and cooking papers is expected to remain stable. The high
price of pulp and recovered paper is still causing cost pressure, which will
carry over into selling prices during the second half of the year. 

Efforts to further harmonise common practices, processes and systems will
continue. Consumer and customer focused innovation will retain high priority as
a key focus area. 

Tissue and Cooking Papers           1-6/10    1-6/09   Q2/10    Q2/09  QI-IV/09
Sales                                  456       435     231      217       890
EBITDA                                  49        62      19       33       135
 - ” -, excl. non-recurring items       52        62      23       33       135
Depreciation and impairment            -24       -21     -14      -10       -42
Operating result                        24        41       5       22        93
 - ” -, excl. non-recurring items       31        41      12       22        93
Capital expenditure                     11        11       7        7        35
Personnel at end of period           3 254     3 274   3 254    3 274     3 150
