Shutdown of Kaskinen this week - permanent job found for 56 persons

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The statutory negotiations related to the closing of Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab's
Kaskinen mill were concluded on 12 January 2009. On 14 January, the company
announced its decision to stop the production at Kaskinen completely. 

The shutdown process of the mill will be started on Wednesday 11 March 2009,
and the production is estimated to end during this week. The emptying and
cleaning of process equipment and tanks will continue until the end of March.
Wood handling, water and effluent treatment as well as energy production will
be continued according to the needs of M-real's BCTMP mill situated next to
Botnia's mill. 

There were 223 persons involved in the statutory negotiations. A permanent job
at Botnia's other mills and competence centres or at the mill integrate with
M-real's mill has been secured for 56 persons, of which 15 white-collar and 41
blue-collar. Additionally, 51 persons will have temporary assignments. 

During the negotiation process or after it, 18 persons have found a job with
another employer, have started studies or retired. 45 persons have
possibilities to pension schemes. 

Botnia is also participating in the cooperation project with the municipalities
in the area to find alternative employment opportunities. 

For additional information, please contact Mr. Pertti Hietaniemi, Vice
President, Mill manager, at +358 50 598 8636.
