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                                    29 July 2005 at 1.00 p.m.


President and CEO Kari Jordan:

 “The unprecedentedly long labour market dispute in the forest
industry caused the Metsäliitto Group to make a loss for the first
half of 2005. Although some notable results were achieved when
agreement was reached, the dispute reduced the Group’s financial
result for the first six months of the year by almost EUR 100

Numerous efficiency and harmonization projects have been introduced
within M-real and the other subsidiaries as well as at Group level
that will improve consolidated financial results in the future.
Without the labour dispute the first signs of the effects of
efficiency measures taken by the Metsäliitto Group would now be

However, even without the effects of the labour dispute, the profit-
making performance cannot be considered satisfactory. Every area of
the Metsäliitto Group’s activities must be improved and made more
efficient. To achieve this demands discipline, hard work,
rationalization of operations and the careful setting of priorities
in everything we do.”

                                                   UNAUDITED FIGURES

                           2005   2005   2004   2004   2004   2004
                            1-6    1-3   1-12    1-9    1-6    1-3
Sales                     4 321  2 187  8 598  6 462  4 364  2 160
Operating profit             18     74    144    140    105     70
Result before tax          -131     18    -76    -31    -10    -19
Result for the period       -42     14    -24     -2     14      8
Return on capital                                                 
employed, %                 0.8    4.9    2.5    3.3    3.7    4.6
Return on equity, %        -8.7    1.5   -3.9   -2.8   -1.5   -2.2
Equity ratio, %            31.4   32.1   32.1   30.1   29.6   28.8
Gearing, %                  131    123    120    136    145    146
Interest-bearing net                                              
liabilities               3 453  3 440  3 336  3 503  3 713  3 694
Personnel at the end of                                           
period                    30767  29050  28783  29397  30791  29410


Sales and financial results
Sales for the period January – June were EUR 4,321 million, compared
with EUR 4,364 million for the same period last year. First-half
operating profit was EUR 18 million (105). The overriding factor
affecting the financial result was the six-week industrial dispute at
Finland’s paper, board and pulp mills. The overall impact of the
dispute on the financial result was almost EUR 100 million. Profits
were also hit by lower average sales prices for fine paper, the
higher cost of energy and oil, and the running down of product

Operating profit was also reduced by a non-recurring cost provision
of EUR 15 million arising from the programme to improve the
efficiency of M-real’s operations in Sweden.

Net finance costs were 3.4 per cent of sales (2.6). Finance income was
EUR 8 million (12), the Group’s share of the results of associated
companies was EUR -2 million (5) and finance costs, including losses
on the valuation of interest-rate derivatives, were EUR 132 million
(111). Exchange rate differences on financing were EUR -23 million

During May – June the dollar strengthened against the euro from 1.30
to 1.20. This, combined with changes in other exchange rates and the
lower interest rate, considerably increased finance costs due to the
valuation losses arising from compliance with IFRS. Metsäliitto hedges
its future cash flow against changes in exchange and interest rates,
but not according to the IAS 39 hedging calculation procedure. This
means the derivatives used to hedge cash flow and interest rate risks
must be booked at current value, while the hedged transaction remains
at its original value. These valuation losses, which affect the income
statement but not the cash flow, were approximately EUR 40 million net
for the review period.

The result before tax was EUR -131 million (-10). Taxes, including the
change in deferred tax liability, were EUR 13 million (9) and minority
interest was EUR 76 million (33). The result for the period was
EUR -42 million (14).

Return on capital employed for the first half of the year was 0.8 per
cent (3.7) and return on equity -8.7 per cent (-1.5).

Balance sheet and financing
At the end of June the Group’s equity ratio was 31.4 per cent and the
gearing ratio 131 per cent (32.1% and 120%, respectively at 31
December 2004). Interest-bearing net liabilities increased by EUR 117
million during the review period to stand at EUR 3,453 million at the
end of June (3,336 million at 31 December 2004).

The Group’s total liquidity at the end of June was EUR 1.9 billion
(2.1 billion at 31 December 2004). Of this amount, EUR 0.2 billion was
in the form of liquid funds and investments (0.3) and EUR 1.7 billion
in the form of committed credit facilities not shown in the balance
sheet (1.8). For its short-term financing needs the Group also had
around EUR 0.7 billion available in non-committed domestic and foreign
commercial paper programmes and forward credits.

