Metsäliitto Group Interim Report January - June 2006

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Metsäliitto Group                        STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE

                                         27.7.2006 1 p.m.

Metsäliitto Group Interim Report January - June 2006

Metsäliitto Group's operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, was 109
million euro in the first half of the year

Result for the first six months of 2006

    . Sales EUR 4 672 million (EUR 4 321 million in 1-6/05). Growth compared with
      corresponding period last year was 8 per cent.
    . Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 109 million (EUR 24
      million in 1-6/2005) and after non-recurring items EUR 71 million (EUR 18
      million in 1-6/05).
    . Result before tax was EUR -16 million (EUR -131 million in 1-6/05).

Result for second quarter of 2006

    . Sales EUR 2 314 million (EUR 2 134 million in Q2/05). Growth compared with
      corresponding period last year was 8 per cent.
    . Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 27 million (EUR -41
      million in Q2/2005) and after non-recurring items EUR -11 million (EUR -56
      million in Q2/05).
    . Result before tax was EUR -60 million (EUR -149 million in Q2/05).

Events in the second quarter

    . The Metsäliitto Group's Paper and Board Industry (M-real) sold the French
      Pont Sainte Maxence special paper mill. A 35 million euro loss from
      assignment was booked from the divestment. In addition, investment and
      maintenance shutdowns, the strike in the Finnish paper industry and non-
      recurring costs from increasing operational efficiency depressed the result
      in the second quarter.
    . The Pulp Industry's (Metsä-Botnia) Uruguay investment is progressing
      according to plan. The company received support from the International
      Court of Justice in The Hague to continue construction work in July.
    . The Wood Products Industry's (Finnforest) result was better than expected.
      Tissue and Cooking Papers' (Metsä Tissue) result was in line with

"The second quarter proved that construction of the new Metsäliitto Group is
progressing according to plan. We can be especially satisfied with the improved
performance of the Wood Products Industry. During the rest of the year we must
focus increasingly on improving the profitability of the Paper and Board Industry
- that is, M-real."

Kari Jordan, President & CEO, Metsäliitto Group

Metsäliitto Group
 Income statement                  2006   2005   2006   2005   2005    
 (EUR mill.)                       1-6    1-6    QII    QII    1-12    
 Sales                             4672   4321   2314   2134   8643    
   Other operating income          89     78     43     35     148     
   Operating expenses              -4441  -4121  -2249  -2094  -8182   
   Depreciation and impairment                                         
   losses                          -249   -260   -119   -131   -559    
 Operating profit                  71     18     -11    -56    50      
   Share of results in                                                 
   associates                      2      -2     2      -2     4       
   Net exchange gains / losses     2      -23    -6     -12    -27     
   Other financial income &                                            
   expenses                        -91    -124   -45    -79    -187    
 Result before tax                 -16    -131   -60    -149   -159    
   Income tax                      -25    13     -1     20     15      
 Result for the period             -41    -118   -61    -129   -144    

Metsäliitto Group
 Key figures                       2006   2005   2006   2005   2005    
                                   1-6    1-6    QII    QII    1-12    
 Return on capital employed, %     2.6    0.8    -0.2   -3.5   1.2     
    - " -, excluding non-recurring                                     
 items                             3.7    0.9    2.1    -2.5   2.1     
 Return on equity, %               -3.1   -8.7   -9.3   -19.0  -5.3    
    - " -, excluding non-recurring                                     
 items                             -0.2   -7.9   -3.5   -16.1  -3.1    
 Equity ratio, %                   29.7   31.4   29.7   31.4   30.5    
 Net gearing ratio, %              148    131    148    131    137     
 Interest-bearing net liabilities,                                     
 EUR mill.                         3870   3453   3870   3453   3631    
 Capital expenditure, EUR mill.    389    330    221    159    692     
 Personnel at the end of period    30115  30767  30115  30767  29007   

