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                                         27.4.2006 1 PM


Metsäliitto Group's operating profit improved by 11 per cent in the first quarter

Performance in the first quarter of 2006

    . Sales EUR 2 358 million (EUR 2 187 million 1-3/2005). Sales increased by 8
      per cent.
    . Operating profit EUR 82 million (EUR 74 million 1-3/2005). Operating profit
      improved by 11 per cent on the comparison period.
    . Profit before taxes EUR 45 million (EUR 18 million 1-3/2005).

Events during the first quarter

    . A review of the strategic business structure of the Metsäliitto Group's
      Paper and Paperboards Industry (M-real) was initiated with the aim of
      surveying the opportunities and potential benefits achievable through
      involvement in structural change within the European paper industry.
    . Pulp Industry's (Metsä-Botnia) investment in Uruguay is proceeding
      according to plan. Construction work was suspended for 10 days in April.
    . Wood Products Industry (Finnforest Corporation) and Metsäliitto-Yhtymän
      Tehdasmittaus Oy merged with Metsäliitto Cooperative on 31 March 2006.
    . Tissue and Cooking Papers Industry (Metsä Tissue) expanded its market share
      by acquiring the Slovakian company Tento a.s., one of the leading
      manufacturers of tissue paper in central Eastern Europe. The acquisition
      was officially concluded in April.

"I am pleased to report that we are now seeing the first signs of an upturn in
the Metsäliitto Group's earnings development. However, I must point out that the
present level is not sufficient by any means. We must continue to improve the
efficiency and profitability of our operations in order to achieve a level of
earnings that will guarantee our desired competitive position within the forest
                    Kari Jordan, President and CEO, Metsäliitto Group

Metsäliitto Group
 INCOME STATEMENT                 2006   2005   2005   
 (EUR mill.)                      1-3    1-3    1-12   
 Sales                            2 358  2 187  8 643  
   Other operating income         46     43     148    
   Operating expenses             -2 192 -2 027 -8 182 
   Depreciation and impairment    -130   -129   -559   
 Operating profit                 82     74     50     
   Share of results in associates 0      0      4      
   Net exchange gains / losses    8      -11    -27    
   Other financial income &       -45    -45    -187   
 Result before tax                45     18     -159   
   Income tax                     -24    -7     15     
 Result for the period            21     11     -144   

 KEY RATIOS                                   2006   2005   2005     
                                              1-3    1-3    1-12     
 Return on capital employed, %                5.4    4.9    1.2      
 Return on equity, %                          3.1    1.5    -5.3     
 Equity ratio, %                              30.3   32.1   30.5     
 Net gearing ratio, %                         143    123    137      
 Interest-bearing net liabilities, MEUR       3 778  3 440  3 631    
 Capital expenditure, MEUR                    168    171    692      
 Personnel, average                           28 890 29 050 29 007   

Parent company and subsidiaries
 Income statement 1-3/2006          Metsä-   Finn-    Metsä             *)      
 (EUR mill.)                        liitto   forest   Tissue   M-real   Metsä-  
 Sales                              323      501      181      1 441    316     
   Other operating income           2        3        2        36       6       
   Operating expenses               -314     -473     -166     -1 349   -248    
   Depreciation and impairment      -1       -17      -12      -93      -26     
 Operating profit                   10       14       5        35       48      
   Share of result in associates    0        0        0        -1       0       
   Net exchange gains / losses      0        0        0        8        3       
   Other fin. income & expenses     20       -4       -7       -26      -1      
 Result before tax                  30       10       -2       16       50      

*) 100%

                                         The interim report is unaudited



Sales and earnings
The Metsäliitto Group's sales in the first quarter of 2006 increased by 8 per
cent on the previous year and amounted to EUR 2 358 million (2 187 in Q1 2005).
The operating profit was EUR 82 million (74). The figure for the comparison year
includes EUR +9 million of non-recurring items.

The operating profit improvement was particularly attributable to improved
profitability of the Wood Products Industry due to better market conditions and
the completion of efficiency and cost savings measures. The Group's profitability
was also improved by increased delivery volumes of coated fine paper and board,
as well as price increases in coated magazine papers.