At its meeting on 13 April 2005, Metsäliitto Cooperative’s
Representative Council decided that interest of 6.5 per cent would be
paid on members’ capital for 2004 (6.5%), interest of 5.5 per cent on
additional members’ capital A (5.5%) and 4.0 per cent on additional
members’ capital B.

At the same meeting, the Representative Council decided to amend the
by-laws to allow one-third of the distributable surplus for the
financial period, as shown in the most recently adopted balance
sheet, to be used annually to repay members’ capital and additional
members’ capital.

Overall, members’ capitals increased by EUR 24 million during the
first half of the year. Members’ capital increased by EUR 9 million,
additional members’ capital A by EUR 11 million, and additional
members’ capital B by EUR 4 million. At the end of June Metsäliitto
had a total of 130,771 members (130,869 at 31 December 2004).

Capital expenditure and acquisitions
Gross capital expenditure on fixed assets and company acquisitions
during the period January – June was EUR 330 million (132).

In January, Metsäliitto Cooperative bought 16.6 per cent of the
shares of Vapo from the Finnish state for EUR 47 million. The Vapo
group is consolidated into Metsäliitto’s accounts from the beginning
of the year in accordance with the Metsäliitto’s 49.9 per cent

At the end of January, Metsäliitto acquired a 49.9 per cent interest
in Finsilva, the company that has purchased the forest assets owned
jointly by M-real and Metsäliitto, together with those owned by Suomi
Mutual Life Assurance Company.

In a significant internal transaction at the end of March,
Metsäliitto Cooperative purchased 8 per cent of the shares of Metsä-
Botnia from M-real for EUR 164 million. Also in March, Metsäliitto
increased Finnforest’s share capital by EUR 50 million.

Construction of Botnia’s sawmill in Russia is progressing as planned.
The sawmill, which will have an annual capacity of 200,000 cubic
metres, will start production early in 2006.

In June, Thomesto acquired the entire share capital of OOO Progress, a
Russian wood procurement company operating in Leningrad province.
Thomesto previously owned 40 per cent of the company. The acquisition
will strengthen Thomesto’s wood procurement operations in Russia and
at the same time secure supplies of wood raw material for the sawmill
being built by Botnia.

Finnforest is expanding production at its Kerto unit at Punkaharju.
When complete in the first half of 2006, the unit’s annual production
capacity will rise by 60,000 cubic metres to 130,000 cubic metres.
The investment will cost an estimated EUR 20 million.

At the beginning of March, M-real announced it was investing EUR 60
million in modernizing its board machine at Simpele. The investment
will raise the mill’s capacity by 45,000 tonnes to 215,000 tonnes a
year. The work will be completed in stages by spring 2006.

The investment at Kaskinen’s BCTMP mill is going ahead as planned.
The main equipment has been installed and the mill will start up in

It was decided to call off the discussions held during the spring
aimed at selling off M-real’s carton plants. Priority will now be
given to making the carton plants more competitive in every respect
as a part of M-real.

Uruguay pulp mill project
The decision to build a one million t/a eucalyptus pulp mill in
Uruguay was taken in March 2005. The mill is expected to be completed
in the third quarter of 2007 at a total cost of around USD 1.1

In May, Botnia and Andritz Oy signed a letter of intent under which
Andritz will supply the main process equipment for the pulp mill. The
order, which is worth more than EUR 200 million, comprises the fibre
line from wood handling to the drying machine, together with the
recovery system.

At present, 55 persons are engaged in the project. The pulp mill
itself will employ around 300 workers, but in total the operation
will provide jobs for over 8,000 people.

The average number of employees during the period January – June was
29,340 (29,820). The number at the end of June was 30,767 (30,791).
At the end of 2004, the Group had 28,783 employees.

The rise in the number of employees during the first six months of
the year is due to company acquisitions and seasonal workers. The
acquisition of OOO Progress in June brought an additional 683
employees. At the end of June, Vapo had 1,724 employees.