Business areas
 Sales and Operating profit                                              
 1-6/2006                                                           Tissue    
 (EUR mill.)                           Wood              Paper and  and       
                               Wood    Products Pulp *)  Board      Cooking   
                               Supply  Industry Industry Industry   Papers    
 Sales                         740     1065     611      2819       376       
   Other operating income      9       6        17       69         5         
   Operating expenses          -723    -996     -489     -2743      -349      
   Depreciation &                                                            
   impairment losses           -3      -35      -50      -185       -25       
 Operating profit              23      40       89       -40        7         

*) Represents 100%. The Metsäliitto Group consolidates 53% of the Pulp Industry's

                                         The interim report is unaudited

INTERIM REPORT January - June 2006

Sales and result

The Metsäliitto Group's January-June sales grew by 8 per cent compared with the
corresponding period last year and amounted to EUR 4 672 million (4 321). The
corresponding figure for 2005 is not fully comparable due to a labour conflict in
the Finnish forest industry.

Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, was EUR 109 million (24). Non-
recurring costs were EUR 54 million (15) and non-recurring income was EUR 16
million (9). Non-recurring costs consisted of a EUR 35 million loss from
assignment from the Paper and Board Industry's Pont Sainte Maxence paper mill,
EUR 13 million from a restructuring programme at the Alizay paper mill and EUR 6
million from the restructuring programmes at the Stockstadt and Hallein mills. A
majority of the non-recurring income consisted of a group reserve of EUR 12
million generated from Metsä Tissue's special issue. In addition, EUR 4 million
was entered as income from real estate sales.

Operating profit after non-recurring items was EUR 71 million (18). Sales and
operating profit increased considerably in the review period compared with the
corresponding figures from last year. The key factor for the improvement was the
labour conflict in the Finnish forest industry in the second quarter of 2005.

Group operating profit was weaker in the second quarter than in the first
quarter. Seasonally weakened demand and continuously increasing raw material and
energy costs depressed profitability in the Paper and Board Industry in
particular. In addition, investment and maintenance shutdowns, the strike in the
Finnish paper industry and non-recurring costs from actions to increase
operational efficiency depressed the result in the second quarter.

The Wood Products Industry clearly improved its operating profit. The improvement
was a result of a good market and pricing environment, a clearer strategy, as
well as implemented cost-cutting measures.

The Metsäliitto Group's net financial expenses were 1.8 per cent of sales (3.4).
Financial income was EUR 15 million (8), income from associates was EUR 2 million
(-2) and financial expenses were EUR 106 million (132). Net exchange gains/losses
were EUR 2 million (-23).

Result before tax was EUR -16 million (-131). Taxes, including the change in
deferred tax liability, were EUR -25 million (+13). The net result for the period
was EUR -41 million (-118), of which EUR +14 million (-42) was attributable to
the owners of the parent cooperative and EUR -55 million (-76) to the minority

The Group's return on capital employed in January-June was 2.6 per cent (0.8) and
return on equity was -3.1 per cent (-8.7). Excluding non-recurring items, return
on capital employed was 3.7 per cent (0.9) and return on equity was -0.2 per cent

Balance sheet and financing

The Group's total liquidity was EUR 1.8 billion at the end of June (12/05: 1.6).
Of this, EUR 0.2 billion (0.2) was in terms of liquid assets and investments and
EUR 1.6 billion (1.4) in binding credit-facility agreements not included in the
balance sheet. For its short-term financing needs, the Group also had around EUR
0.7 billion in non-committed domestic and foreign commercial paper programmes and
forward credits.

The Group's equity ratio was 29.7 per cent in June and gearing was 148 per cent
(12/05: 30.5% and 137%). Interest-bearing net liabilities stood at EUR 3 870
million (12/05: 3 631).

Metsäliitto Cooperative's member's capital grew by EUR 15 million in the first
half of the year. The actual member's capital grew by EUR 7 million, the
additional members' capital A grew by EUR 5 million and the additional members'
capital B grew by EUR 3 million.

