Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry intends to divest the Soinlahti sawmill

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Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry Press release 26 April 2010
Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry has signed letters of intent concerning the
divestment of the machinery and equipment of the Soinlahti sawmill, shut down
at the beginning of 2009, to Anaika Wood Ltd Oy, and of the divestment of the
buildings and soil included in the sawmill to Iisalmen Teollisuuskylä Oy. 

“We have found a solution for continuing the sawmill's operations and
maintaining employment in the region. Anaika Woods has invested in the
production of specific components intended for the Japanese market, and it
would be possible to saw the raw material meeting the components' special
measures,” says Ole Salvén , Group Executive Vice President of Metsäliitto Wood
Products Industry. 

“The letter of intent also includes a long-term wood acquisition contract
between Metsäliitto Wood Supply and Anaika Wood, and pursuant to the contract,
we would provide the sawmill with spruce logs, pine logs and small logs,” says
Juha Mäntylä, Group Executive Vice President of Metsäliitto Wood Supply. “In
the region, Metsäliitto does not have any production plants that utilize logs,
which means that the contract will make Metsäliitto's operations more effective
and will increase its members' timber use opportunities in the region.” 

The aim is to sign the final contracts during May 2010.	 

More information:

Ole Salvén, Group Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry,
telephone +358 10 465 4870
Juha Mäntylä, Group Executive Vice President, Metsäliitto Wood Supply, 
telephone +358 10 465 4244
Satu Holm-Jumppanen, Communications Manager, Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry,
telephone +358 10 465 4684