Net financial expenses were 1.6 per cent of sales (2.5). Financial income was EUR
7 million (6), shares in associated companies' profits totalled EUR 0 million (0)
and financial expenses came to EUR 52 million (51). Exchange rate differences in
financing totalled EUR 8 million(-11). On average, the dollar strengthened by 8.3
per cent and the sterling by 1.0 per cent compared with the first quarter of

Profit before taxes was EUR 45 million (18). Taxes, including the change in the
deferred tax liability, totalled EUR 24 million (7). Profit for the period under
review amounted to EUR 21 million (11), of which EUR 17 million (14) was
attributable to the owners of the parent cooperative and EUR 4 million (-3) to
the minority interest.

The Metsäliitto Group's return on capital employed was 5.4 per cent (4.9), while
return on equity was 3.1 per cent (1.5).

Balance sheet and financing
The Group's total liquidity was EUR 1.9 billion at the end of March (12/05: 1.6).
Of this, EUR 0.2 billion (0.2) was in liquid assets and investments and EUR 1.7
billion (1.4) in binding credit-facility agreements not included in the balance
sheet. For its short-term financing needs, the Group also had around EUR 0.7
billion in non-committed domestic and foreign commercial paper programmes and
forward credits.

In March, the Group's equity ratio was 30.3 per cent and gearing 143 per cent
(12/05: 30.5% and 137%). Interest-bearing net liabilities stood at EUR 3 778
million (12/05: 3 631).

Members' capital in Metsäliitto Cooperative increased by EUR million during the
first quarter. Actual members' capital increased by EUR 1 million, additional
members' capital A by EUR 5 million and additional members' capital B by EUR 2

In April, the Representative Council of Metsäliitto Cooperative decided that
interest of 6.5 per cent would be paid on statutory members' capital (6.5%),
interest of 5.5 per cent on additional members' capital A (5.5%) and 4.0 per cent
on additional members' capital B (4.0%). The total interest payout for 2005
amounts to EUR 37.4 million (34.2).

Metsäliitto Cooperative signed a binding syndicated credit facility agreement of
EUR 560 million in March. The loan is associated with the merger between
Finnforest Corporation and Metsäliitto Cooperative. The loan period is five

During the period under review, the Metsäliitto Group employed 28 981 people on
average 1-3/05: 29 079). The number at the end of the period was 28 890 (31
December 2005: 29 050). Metsäliitto Cooperative had 131 049 members at the end of
March (31 December 2005: 131 175).

Investments, acquisitions and divestments
Metsäliitto Group's capital expenditure into fixed assets and corporate
acquisitions from January to March totalled EUR 168 million (171).

In February, Metsä Tissue announced that it was acquiring the Slovakian company
Tento a.s., which is a leading supplier of tissue paper in central Eastern
Europe. Its key products are toilet paper, household towels and handkerchiefs.
The sale transaction was realised in April.

Production at Metsä-Botnia's sawmill built in Russia started smoothly. The
sawmill has an annual capacity of 200 000 cubic metres and employed 132 people at
the end of March. The cost of the investment project was about EUR 55 million.

An extension to Finnforest's Kerto mill at Punkaharju was completed early in the
year. The unit's annual production capacity will increase by 60 000 cubic metres
to 130 000 cubic metres.

In March, Finnforest sold its chipboard business (Tiwi) located at Keuruu to
Puhos Board Oy. Finnforest became a minority shareholder in Puhos Board with a
holding of 13 per cent.

Modernisation of M-real's board machine at Simpele will be completed gradually
during the spring. The work will raise the mill's annual capacity by 45 000
tonnes to 215 000 tonnes.

Uruguay pulp mill project
Construction work for the pulp mill progressed normally during the first quarter.
Foundation work for the buildings has been completed and construction above
ground has started. The construction site employed 1 760 people at the end of

In April, Metsä-Botnia suspended the construction work for ten days with the
intention of promoting mutual understanding between Uruguay and Argentina. Metsä-
Botnia has announced its desire to assist in solving the dispute to its best
ability and, since the start of the project, has openly disclosed information
regarding the mill's impact on the region.