In April, the Representative Council of Metsäliitto Cooperative decided that
interest of 6.5 per cent would be paid on statutory members' capital (6.5%),
interest of 5.5 per cent on additional members' capital A (5.5%) and 4.0 per cent
on additional members' capital B (4.0%). The total interest payout for 2005
amounts to EUR 37.4 million (34.2). At the end of June, Metsäliitto Cooperative
had 130 916 members (130 771).

In March, Metsäliitto Cooperative signed a binding syndicated credit limit
agreement amounting to EUR 560 million. The loan is connected to Finnforest
Corporation's merger with the Metsäliitto Cooperative and was used to renew
previous loan arrangements. The loan period is five years.

In June, Metsäliitto Cooperative issued bonds of EUR 195 million to Finnish
investors. The issue was part of Metsäliitto's normal financing of operations.


The Metsäliitto Group employed an average of 29 359 people during the period (29
340). At the end of June the personnel amounted to 30 115 (31 December 2005: 29
007). The growth in personnel was caused by seasonal personnel and the Tento deal
confirmed in April, in which approximately 600 people were transferred to
Metsäliitto's payroll.

Investments, acquisitions and divestments

The Metsäliitto Group's investments in property, plant and equipment, and
acquisitions were EUR 389 million in January-June (330).

Metsä Tissue's Tento deal received final approval from the competition
authorities in April. The Slovakian company Tento a.s. is a leading supplier of
tissue paper in central Eastern Europe. Tento is included in the Metsäliitto
Group's financial statement as of May.

The Svir Timber sawmill built by Metsä-Botnia in Russia was inaugurated in June.
The annual capacity of the sawmill, which started operating in April, is 200 000
cubic meters and it employs 130 people. The total investment was EUR 55 million.

In March, Finnforest sold the chipboard operations of Tiwi located in Keuruu,
Finland and in May, it sold its entire share capital of the wood products trading
company Finnforest Romania s.r.l.

On 30 June, M-real announced it had sold the French Pont Sainte Maxence special
paper mill to the German company Arques Industries. A EUR 35 million loss from
assignment was booked in the second quarter result from the divestment.

The investment project at M-real's Simpele board mill was completed in early
April. The mill's capacity will rise to 225 000 tonnes per year as a result of
the investment.

Uruguay's pulp mill project
The Uruguay pulp mill investment is progressing in accordance with the planned
schedule and budget. Argentina had demanded immediate discontinuation of the
work, but the International Court of Justice in The Hague refused the demands
regarding discontinuation in July. The mill, which will manufacture one million
tonnes of pulp, is expected to start up in the third quarter of 2007. The
estimated project cost is USD 1.1 billion. The building site currently employs 2
600 people.

The availability of wood raw material for the Uruguay pulp mill was ensured at
the beginning of the project; 70 per cent of the wood raw material needed by the
pulp mill will be derived from the company's own plantation, 20 per cent will be
procured from private forest owners based on long-term acquisition contracts and
the remaining 10 per cent will be supplied by Grupo Ortegui, which is one of the
largest private forest owners in Uruguay. Grupo Ortegui owns 7.5 per cent of
Botnia S.A.'s shares, which is responsible for the pulp mill project.


Finnforest Corporation and the Metsäliitto-Yhtymän Tehdasmittaus Oy were merged
with the parent company Metsäliitto Cooperative on 31 March 2006.

Business areas

Wood Supply (Metsäliitto and Thomesto)
Wood Supply's sales in January-June were EUR 740 million (674). Of this, domestic
wood supply represented EUR 589 million (522). Operating profit was EUR 23
million (14), of which the domestic share was EUR 17 million (13). The operating
profit includes capital gains on real estate sales of EUR 4 million.

Due to the labour conflict in the forest industry last summer, Metsäliitto's wood
delivery volumes to mills in Finland increased by over 15 per cent during the
period compared with the previous year, which also improved the profitability of
wood supply. Delivery volumes, including chips, were approximately 13.1 million
cubic meters (11.3), of which the share of round wood was approximately 9.3
million cubic meters (7.5).

