Metsäliitto to adjust its wood supply in Finland to the prevailing market situation (11 March 2009)

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The statutory labour negotiations commenced by Metsäliitto Wood Supply in
February 2009 are now concluded. The negotiations concerned Wood Supply Finland
and Delivery organisations. 

As a result of the negotiations, all employees in the procurement districts and
the procurement and delivery units of Wood Supply Finland, a total of some 450
employees, will be laid off for a period of two to six weeks. The layoffs will
be carried out by the end of June; however, they will be organised so that the
basic functions of wood supply can be maintained without interruption. 

During the negotiations, reorganizing the functions in Northern Finland was
also discussed, which included a review of the division of districts in
Northern Finland, the location of district offices, the operating areas of the
procurement and delivery unit as well as the definition of functions. This
review may result in the reduction of a maximum of nine employees. The
redundancies will be carried out through various assignment transfers and
pension schemes. Dismissals, however, are not excluded. The decision on
eventual changes will be made later in spring and the reorganisation process
will be concluded by the start of the summer holiday period. 

Due to the weak market situation and curtailments in production, Metsäliitto
has been compelled to restrict the volumes of wood purchasing, reception and
deliveries. As part of this process, Metsäliitto is adjusting its operations
and costs through layoffs and by streamlining its organisation to meet the
current situation. Similar actions have already been taken at the Group's
production units. 

“All these measures will support in the long term Metsäliitto's core mission
which remains unchanged. Metsäliitto will continue to procure and market its
owner-members' wood in a competitive manner, and to process the wood primarily
at its own production units”, emphasises Yrjö Perälä, Senior Vice President,
Wood Supply Finland. 

Additional information:
Yrjö Perälä, Senior Vice President, Wood Supply Finland, tel. +358 500 615 399
Heikki Karhunen, Senior Vice President, Deliveries, tel. +358 50 598 8950
Päivi Kauhanen, Metsäliitto Corporate Communications, tel. + 358 50 598 9560