The dispute between Uruguay and Argentina over the construction of Metsä-Botnia's
pulp mill continues.

A plan to merge Finnforest Corporation with Metsäliitto Cooperative was approved
in late September 2005. The merger was executed on 31 March 2006. At the same
time, Metsäliitto-Yhtymän Tehdasmittaus Oy merged with Metsäliitto Cooperative.

Business areas

Wood Supply (Metsäliitto Cooperative)

Metsäliitto Cooperative's sales for January-March were EUR 323 million (323).
Deliveries to mills in Finland, including wood chips, totalled approximately 7.1
million cubic metres (7.1), 5.4 million cubic metres of which was roundwood

Compared to previous years, the wood trade in Finland started up slowly but
gained speed in March and reached a level close to the previous year. Metsäliitto
fell slightly short of its procurement target even though its market share was
close to the normal level. The price level of softwood logs was increasing, and
the price development of other wood species was stable.

The operating profit was EUR 10 million (14). The operating profit does not
include any significant non-recurring items (1-3/05: EUR +4 million). The profit
after financial items was EUR 30 million (33). The financial items include
dividend income for of EUR 27 million (26). The financial expenses for the
comparison year include a write-down of approximately EUR 6 million associated
with the Forestia arrangement.

Metsäliitto Cooperative's return on capital employed was 4.9 per cent (6.5%). At
the end of March, the equity ratio was 51.1 per cent and gearing was 23 per cent
(31 December 2005: 56.0% and 19%).

Metsäliitto Cooperative's international wood supply produced sales of EUR 119
million (114) and an operating profit of EUR 2 million (1). Some 1.0 million
(0.9)cubic metres of wood were imported into Finland.

In Russia, log and wood chip deliveries to the Svir Timber sawmill progressed
according to plan. The supply of soft pulpwood in Sweden remains good due to the
storm damage in 2005 but in the Baltic countries, supply has fallen. Strong
demand for firewood in Central Europe tightens competition and increases the
price of pulpwood.

Metsäliitto Cooperative buys all species of wood. Pine and spruce logs are in
greatest demand, and purchasing focuses on terminal fellings.

Wood Products Industry

The wood products industry's sales were EUR 510 million (468) and the operating
profit came to EUR 14 million (-1). Profit before taxes was EUR 10 million (-11).

The positive development was affected by good demand for solid wood, plywood and
beam products, as well as realised cost savings. Furthermore, the merger between
Finnforest and Metsäliitto Cooperative has resulted in synergy benefits that have
already been realised in the first quarter.

Construction and the demand for wood products have continued at a good level. On
the other hand, DIY sales in Great Britain and France have not achieved the
targets due to weakened demand and intense competition.

The wood products industry's outlook for the second quarter is mostly positive.
The risks are mainly associated with production cuts due to shortage of logs in

Pulp (Metsä-Botnia)

Metsä-Botnia's sales amounted to EUR 316 million (255). The pulp market clearly
improved during the first quarter of 2006. Producers' pulp stocks decreased while
customers' pulp stocks in Europe remained low.

The operating profit was EUR 48 million (24). The operating profit improvement
was a result of increased sales volumes and the fact that foreign exchange rates
developed favourably for Metsä-Botnia.

The foreign currency-denominated market prices of softwood pulp were 4 per cent
lower on average compared to the first quarter of the previous year. The average
prices of hardwood pulp increased by 8 per cent. In March, the price of softwood
pulp was USD 630/tonne and the price of hardwood pulp was USD 620/tonne in

From January to March, profit before taxes was EUR 50 million (25) and the return
on capital employed was 14.9 per cent (8.4). At the end of March, the equity
ratio was 68.5 per cent and gearing was 13 per cent (31 December 2005: 71.6% and

The price of pulp is expected to increase during the spring. The new capacity in
Latin America will not affect the market before early autumn.