The company fell clearly short of its purchase target, particularly in pine and
spruce logs, even though the market share was close to normal. The price level of
softwood logs was on the rise and the price development for other wood species
remained stable.

In pine log purchases Metsäliitto introduced new short and low-diameter log
measures in May. The change increases the amount of logs that can be derived from
pine felling sites and forest owners' harvesting income.

In Russia, Svir Timber mill's log and chip deliveries progressed according to
plan. Imports to Finland were slightly lower than budgeted, mainly due to changes
in customs regulations. Wood imports to Finland were 2.0 million cubic meters
(1.8). High demand for fuelwood in Central Europe tightens competition and raises
the price of pulp wood.

In Finland, wood purchasing kicked off slowly compared with previous years and
only picked up in June. The reserve level of softwood logs is currently low and
delivery disruptions are possible in early autumn.

Wood Products Industry (Finnforest)
The Wood Products Industry's sales were EUR 1 065 million (1 021) and operating
profit EUR 40 million (14).

The positive development was, in addition to implemented cost cuts, supported in
particular by the good market situation in sawn goods, plywood and beam products.
Low-rise residential building has continued at a good level both in Finland and
Sweden. Renovation and interior decoration is also on the rise. In Germany, the
order book for building and construction has increased by 10 per cent compared
with the corresponding period last year. Growth has also been good in Eastern

The demand for pine sawn goods is on the rise due to customers' lower than
average stocks, and price increases are likely to continue in the third quarter.
The demand for spruce sawn goods is at a normal level, but the log shortage in
Europe and Russia is raising prices.

The demand for birch and softwood plywood remains good and prices are stable.
Demand for Kerto and glulam products has increased due to a rise in construction.
The prices for Kerto have been stable and for glulam on the rise.

Pulp (Metsä-Botnia)
The sales of the Pulp Industry were EUR 611 million (404). The pulp market
strengthened during the first half of the year and simultaneously pulp demand
increased due to reduced capacity as old plants have been shut down in Canada and
the US.

Currency-denominated market prices of softwood pulp were, on average, 2 per cent
higher in the first half of the year compared with the corresponding period last
year. The average price of hardwood pulp increased by 7 per cent. During this
year, the price of softwood pulp rose by 15 per cent in Europe and stood at 690
dollars per tonne in June. Similarly, hardwood pulp rose by 8 per cent and stood
at 640 dollars.

The operating profit of the Pulp Industry was EUR 89 million, which was clearly
better than in the corresponding period last year (1-6/05: EUR -4 million). Due
to the labour conflict in the Finnish forest industry, pulp mills were closed for
more than six weeks last year.

The effect of the competitors' shutdowns of old pulp mills in Canada and the US
will continue to result in lower supply from North America in the second half of
the year. New capacity is being built in South America. Most suppliers have
announced a 20 dollar increase in pulp prices from the beginning of July.

Paper and Board (M-real)
The Paper and Board Industry's January-June sales were EUR 2 819 million (2 603).

Operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, was EUR 14 million (-27). The
increase in delivery volumes improved the operating result for the period, which
in the corresponding period last year was depressed by a labour conflict in the
Finnish forest industry. Average selling prices for both fine paper and board
were at the same level as last year. The operating profit was weakened by
increased energy costs, investment and maintenance shutdowns, and a two-day
strike in the Finnish paper industry in May.

Operating profit after non-recurring items was EUR -40 million (43). Non-
recurring items totalled EUR -54 million (+70), and consisted of a EUR 35 million
loss from assignment from Pont Sainte Maxence paper mill, EUR 13 million from a
restructuring programme at the Alizay paper mill and EUR 6 million from
restructuring programmes at the Stockstadt and Hallein mills. The most
significant non-recurring item in the comparison year was the capital gain of EUR
81 million from the divestment of an 8 per cent holding in Metsä-Botnia.

Net financial expenses totalled EUR 55 million (109). Net interest and other
financing costs were EUR 59 million (80) and income from associates was EUR -1
million (-3). Net exchange gains/losses booked in financial items were EUR 5
million (-26).

