Metsäliitto Group to increase energy performance in buildings (9 February 2010)

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Metsäliitto Grou press release 9 February 2010

Metsäliitto Group to increase energy performance in buildings

Metsäliitto Group strives to reduce the climate impact of all its activities.
Improving energy efficiency is a key issue in its Climate programme. In
accordance with this Metsäliitto Group has signed the World Business Council
for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Manifesto on energy efficiency in
buildings. The Manifesto and its implementation outline several actions for
companies to enhance energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Members of the
WBCSD firmly believe that actions towards improving energy performance in
buildings and creating a demand for energy-efficient buildings can result in
significant reductions in worldwide energy usage and corresponding carbon

"Increasing energy performance in buildings is part of Metsäliitto Group's
wider systematic energy efficiency programme. Signing the manifesto gives also
a possibility to inform how the Finnforest eco-efficient wood-based products
can help in reducing the climate impact of buildings. Our products for building
and interior decoration are energy efficient throughout their entire
life-cycle," says Kari Jordan, President and CEO of Metsäliitto Group. 

The Manifesto provides Metsäliitto Group a good framework for ongoing
development work regarding energy efficiency in buildings. A project with the
aim to develop a database for efficient management of company's real estate
property was started in 2009. Metsäliitto Groups' energy efficiency program
strives for energy and CO2 reductions in all its production units. These
activities are now extended to cover Group's commercial buildings. "In addition
to the energy and CO2 reductions we also have the opportunity to cut operating
costs," states Jukka Tuloisela, SVP Administration Services, Metsäliitto Group. 

Metsäliitto Group, including all its business areas, has been a WBCSD member
since 2003. The WBCSD is a unique, CEO-led, global association of some 200
companies dealing with business and sustainable development. The council
provides a platform for companies to explore sustainable development, share
knowledge, experiences and best practice, and to advocate business positions on
these issues. This is achieved in a variety of forums by working with
governments and non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations. 

For further information, please contact:
Mikko Ohela, Senior Vice President, International Corporate Affairs, tel. +358
1046 94331 