Papers and Paperboards (M-real)

M-real's sales for January-March were EUR 1 441 million (1 344). During the first
quarter the demand for M-real's main products was good, and operating rates were
high. There were no significant changes in the European market prices of paper in
the first quarter. Towards the end of the period, the price of office paper
slightly increased. The market prices of folding boxboard and liners remained

M-real's operating profit was EUR 35 million (115). Operating profit excluding
non-recurring items was EUR 35 million (30). The operating profit for the
comparison year included a total of EUR 85 million of non-recurring items, the
most significant item being a sales gain of EUR 81 million on an 8 per cent
holding in Metsä-Botnia. M-real's operating profit for January-March includes 39
per cent of Metsä-Botnia's operating profit (1-3/05: 47%).

Profitability in the first quarter was improved by increased delivery volumes of
coated fine paper and board, price increases in coated magazine papers, as well
as strengthening of the US dollar. On the other hand, profitability was affected
by increased costs of fibres and energy, as well as price decreases in graphic
uncoated fine papers.

Financial income and expenses amounted to EUR -18 million (-39) and the shares in
associated companies' profits totalled EUR -1 million (1). Exchange rate
differences booked in financial items totalled EUR 8 million (-11).

Profit before taxes was EUR 16 million (77), earnings per share were EUR 0.01
(0.23) and the return on capital employed was 3.4 per cent (10.1). Excluding non-
recurring items, the result was EUR 16 million (-8), earnings per share were EUR
0.01 (a loss of -0.03) and the return on capital employed was 3.4 per cent (3.0).

At the end of March, M-real's equity ratio was 36.2 per cent and gearing was 100
per cent (31 December 2005: 36.6% and 95%).

M-real's Annual General Meeting decided to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.12 per
share (0.12), totalling EUR 39.4 million (39.4). Furthermore, the Annual General
Meeting authorised M-real's Board of Directors to decide on increasing the share
capital by a maximum of EUR 99.2 million. The authorisation includes the option
of deviating from a shareholder's pre-emptive right to new subscriptions provided
that the deviation is called for by corporate restructuring measures or other
development of the company's business or there is another weighty financial

M-real issued a bond of EUR 500 million in March. The bond will be used for the
repayment of existing loans, and the loan period is seven years.

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services downgraded M-real's BB credit rating to BB-
and updated the outlook from stable to negative. Moody's Investors Services
downgraded M-real's Ba2 credit rating to Ba3. The rating outlook remained

The demand for the main products is expected to remain mostly stable during the
second quarter. The average prices of all the main paper grades are expected to
be slightly higher than in the previous quarter. The price of folding boxboard is
expected to remain stable in the near future.

Tissue and Cooking Papers (Metsä Tissue)

Metsä Tissue's sales amounted to EUR 181 million (171). The increase in sales is
attributable to increased sales volumes and improved average prices. Sales
development has been particularly positive in Germany and Poland.

The operating profit was EUR 5 million (9). The decrease on the previous year's
level is due to increased prices of energy, pulp and petroleum-based raw
materials. Higher sales volumes and prices have not yet been sufficient to cover
the rise in raw material prices.

Metsä Tissue's result before taxes was EUR -2 million (5). The decrease in
earnings is due to increased raw material expenses mentioned in the above, as
well as exchange rate differences in financing.

Inspections by the competition authority

On 25 May 2004, representatives of Finland's competition authority conducted
inspections, without notice, at the premises of several forest industry
companies, including those of Metsäliitto Cooperative and Stora Enso. The
inspections were in response to information supplied to the Finnish Competition
Authority on 3 May 2004 by UPM-Kymmene.

The purpose of the inspections was to determine whether the forest industry
companies in question had exchanged confidential information concerning the
purchasing prices of wood raw material, and had discussed ways of limiting
competition between these companies over prices on the market for wood raw

The reports of inspections were provided to the companies for comments in early
April 2006. The deadline for rejoinders is mid-May.


Metsäliitto Group's first-quarter performance was in line with plans. Due to
seasonal reasons, the earnings for the second quarter will probably fall short of
the first quarter's level. In 2005, the Group's second quarter showed a loss of
EUR 149 million due to the labour conflict in the forest industry.

The continuing increase in the prices of energy, particularly natural gas and
electrical power, imposes substantial increases on production costs. Furthermore,
the high market price of crude oil will raise transport costs and keep petroleum-
based raw materials expensive.