Result before tax was EUR -95 million (-66), earnings per share were EUR -0.30 (-
0.14) and return on capital employed was -1.1 percent (2.2). Excluding non-
recurring items, result before tax was EUR -41 million (-132), earnings per share
were EUR -0.15 (-0.35) and return on capital employed was 1.1 per cent (-0.7).

The equity ratio at the end of June was 35.0 per cent and gearing was 108 per
cent (31 December 2005: 36.6% and 95%).

On 30 June, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services placed the rating for M-real's
long-term credits under observation for a possible lowering of the rating from
the current BB- level. After the review period Moody's Investors Services cut M-
real's Ba3 credit rating to a B2 level. The outlook for the rating remains

Tissue and Cooking Papers (Metsä Tissue)
Tissue and Cooking Paper's sales were EUR 376 million (340). The growth in sales
was due to increased volumes and improved average prices. The Tento consolidation
at the beginning of May also increased sales.

Operating profit amounted to EUR 7 million (9). Profitability was depressed by
high raw material, energy and transportation costs. Actions to improve earnings
did not suffice to compensate for the cost increase.

Investigations by the competition authority

The Finnish competition authority began investigating raw wood procurement prices
and limitation of price competition in the spring of 2004. In April 2006, the
Competition Office delivered a draft as an intermediate report to companies for
comments. Metsäliitto delivered its reply to the Competition Office in May.

Events after the review period

In July, the Metsäliitto Cooperative and Finndomo signed an agreement to transfer
the Hartola module factory's operations to Finndomo on 1 September 2006. After
the deal, Metsäliitto will still own one element line located in the factory
premises that produces elements needed at the Finndomo's Hartola factory.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague refused Argentina's demands
regarding immediate discontinuation of the construction of Metsä-Botnia's pulp
mill in Uruguay. According to the court, the construction of the mill is not an
immediate threat to the nature of the frontier river, tourism or the social
structures of the area.


The profitability of the Wood Products Industry improved rapidly in the first
half of the year. A good second half of the year is also expected, even though
July-September earnings are likely to be weaker than the second quarter due to
summer shutdowns. Predictability is hampered by the uncertainty connected with
log availability in the autumn.

The development of the Pulp Industry and Tissue and Cooking Paper business areas
has also been in line with expectations. However, the development of the Paper
and Board Industry has been unsatisfactory in the first half of the year and new
restructuring programmes are planned to turn the development around.

With no significant changes in the operating environment, the Metsäliitto Group
is targeting a clearly positive result for 2006, excluding non-recurring items.
Third quarter profit before tax and excluding non-recurring items is expected to
be better than in the second quarter.

Espoo, 27 July 2006

Metsäliitto Group
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Ilkka Pitkänen, Group CFO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 10 469 4260
Lauri Peltola, Group CCO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 50 570 5606


 Income statement                  2006    2005           2005     
 (EUR mill.)                       1-6     1-6     Change 1-12     
 Sales                             4672    4321    351    8643     
  Other operating income           89      78      11     148      
  Materials and services           -2897   -2728   -169   -5377    
  Employee costs                   -744    -708    -36    -1424    
  Other operating expenses         -800    -685    -115   -1381    
  Depreciation and impairment      
  losses                           -249    -260    11     -559                                     
 Operating profit                  71      18      53     50       
  Share of results in                                              
  associates                       2       -2      4      4        
  Net exchange gains / losses      2       -23     25     -27      
  Other financial income and                                       
  expenses                         -91     -124    33     -187     
 Result before tax                 -16     -131    115    -159     
  Income taxes                     -25     13      -38    15       
 Result for the period             -41     -118    77     -144     
 Attributable to                                                   
 Owners of parent company          14      -42     56     -50      
 Minority interest                 -55     -76     21     -94      
                                   -41     -118    77     -144     

