Metsäliitto divests its wood supply business in Lithuania (22 October 2007)

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Under a transaction concluded today, Metsäliitto Cooperative has sold its
Lithuanian wood supply company Metsäliitto Lietuva UAB to the company's CEO
Gintas Zinkevicius. At the same time, the parties have reached a long-term
agreement on wood supply. 
"The decision will secure the supply of pulpwood from Lithuania to the Group's
mills in Finland and Sweden. In addition, it will free us from further
investments necessary to develop the present wood supply organisation which
comprises less than 10 persons," says Heikki Karhunen, Director, Metsäliitto
Wood Supply, Baltic Countries. 
Metsäliitto does not have its own mills or long-term wood supply agreements in
Lithuania. The deal will contribute to improved cost efficiency in pulpwood
supply. It will also enable Wood Supply to concentrate its management,
financial administration, IT and development resources on its operations in
Estonia and Latvia. 
Further information:
Heikki Karhunen, Director, Wood Supply, Baltic Countries, Metsäliitto Group,
tel. +358 50 598 8950 
Ilari Pirttilä, Communications Manager, Wood Supply, Metsäliitto Group, tel.
+358 50 598 9920 