With regard to pine and spruce logs, the supply has not matched the demand this
year. The level of softwood log reserves is low, and reductions in sawmilling
have to be made before the summer holidays due to a shortage of logs. If
prolonged, production restrictions in sawmilling will result in a downturn in

The implementation of measures aimed at improving cost-effectiveness and
profitability is a priority for Metsäliitto. Unless the operating environment
within the forest industry is significantly altered, Metsäliitto Group is aiming
for clear profits in 2006.

Espoo, 27 April 2006


Additional information:
Mr. Lauri Peltola, Group CCO, Metsäliitto, tel. +358 50570 5606
Mr. Ilkka Pitkänen, Group CFO, Metsäliitto, tel. +358 1046 94260


 Income statement                          2006    2005            2005    
 (EUR mill.)                               1-3     1-3     Change  1-12    
 Sales                                     2 358   2 187   171     8 643   
  Other operating income                   46      43      3       148     
  Materials and services                   -1 474  -1 336  -138    -5 377  
  Employee costs                           -361    -356    -5      -1 424  
  Other operating expenses                 -357    -335    -22     -1 381  
  Depreciation and impairment losses       -130    -129    -1      -559    
 Operating profit                          82      74      8       50      
  Share of results in associates           0       0       0       4       
  Net exchange gains / losses              8       -11     19      -27     
  Other financial income and expenses      -45     -45     0       -187    
 Result before tax                         45      18      27      -159    
  Income taxes                             -24     -7      -17     15      
 Result for the period                     21      11      10      -144    
 Attributable to                                                           
 Owners of parent company                  17      14      3       -50     
 Minority interest                         4       -3      7       -94     
                                           21      11      10      -144    

                                   2006    2005    2005   
 Balance sheet                     31.3.   31.3.   31.12. 
 Non-current assets                                       
 Intangible assets                 849     812     818    
  Tangible assets                  4 242   4 239   4 256  
  Biological assets                65      46      51     
 Financial assets                                         
  Interest bearing                 46      71      68     
  Deferred tax receivables         86      103     96     
  Other non-interest bearing       230     207     201    
                                   5 518   5 478   5 490  
 Current assets                                           
 Inventories                       1 310   1 301   1 293  
  Interest bearing                 9       25      5      
  Non-interest bearing             1 749   1 691   1 706  
 Cash and cash equivalents         190     200     194    
                                   3 259   3 217   3 199  
 TOTAL                             8 777   8 695   8 689  
 MEMBERS' FUNDS AND LIABILITIES                           
 Members' funds                    1 354   1 387   1 328  
 Minority interest                 1 298   1 400   1 317  
 Total members' funds              2 652   2 787   2 645  
 Non-current liabilities                                  
  Deferred tax liabilities         430     478     439    
  Retirement benefit obligations   269     271     270    
  Provisions                       70      48      74     
  Interest bearing                 3 267   2 880   2 915  
  Other non-interest bearing       85      110     90     
                                   4 121   3 787   3 788  
 Current liabilities                                      
  Interest bearing                 757     855     983    
  Non-interest bearing             1 247   1 266   1 273  
                                   2 004   2 121   2 256  
 Total liabilities                 6 125   5 908   6 044  
 TOTAL                             8 777   8 695   8 689  

 Change in members' funds                                                       
                              Members'             Retained   Minority          
                              capital   Reserves   earnings   interest   Total  
 Members' funds 1.1.2005      505       62         783        1 428      2 778  
 Translation differences                           -9                    -9     
 Increase in members' capital 16                                         17     
 Effects of financial                   14                               14     
 Minority interest                                            -27        -27    
 Result for the period                             14                    14     
 Members' funds 31.3.2005     521       76         788        1 401      2 787  
 Members' funds 1.1.2006      558       74         696        1 317      2 646  
 Translation differences                           -4                    -4     
 Increase in members' capital 8                                          8      
 Effects of financial                   4                                4      
 Transfers                              1                                1      
 Minority interest                                            -19        -19    
 Result for the period                             17                    17     
 Members' funds 31.3.2006     566       79         709        1298       2 652  