 Balance sheet                     2006    2005    2005   
 (EUR mill.)                       30.6.   30.6.   31.12. 
 Non-current assets                                       
 Intangible assets                 873     810     818    
  Tangible assets                  4311    4210    4256   
  Biological assets                61      55      51     
 Financial assets                                         
  Interest bearing                 56      71      68     
  Deferred tax receivables         86      109     96     
  Other non-interest bearing       211     194     201    
                                   5599    5449    5490   
 Current assets                                           
 Inventories                       1241    1134    1293   
  Interest bearing                 8       7       5      
  Non-interest bearing             1782    1617    1706   
 Cash and cash equivalents         179     196     194    
                                   3211    2954    3199   
 TOTAL                             8810    8403    8689   
 MEMBERS' FUNDS AND LIABILITIES                           
 Members' funds                    1324    1304    1328   
 Minority interest                 1288    1326    1317   
 Total members' funds              2613    2630    2645   
 Non-current liabilities                                  
  Deferred tax liabilities         434     474     439    
  Retirement benefit                                      
  obligations                      264     270     270    
  Provisions                       77      63      74     
  Interest bearing                 3503    2878    2915   
  Other non-interest bearing       77      141     90     
                                   4355    3826    3788   
 Current liabilities                                      
  Interest bearing                 610     850     983    
  Non-interest bearing             1232    1097    1273   
                                   1842    1947    2256   
 Total liabilities                 6197    5772    6044   
 TOTAL                             8810    8403    8689   
 Change in members'                                                           
 (EUR mill.)                    Members'            Retained  Minority                  
 Members' funds Jan 1, 2005     capital   Reserves  earnings  interest  Total                                     
                                505       62        783       1428      2778  
 Translation differences                            1                   1     
 Dividends paid                                     -34                 -34   
 Increase in members' capital   25                                      25    
 Increase in reserves                     3                             3     
 Effects of financial                                                         
 instruments                                                            0     
 Transfers                                9         -9                  0     
 Other changes                                      1                   1     
 Minority interest                                            -102      -102  
 Result for the period                              -42                 -42   
 Members' funds June 30, 2005   530       74        700       1326      2630  
 Members' funds Jan 1, 2006     558       74        696       1317      2646  
 Translation differences                            -5                  -5    
 Dividends paid                                     -37                 -37   
 Increase in members' capital   15        9                             24    
 Increase in reserves                                                   0     
 Effects of financial                                                         
 instruments                                                            0     
 Transfers                                2         -2                  0     
 Other changes                                                          0     
 Minority interest                                            -29       -29   
 Result for the period                              14                  14    
 Members' funds June 30, 2006   573       85        666       1288      2613  

 Cash flow statement               2006    2005    2005    
 (EUR mill.)                       1-6     1-6     1-12    
 Cash flow from operations                                 
 Result for the period             -41     -118    -144    
   Adjustments total               332     410     699     
   Change in working capital       -69     -77     -131    
 Cash generated from operations    222     215     424     
   Finance costs, net              -67     -108    -237    
   Income taxes paid               -32     -34     -52     
 Net cash from operations          123     73      135     
 Cash flow from investments                                
  Acquisitions                     -137    -46     -68     
  Purchases of assets              -252    -284    -538    
  Sold assets and others           47      191     185     
 Net cash from investments         -343    -139    -420    
 Cash flow from financing                                  
  Change in loans and                                      
 other financial items             266     68      286     
  Dividends paid                   -62     -58     -58     
 Net cash flow from financing      204     10      228     
 Change in cash and cash                                   
 equivalents                       -15     -56     -58     
 Cash at beginning of period       194     252     252     
  Change in cash and cash                                  
 equivalents                       -15     -56     -58     
 Cash at end of period             179     196     194     


 Consumer Packaging           I-II/   I-II/   II/      II/      I-IV/    
                              06      05      06       05       05       
 Sales                        494     437     237      199      864      
 EBITDA                       78      56      28       6        134      
 Depreciation & impairment                                               
 losses                       -45     -46     -23      -23      -89      
 Operating profit             33      10      5        -17      45       