Metsäliitto Group companies

Metsäliitto Cooperative and Thomesto
Metsäliitto Cooperative’s sales for January – June were EUR 522
million (604). The drop in sales is due to the fall of 1.9 million
cubic metres in delivery volumes compared with this period last year.
Operating profit was EUR 13 million (11), 2.4 per cent of sales
(1.8). Operating profit includes capital gains of EUR 2.4 million
from the sale of shares.

Profit after financial items was EUR 34 million (74). Finance items
include a write-down of EUR 6 million on the Forestia transaction and
dividend income of EUR 28 million (63). Dividend for the first half
of last year includes corporation tax credit of EUR 18 million.

Metsäliitto Cooperative’s return on capital employed was 4.9 per cent
(8.4). At the end of June the equity ratio was 58.0 per cent and the
gearing ratio 19 per cent (59.8% and -8%, respectively, at 31
December 2004). Interest-bearing liabilities were EUR 198 million
(-82 million at 31 December 2004).

Thomesto, which handles wood procurement outside Finland, booked
sales of EUR 232 million (197) and an operating profit of EUR 1.5
million (1.5). Wood deliveries to Finland were roughly 1.8 million
cubic metres (1.8).

Finnforest’s sales were EUR 1,021 million (999). There was a profit
on operations of EUR 14 million (21) and the result before taxes was
EUR -9 million (+1). The industrial dispute had a negative impact on
the result of around EUR 4 million. Market valuations of foreign
currency and interest rate derivatives reduced the first-half result
by some EUR 7 million.

Worst hit by the dispute was the company’s sawmilling business, where
production in June reached only half of the target. Results continued
to be affected by poor profitability in both the redwood and
whitewood businesses. Demand for birch and conifer plywoods and Kerto
LVL remained good and sales prices moved positively. Plywood
production continued despite the dispute in the paper industry.

Return on capital employed was down on this period last year at 2.9
per cent (4.3). At the end of June the equity ratio was 29.1 per cent
and the gearing ratio 158 per cent (27.0% and 179%, respectively, at
31 December 2004).

Finnforest published its own interim report on 29 July 2005.

Metsä Tissue
Metsä Tissue booked first-half sales of EUR 340 million (337). Sales
volumes were up on last year, notably in Western Europe, but the
value of sales was unchanged as a result of the labour dispute in
Finland. Operating profit fell to EUR 9 million from last year’s
figure of EUR 18 million. The main reason was the labour dispute,
which caused a marked decrease in product stocks.

M-real recorded sales of EUR 2,603 million (2,775) and an operating
profit of EUR 43 million (33). The main non-recurring items included
in operating profit were a gain of EUR 81 million from the sale of 8
per cent of Botnia and a provision of EUR 15 million for the cost of
the revitalization programme for M-real’s Swedish operations. Non-
recurring items totalled a net of EUR 70 million.

Profitability was affected by the fall in paper and board deliveries,
the decrease in product stocks, and the decline in Botnia’s operating
profit, all of which are attributable to the labour dispute in
Finland. The dispute weakened M-real’s result by an estimated total
of EUR 70 million. The stronger euro, the fall in uncoated fine paper
prices, the higher cost of petroleum-based raw materials and higher
energy costs also adversely affected profitability.

Finance income and costs were EUR -109 million (-82). The figure
includes net interest and other finance costs of EUR 80 million (61),
trade receivables and payables, foreign currency hedges, and exchange
differences on finance items totalling EUR -26 million (-21), and
shares of results of associates of EUR -3 million (0). Other finance
costs include a loss of EUR 17 million on the valuation of interest
rate derivatives and impairment losses of EUR 4 million.

The result before tax was EUR -66 million (-49), earnings per share
were EUR -0.14 (0.58) and return on capital employed 2.2 per cent
(1.8). Excluding non-recurring items, the corresponding figures were
EUR -132 million, EUR -0.35 and -0.7 per cent.

At the end of June the equity ratio was 38.4 per cent and the gearing
ratio 85 per cent (37.5% and 89%, respectively, at 31 December 2004).

M-real published its own interim report on 29 July 2005.

First-half sales were EUR 404 million (535) and the result of
operations was EUR -4 million (71). The result contains a non-
recurring write-down on goodwill of EUR 5 million relating to the
Baltic Pulp business. The other main reasons for the decline in
operating profit were Finland’s labour dispute and the lower price of
softwood pulp.

