Changes in Outotec Executive Board

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Changes in Outotec Executive Board
Ms. Kaisa Aalto-Luoto, M. Sc. (Econ.), has been appointed Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Communications and member of Outotec's Executive Board as of April 1, 2016. She is currently in charge of Human Resources of Outotec's Minerals Processing Business Unit. Ms. Kirsi Nuotto, current Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Communications, has decided to leave Outotec. She will continue working for Outotec until April 30, 2016 ensuring a smooth transition of her responsibilities to her successor. 
"I want to warmly thank Kirsi Nuotto for her strong contribution to Outotec in developing and leading our human resources and recently also communications globally. Kaisa Aalto-Luoto has held various human resources leadership positions at Outotec and in other companies and industries. Her task will be to further strengthen our approach in human resources. I welcome Kaisa warmly to our Executive Board", says Pertti Korhonen, President and CEO of Outotec.
Mr. Olli Nastamo, M. Sc. (Eng.), has been appointed Senior Vice President, Strategy, Marketing and Operational Excellence and member of the Executive Board as of April 1, 2016. Ms. Pia Kåll, current Senior Vice President of Strategy, Marketing and Operational Excellence, has decided to leave Outotec to join Capman Oyj as Partner of CapMan Buyout ( as of June 1, 2016.  Until then, she will focus on completing certain strategic projects she has been responsible for to secure a smooth transition to her successor.
"Pia Kåll has been leading our strategy and M&A activities, and recently also Marketing and Operational Excellence. I want to thank her for her strong contribution and wish her best success in her new role. Olli Nastamo is currently in charge of Outotec's digital platforms. He has held various senior management positions including P/L business responsibilities, management of large engineering projects, R&D, quality and information technology. His key focus areas will include leading our efficiency improvement program, and with his strong operational management background he is well qualified for this task. I welcome Olli warmly to our Executive Board", says Pertti Korhonen, President and CEO of Outotec.
For further information please contact:
Pertti Korhonen, President and CEO
Tel. +358 20 529 211
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