 Papers                       I-II/   I-II/    II/      II/      I-IV/    
                              06      05       06       05       05       
 Sales                        1573    1479     772      732      2988     
 EBITDA                       81      87       0        13       224      
 Depreciation & impairment                                                
 losses                       -128    -128     -64      -64      -274     
 Operating profit             -47     -41      -64      -51      -50      

 MAP Merchant Group           I-II/   I-II/    II/      II/      I-IV/    
                              06      05       06       05       05       
 Sales                        719     692      354      351      1390     
 EBITDA                       17      17       8        9        25       
 Depreciation & impairment                                                
 losses                       -3      -4       -1       -2       -7       
 Operating profit             14      13       7        7        18       

 Wood Products                I-II/   I-II/    II/      II/      I-IV/    
                              06      05       06       05       05       
 Sales                        1065    1021     555      553      1986     
 EBITDA                       75      50       43       33       111      
 Depreciation & impairment                                                
 losses                       -35     -36      -17      -18      -85      
 Operating profit             40      14       26       15       26       

EBITDA = Result before depreciation and impairment losses

 Others                       I-II/   I-II/   II/      II/      I-IV/    
                              06      05      06       05       05       
 Operating profit             31      21      14       -11      10       
 of which                                                                
    Wood Supply in Finland    17      13      7        -1       25       
    Internat. Wood Supply     7       1       5        0        8        
    Tissue and Cooking                                                   
    Papers                    7       9       2        0        24       
    Others and Group                                                     
    eliminations              0       -2      0        -10      -47      

M-real includes 39% of the Pulp Industry's (Metsä-Botnia) operating profit and
Metsäliitto a further 14% in the business segments Consumer Packaging and Papers.


 1 000 units                  I-II/   I-II/   II/      II/       I-IV/   
                              06      05      06       05       05       
 Paper, t                     2096    1901    1016     875      3985     
 Paperboard, t                569     421     270      128      985      
 Sawn goods, m3               2181    2163    1068     1110     4136     
 Processed timber, m3         584     614     282      315      1181     
 EW products, m3              487     482     239      256      990      
 Pulp & CTMP, t (M-real)      862     733     422      350      1533     
 Pulp, t (Metsä-Botnia)       1244    929     600      276      2177     

 Quarterly data             2006  2006  2005  2005  2005  2005  
 (EUR mill.)                II    I     IV    III   II    I     
  Consumer Packaging        237   257   231   196   199   238   
  Papers                    772   801   775   735   732   747   
  MAP Merchant Group        354   365   357   341   351   341   
  Wood Products             555   510   497   468   553   468   
  Others & internal                                             
  sales                     396   425   405   317   299   393   
 Group sales                2314  2358  2265  2057  2134  2187  
 Operating profit                                               
  Consumer Packaging        5     27    20    15    -17   27    
  Papers                    -64   17    -22   13    -51   10    
  MAP Merchant Group        7     7     0     5     7     6     
  Wood Products             26    14    9     3     15    -1    
  Others                    14    17    -20   9     -11   32    
 Group operating profit     -11   82    -13   45    -56   74    
    - % of sales            -0.5  3.5   -0.6  2.2   -2.6  3.4   
  Share of results                                              
  in associates             2     0     4     1     -2    0     
  Net exchange gains /                                          
  losses                    -6    8     -4    0     -12   -11   
  Other fin. income &                                           
  expenses                  -45   -45   -29   -33   -79   -45   
 Result before tax          -60   45    -42   13    -149  18    
  Income taxes              -1    -24   8     -5    20    -7    
 Result for the period      -61   21    -34   8     -129  11    

Metsäliitto is the tenth biggest forest industry group in the world. Its five
business areas include wood supply, wood products industry, pulp production and
producing of paper and board as well as tissue paper. Its sales are about 8.6
billion euro. With almost 30 000 employees, the Metsäliitto Group parent company
Metsäliitto Cooperative and subsidiaries Metsä-Botnia, M-real and Metsä Tissue
have own presence in nearly 30 countries.
