Metsäliitto Group: Interim report January - September 2005 (28 October, 2005)

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President and CEO Kari Jordan:


“The Metsäliitto Group continues to work towards greater profitability and
competitiveness.  In August we decided to combine our domestic and foreign wood
procurement activities, while in September we approved the merger of Finnforest
with Metsäliitto Cooperative. This restructuring is designed to achieve savings
by making our activities simpler and more efficient. 


“The labour dispute, following which production resumed in July, had a negative
impact on financial results, but despite this the three months to September
showed a small profit. Compared with the previous quarter the result improved
by more than EUR 160 million, although this was largely because the result for
the second quarter was reduced by non-recurring items. 


“The forest industry's business environment remains challenging, and prices for
many key products are at record low levels. We must constantly strive to
achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness. We cannot wait for the business
cycle to help put our profitability on the right track.” 


More information

Chief Financial Officer Ilkka Pitkänen, tel. +358 10 469 4260

Senior Vice President, Group Communications, Lauri Peltola, tel. +358 10 469


KEYFIGURES                     Unaudited figures    

		           2005	  2005	 2005	2004	2004	2004	2004
		           01-sep 01-jun 01-mar	01-dec	01-sep	01-jun	01-mar

Sales, MEUR		    6 378 4 321	 2 187	8 598	6 462	4 364	2 160
Operating profit, EUR	       63    18	    74	  144	  140	  105	   70
Result before tax, MEUR      -118  -131	    18	  -76	  -31	  -10	  -19
Result for the 
period, MEUR	              -37   -42	    14	  -24	   -2	   14	    8
Return on capital 
employed, %	              1.7   0.8	   4.9	  2.5	  3.3	  3.7	  4.6
Return on equity, %          -5.4  -8.7	   1.5	 -3.9	 -2.8	 -1.5	 -2.2
Equity ratio, %		     30.8  31.4	  32.1	 32.1	 30.1	 29.6	 28.8
Gearing, %		      131   131	   123	  120	  136	  145	  146
net liabilities, MEUR	    3 476 3 453  3 440	3 336	3 503	3 713	3 694
Personnel at the 
end of period		   29 520 30 767 29 050	28 783	29 209	30 791	29 410


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