Business in the second quarter was dominated by lock-outs and local
strikes. The sales volume for the second quarter was 45 per cent down
on the first quarter.

Demand for softwood pulp was good but slackened in the spring and
prices began to fall. The price of softwood pulp fell from USD
645/tonne in March to USD 600 in June. The price of hardwood pulp
remained at USD 600 throughout the second quarter.

The result before tax was EUR -2 million (72) and the return on
capital employed 0.2 per cent (11.6). The equity ratio was 69.8 per
cent and the gearing ratio 3 per cent.

Botnia’s figures are consolidated 39 per cent into M-real’s
accounts and 14 per cent into the Metsäliitto Group’s accounts.

Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
The Metsäliitto Group adopted International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) from the beginning of 2005. The effects of the
transition on the profit and loss account and balance sheet were
explained in detail in a press release published on 26 April 2005.
This is available on Metsäliitto’s website at


The labour market dispute caused the Metsäliitto Group to make a loss
for the first half of the year. Worst hit were the Group’s paper,
board and pulp mills, but sawmilling and wood procurement were also
indirectly affected.

The financial result for the third quarter, before tax, is expected
to be better than that for the second after elimination of the
effects of the labour dispute and the EUR 15 million cost provision.
However, third-quarter results will be affected by the time taken to
bring the Finnish mills back up to full production after the restart
in July. Before tax, the Metsäliitto Group expects to make a loss for
the current year.

Espoo, 29 July 2005

For more information contact:
Ilkka Pitkänen, Chief Financial Officer. Tel. +358 1046 94260


Consumer Packaging
                           I-     I-                         
                        II/05  II/04   II/05   II/04   I-IV/04
Sales                     437     525     199    267     1 045
EBITDA                     56      89       6     45       187
 - % of sales            12.9    17.0     2.9   16.6      17.8
Depreciation and                                              
impairment losses         -46     -49     -23    -25       -90
Operating profit           10      41     -17     20        97
 - % of sales             2.4     7.7    -8.5    7.4       9.2

EBITDA = result before depreciation and impairment losses

The consumer packaging business produced first-half sales of EUR 437
million (525) and an operating profit of EUR 10 million (41). The
weaker result is due to the effects of Finland’s labour dispute, but
also to the stronger euro and the higher cost of petroleum-based raw
materials and energy.

Folding boxboard deliveries by Western European suppliers were 2 per
cent down on the first half of last year. The average price was about
the same as last year.

The operating profit for the second quarter was EUR -17 million
(first quarter EUR 27 million). Profitability suffered from the fall
in deliveries resulting from the labour dispute, the running down of
product stocks and the decline in Botnia’s operating profit.

                          I-      I-                         
                       II/05   II/04   II/05  II/04   I-IV/04
Sales                  1 479    1 447     732    710     2 944
EBITDA                    87      128      13     57       237
 - % of sales            5.9      8.8     1.8    8.0       8.0
Depreciation and                                              
impairment losses       -128     -129     -64    -65      -260
Operating profit         -41       -1     -51     -8       -23
 - % of sales           -2.8     -0.1    -6.9   -1.1      -0.8

EBITDA = result before depreciation and impairment losses

The papers business consists of M-real’s Publishing, Commercial
Printing and Office Papers business areas.

The papers business booked first-half sales of EUR 1 479 million
(1 447) and a result on operations of EUR -41 million (-1). The
result contains a non-recurring provision of EUR 15 million relating
to the revitalization of operations in Sweden, together with non-
recurring income of EUR 4 million.

Deliveries by coated magazine paper suppliers in Western Europe
showed growth of 6 per cent on the first half of last year. The
average sales price was 1 per cent higher despite the stronger euro.

Deliveries by coated fine paper suppliers were 1 per cent down and by
uncoated fine paper suppliers 1 per cent up on this period last year.
Average sales prices were 1 per cent lower for coated grades and 3
per cent for uncoated grades.