                                   2006    2005    2005    
 Cash flow statement               1-3     1-3     1-12    
 Cash flow from operations                                 
 Result for the period             20      11      -144    
   Adjustments total               168     191     699     
   Change in working capital       -120    -140    -131    
 Cash generated from operations    68      62      424     
   Finance costs, net              -29     -56     -237    
   Income taxes paid               -24     -46     -52     
 Net cash from operations          15      -40     135     
 Cash flow from investments                                
  Acquisitions                     -50     -46     -68     
  Purchases of assets              -118    -125    -538    
  Sold assets and others           18      189     185     
 Net cash from investments         -150    18      -420    
 Cash flow from financing                                  
  Change in loans and                                      
 other financial items             155     -6      286     
  Dividends paid                   -24     -24     -58     
 Net cash flow from financing      131     -30     228     
 Change in cash and cash           -4      -53     -58     
 Cash at beginning of period       194     252     252     
  Change in cash and cash          -4      -53     -58     
 Cash at end of period             190     199     194     


 Consumer Packaging            I/06    I/05    I-IV/05  
 Sales                         257     238     864      
 EBITDA                        50      50      134      
 Depreciation & impairment     -23     -23     -89      
 Operating profit              27      27      45       

 Papers                        I/06    I/05     I-IV/05  
 Sales                         801     747      2 988    
 EBITDA                        81      74       224      
 Depreciation & impairment     -64     -64      -274     
 Operating profit              17      10       -50      

 MAP Merchant Group            I/06    I/05     I-IV/05  
 Sales                         365     341      1 390    
 EBITDA                        9       8        25       
 Depreciation & impairment     -2      -2       -7       
 Operating profit              7       6        18       

 Wood Products                 I/06    I/05     I-IV/05  
 Sales                         510     468      1 986    
 EBITDA                        32      17       111      
 Depreciation & impairment     -18     -18      -85      
 Operating profit              14      -1       26       

EBITDA = Result before depreciation and impairment losses

 Others                        I/06    I/05    I-IV/05  
 Operating profit              17      32      10       
 of which                                               
    Wood supply in Finland     10      14      25       
    Internat. wood supply      2       1       8        
    Tissue and Cooking papers  5       9       24       
    Others and Group           0       8       -47      


 1 000 units                   I/06    I/05     I-IV/05 
 Paper, t                      1 079   1 026   3 985    
 Paperboard, t                 299     293     985      
 Sawn goods, m3                1 113   1 053   4 136    
 Processed timber, m3          302     299     1 181    
 EW products, m3               247     226     990      
 Pulp & CTMP, t (M-real)       440     383     1 533    
 Pulp, t (Metsä-Botnia)        644     653     2 177    

 Quarterly data                       2006   2005   2005   2005   2005   
                                      I      IV     III    II     I      
  Consumer Packaging                  257    231    196    199    238    
  Papers                              801    775    735    732    747    
  MAP Merchant Group                  365    357    341    351    341    
  Wood Products                       510    497    468    553    468    
  Others & internal sales             425    405    317    299    393    
 Group sales                          2 358  2 265  2 057  2 134  2 187  
 Operating profit                                                        
  Consumer Packaging                  27     20     15     -17    27     
  Papers                              17     -22    13     -51    10     
  MAP Merchant Group                  7      0      5      7      6      
  Wood Products                       14     9      3      15     -1     
  Others                              17     -20    9      -11    32     
 Group operating profit               82     -13    45     -56    74     
    - % of sales                      3.5    -0.6   2.2    -2.6   3.4    
 Share of results in associates       0      4      1      -2     0      
  Net exchange gains / losses         8      -4     0      -12    -11    
  Other fin. income & expenses        -45    -29    -33    -79    -45    
 Result before tax                    45     -42    13     -149   18     
  Income taxes                        -24    8      -5     20     -7     
 Result for the period                21     -34    8      -129   11     

Metsäliitto is the tenth biggest forest industry group in the world. Its five
business areas include wood supply, wood products industry, pulp production and
producing of paper and paperboard as well as tissue paper. Its sales are about
8.6 billion euro. With almost 30 000 employees, the Metsäliitto Group parent
company Metsäliitto Cooperative and subsidiaries Metsä-Botnia, M-real and Metsä
Tissue have own presence in nearly 30 countries.
