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  • Promoting efficient recycling: Metsä Tissue seeks new applications for Mänttä mill's de-inking sludge

Promoting efficient recycling: Metsä Tissue seeks new applications for Mänttä mill's de-inking sludge

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Metsä Tissue Corporation, a leading tissue and cooking paper supplier and part
of the Metsäliitto Group, is dedicated to maximizing the recycling of
industrial by-products such as de-inking sludge generated during the recovered
paper de-inking process. It promotes this work through Finncao Oy, a company
founded in 1999 and acquired wholly by Metsä Tissue earlier this year. 

Finncao provides specialized services and expertise in the utilization of
de-inking sludge and ash as a substitute for soil and other primary materials
in applications such as landfill and road construction, sports tracks and
fields and other urban and infrastructural development. Its goal is to further
develop its recycling services and to productize recycled industrial
by-products in an ecologically and financially efficient way. 

“Finncao offers us an interface for maximizing the sound and efficient
recycling of industrial by-products generated during our production processes,”
says Metsä Tissue's CEO Hannu Kottonen. “We currently recycle 98 per cent of
all our de-inking sludge, and we intend to maintain a high recycling
percentage, even though reduced possibilities at landfill construction and
inflexible environmental permit procedures in Finland have made this more

Finncao is currently exploring new potential applications and carrying out
research and experiments together with various partners. “In future, de-inking
sludge and ash from the Mänttä mill could be recycled more extensively in
applications such as sub-layers in jogging tracks, cross-country skiing trails,
sports tracks and fields, golf courses and downhill skiing slopes. Thanks to
its excellent formability and low permeability, it makes an excellent material
for structures such as noise barriers. Soundwalls and embankments are in fact
the next big applications we are looking into. In structures like these, it
absolutely makes sense to recycle industrial by-products rather than use virgin
raw materials,” says the Mänttä mill's Environment and Quality Manager Jonna
Haapamäki-Syrjälä, who has been involved in Finncao's recent projects. 

“Mänttä's de-inking sludge offers outstanding features such as low water
permeability, light weight compared with rock-based raw materials, excellent
formability and flexibility - all of which are definite advantages in the
construction and use of jogging tracks and ball parks,” says Haapamäki-Syrjälä. 

For further information:

Jonna Haapamäki-Syrjälä, Environment and Quality Manager 
Tel.  010 464 7999 
Email: jonna.haapamaki@metsatissue.com 

Hannu Kottonen, CEO
Tel. 010 465 4959
Email: hannu.kottonen@metsatissue.com