MAP Merchant Group
                    I-II/05  I-II/04   II/05   II/04  I-IV/04
Sales                   692       693     351     339    1 368
EBITDA                   17        17       9       8       24
 - % of sales           2.5       2.4     2.6     2.5      1.8
Depreciation and                                              
impairment losses        -4        -4      -2      -2       -7
Operating profit         13        13       7       6       17
 - % of sales           1.9       1.9     2.0     1.9      1.2

EBITDA = result before depreciation and impairment losses

First-half sales by the MAP Merchant Group were EUR 692 million
(693). Operating profit was EUR 13 million (13). The second-quarter
result benefited from the growth in deliveries and lower costs. The
result contains no non-recurring items.

Wood products
                    I-II/05  I-II/04   II/05   II/04  I-IV/04
Sales                 1 021       999     553     529    1 923
EBITDA                   50        56      33      32       94
 - % of sales           4.9       5.6     6.0     6.1      4.9
Depreciation and                                              
impairment losses       -36       -35     -18     -18      -71
Operating profit         14        21      15      14       23
 - % of sales           1.4       2.1     2.7     2.6      1.2
EBITDA = result before depreciation and impairment losses

The Finnforest Group is the Metsäliitto Group’s wood products

The wood products business produced sales of EUR 1,021 million (999)
and an operating profit of EUR 14 million (21). Operations were
adversely affected by the labour dispute in June, which caused
additional costs and loss of earnings. Low market prices for sawn
timber, particularly redwood, and the high price of raw material,
also affected results.

Demand and prices for panel products and birch and conifer plywood
were better than in the first half of last year. Marketing and sales
for the production of building modules, which is just starting, were
strengthened in Finland.

                       I-II/05   I-II/04   II/05    II/04  I-IV/04
Sales 1)                  764       772     336     395     1 459
Operating profit           21        32     -11       3        30
of which                                                         
  Wood procurement                                               
  in Finland               13        11      -1       2        25
  International wood                                             
  procurement               1         1       0       1         3
  Hygiene products          9        18       0       5        38
  Others and Group                                               
  eliminations             -2         2     -10      -5       -36

1) Sales to companies outside the Group

Other operations mainly comprises Metsäliitto Cooperative, Thomesto
and Metsä Tissue. Figures also include Metsäliitto’s 49.9 per cent
share of the Vapo group as from January 2005.

Trading in wood raw material was brisk early in the year but returned
to normal during the spring. Wood purchases in June were well below
budget, but the volume purchased so far this year is as planned.
During the first six months of the year Metsäliitto purchased roughly
8.5 million cubic metres of wood (8.0), almost half of the target for
the year.

High consumption of pulpwood meant that delivery contracts
represented a slightly higher proportion of purchases than normal.
Prices for pine logs have been falling, but deals for other species
have been struck at prices similar to those of last autumn.

Deliveries to mills in Finland, including wood chips, totalled around
11.3 million cubic metres, 7.5 million cubic metres of which was
roundwood. Deliveries during May and June were well down because of
the labour market dispute affecting the pulp and paper industry. Wood
harvesting also had to be suspended almost entirely.

In response to the fall in wood consumption caused by the labour
market dispute, Metsäliitto has reduced its purchasing target by an
amount corresponding to several weeks’ production. Nevertheless,
there is good demand for all wood species and especially for stands
marked for summer harvesting.

The dispute in the Finnish paper industry also caused the hygiene
products business to return a smaller operating profit than last
year. The dispute stopped production at the Mänttä mill for more than
six weeks during May and June. Sales volumes showed growth in all the
main markets, particularly in Western Europe. Operations in Poland
progressed as planned, and the mill produced a better result than
last year.

Metsä Tissue is continuing its efforts to improve cost effectiveness
in response to continuing intense price competition and market
conditions and to the higher prices of oil and energy.

The Vapo group will publish its own interim report on 10 August 2005.


1 000 units           I-II/05  I-II/04    II/05   II/04  I-IV/04
Paper, t                1 901     1 957      875    969     4 008
Paperboard, t             421       650      128    319     1 330
Sawn goods, m3          2 163     2 182    1 110  1 059     4 185
Processed timber,m3       614       508      315    211     1 166
EW-products, m3           482       489      256    236       911
Pulp & CTMP, t                                                   
(M-real)                  733       750      350    369     1 533
Pulp, t (Botnia)          929     1 232      276    594     2 450


                                    2005    2004  Change    2004
Income statement                     1-6     1-6            1-12
Sales                              4 321   4 364     -43   8 598
 Other operating income               78      83      -5     135
 Operating expenses               -4 121  -4 077     -44  -8 066
 Depreciation and impairment                                    
 losses                             -260    -265       5    -522
Operating profit                      18     105     -87     144
 Share of results in associates       -2       5      -7       1
 Net exchange gains / losses         -23     -21      -2      -2
 Other financial income and                                     
 expenses                           -124     -99     -25    -219
Result before tax                                               
and minority interest               -131     -10    -121     -76
 Income taxes                         13      -9      22     -28
Result after tax                    -118     -19     -99    -104
 Minority interest                    76      33      43      80
Result for the period                -42      14      56     -24

                                   2005    2004 Change    2004
Balance sheet                     30.6.    30.6          31.12
Non-current assets                                            
 Intangible assets                  810     798     12     802
 Tangible assets                  4 210   4 175     35   4 148
 Biological assets                   55     205   -150     201
Financial assets                                              
 Interest bearing                    71      62      9      59
 Deferred tax receivables           109      82     27     102
 Other non-interest bearing         194     293    -99     283
                                  5 449   5 615   -166   5 596
Current assets                                                
Inventories                       1 134   1 162    -28   1 172
 Interest bearing                     7      34    -27      66
 Non-interest bearing             1 617   1 682    -65   1 564
Cash and cash equivalents           196     184     12     252
                                  2 954   3 062   -108   3 055
TOTAL                             8 403   8 678   -275   8 651
MEMBERS’ FUNDS AND LIABILITIES                                
Members’ funds                    1 304   1 371    -67   1 351
Minority interest                 1 326   1 194    132   1 428
Total members’ funds              2 630   2 565     65   2 779
Non-current liabilities                                       
 Deferred tax liabilities           474     499    -25     505
 Post employment benefit                                      
 obligations                        270     295    -25     271
 Provisions                          63      33     30      45
 Interest bearing                 2 878   3 169   -291   2 946
 Other non-interest bearing         141      37    104      37
                                  3 826   4 033   -207   3 805
Current liabilities                                           
 Interest bearing                   850     824     26     768
 Non-interest bearing             1 097   1 256   -159   1 299
                                  1 947   2 080   -133   2 067
Total liabilities                 5 772   6 113   -341   5 872
TOTAL                             8 403   8 678   -275   8 651

Change in                                                      
members’ funds          Members’           Retained  Minority  Total
                         capital  Reserves earnings  interest
Members’ funds 31.12.2003     545       63      947    1 408   2 963
Effect of transition to                                             
IFRS                         -114       -9     -123     -169    -415
Members’ funds 1.1.2004,                                            
IFRS                          431       54      824    1 239   2 548
Translation differences                          15               15
Dividends paid                                  -29              -29
Transfers                                3       -3                0
Increase in members’           58                                 58
Increase in reserves                     2                         2
Effects of financial                     1                         1
Minority interest                                        -46     -46
Result for the period                            14               14
Members’ funds 30.6.2004      489       60      821    1 193   2 563
Members’ funds 1.1.2005       505       62      783    1 428   2 778
Translation differences                           1                1
Dividends paid                                  -34              -34
Transfers                                9       -8                1
Increase in members’           25                                 25
Increase in reserves                     1                         1
Effects of financial                     2                         2
Minority interest                                       -102    -102
Result for the period                           -42              -42
Members’ funds 30.6.2005      530       74      700    1 326   2 630

                                 2005    2004    2004
Cash flow statement               1-6     1-6    1-12
Cash flow from operations                            
Result for the period             -42      14     -24
  Adjustments total               334     350     672
  Change in working capital       -77    -118      35
Cash generated from operations    215     246     683
  Finance costs, net             -108    -115    -225
  Income taxes paid               -34     -51     -85
Net cash from operations           73      80     373
Cash flow from investments                           
 Acquisitions                     -46                
 Purchases of assets             -284    -132    -434
 Sold assets and others           191     396     568
Net cash from investments        -139     264     134
Cash flow from financing                             
 Change in non-current loans                         
 and other financial items         68    -317    -413
 Dividends paid                   -58     -62     -62
Net cash flow from financing       10    -379    -475
Change in cash and cash                              
equivalents                       -56     -35      33
Cash at beginning of period       252     219     219
 Change in cash and cash                             
 equivalents                      -56     -35      33
Cash at end of period             196     184     252


Quarterly data             2005  2005  2004   2004  2004  2004  2004
                             II     I    IV    III    II     I  I-IV
Sales by segment                                                    
 Consumer packaging         199   238   256    264   267   258 1 045
 Papers                     732   747   759    738   710   737 2 944
 MAP Merchant Group         351   341   343    332   339   354 1 368
 Wood products              553   468   466    458   529   470 1 923
 Others                     336   428   346    341   395   377 1 459
  - internal sales          -37   -35   -35    -35   -37   -35  -142
Group sales               2 134 2 187 2 135  2 099 2 204 2 160 8 598
Operating profit by                                                 
 Consumer packaging         -17    27    30     26    20    21    97
 Papers                     -51    10   -30      7    -8     6   -23
 MAP Merchant Group           7     6     0      4     7     7    17
 Wood products               15    -1    -3      6    14     7    23
 Others                     -11    32     7     -8     3    29    30
Group operating profit      -56    74     4     35    36    70   144
   - % of sales             2.6   3.4   0.2    1.7   1.6   3.2   1.7
 Share of results in                                                
 associates                  -2     0    -4      0     1     4     1
 Net exchange gains/losses  -12   -11    19      0    -6   -15    -2
 Other financial income                                             
 & expenses                 -79   -45   -64    -55   -22   -78  -219
Result before tax          -149    18   -45    -21     9   -19   -76
 Income taxes                20    -7    -5    -14   -14     5   -28
Result after tax           -129    11   -50    -35    -5   -14  -104
 Minority interest           73     3    28     19    12    22    80
Result for the period       -56    14   -22    -16     6     8   -24


Reconciliation of profit

                                           Effects of      
Income statement                      FAS  transition       IFRS
                                 1-6/2004     to IFRS   1-6/2004
Sales                               4 344          20      4 364
 Other operating income                70          13         83
 Operating expenses                -4 075          -2     -4 077
 Share of results in associates         1          -1          0
 Depreciation and impairment                                    
 losses                              -285          20       -265
Operating profit                       55          50        105
 Share of results in associates         0           5          5
 Net exchange gains / losses            6         -27        -21
 Other financial income and                                     
 expenses                             -96          -3        -99
Result before tax                                               
and minority interest                 -35          25        -10
 Income taxes                          10         -19         -9
Result after tax                      -25           6        -19
 Minority interest                     37          -4         33
Result for the period                  12           2         14

Reconciliation of balance sheet

                                           Effects of      
Balance sheet                         FAS  transition       IFRS
                                30.6.2004     to IFRS  30.6.2004
Non-current assets                                              
 Intangible assets                    830         -32        798
 Tangible assets                    4 281        -106      4 175
 Biological assets                      0         205        205
Financial assets                                                
 Interest bearing                      64          -2         62
 Deferred tax receivables              52          30         82
 Other non-interest bearing           290           3        293
                                    5 517          98      5 615
Current assets                                                  
Inventories                         1 167          -5      1 162
 Interest bearing                      37          -3         34
 Non-interest bearing               1 678           4      1 682
Cash and cash equivalents             192          -8        184
                                    3 074         -12      3 062
TOTAL                               8 591          87      8 678
MEMBERS’ FUNDS AND LIABILITIES                                  
Members’ funds                      1 596        -225      1 371
Minority interest                   1 358        -164      1 194
Total members’ funds                2 954        -389      2 565
Non-current liabilities                                         
 Deferred tax liabilities             445          54        499
 Post employment benefit                                        
 obligations                           34         261        295
 Provisions                            46         -13         33
 Interest bearing                   3 148          21      3 169
 Other non-interest bearing            38          -1         37
                                    3 712         321      4 033
Current liabilities                                             
 Interest bearing                     707         117        824
 Non-interest bearing               1 218          38      1 256
                                    1 925         155      2 080
Total liabilities                   5 637         476      6 113
TOTAL                               8 591          87      8 678
