Interim Report January-March 2010

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Increased market activity resulted in high order intake

January - March 2010 in brief (corresponding 2009 figures):

  * Order intake: EUR 419.4 million (EUR 139.3 million)

  * Order backlog: EUR 1,155.7 million (EUR 1,090.4 million)

  * Sales: EUR 187.0 million (EUR 231.6 million)

  * Operating profit: EUR -10.1 million (EUR 16.3 million)

  * Operating profit before one-time items and purchase price allocation (PPA)
    amortizations: EUR 3.3 million

  * One-time costs related to restructuring: EUR 12.4 million leading to
    approximately EUR 7 million sustainable annualized cost savings beginning in
    the second quarter 2010

  * PPA amortizations related to Larox and Ausmelt acquisitions: EUR 3.2 million

  * Profit before taxes: EUR -10.3 million (EUR 18.0 million)

  * Earnings per share: EUR -0.16 (EUR 0.30)

  * Net cash flow from operating activities: EUR 7.5 million (EUR -10.7 million)

Outotec's revised financial guidance for 2010:

Due to the post-cyclical nature of Outotec's business and a low order intake in
2009, the year 2010 will be challenging.

Based on the actual order intake during the first quarter, management expects
that in 2010:

- order intake will be significantly higher compared to 2009

- sales will grow to approximately EUR 1 billion due to the Larox and Ausmelt
acquisitions, and

- operating profit, which includes EUR 10 million purchase price allocation
amortizations, will remain on the same level as in 2009, excluding one-time

In 2010, one-time costs, which are included in one-time items, are estimated to
be in the range of EUR 20-25 million (previous estimate: EUR 20 million).
One-time costs, which are related to restructuring initiatives, are estimated to
be recorded in the first half of 2010. One-time costs related to the integration
of the acquired businesses are estimated to be recorded in the financial results
of the third quarter (previous estimate: first half).

Operating profit is dependent on exchange rates, product mix, timing of new
orders, and project completions.

President and CEO Pertti Korhonen:

"The market sentiment in the mining and metals industry improved in the first
quarter of 2010, supported by strong metals prices and reduced inventory levels.
However, there is still some uncertainty due to unused production capacity. The
order intake was high as a result of the two large orders we received from Chile
and South Africa. In April, we launched our new unified global operational model
to accelerate growth and to improve cost-efficiency and operational flexibility.
This will also aid the integration of our latest acquisitions Larox, Ausmelt and
Millteam. We also took restructuring measures to reduce fixed operational costs
and will continue our work to achieve the targeted EUR 25 million annualized
savings in full in 2011."

|Summary of key figures                         |     Q1|     Q1|Last 12| Q1-Q4|
|                                               |   2010|   2009| months|  2009|
|Sales, EUR million                             |  187.0|  231.6|  833.1| 877.7|
|Gross margin, %                                |   24.4|   20.4|   22.6|  21.7|
|Operating profit, EUR million                  |  -10.1|   16.3|   32.2|  58.6|
|Operating profit margin, %                     |   -5.4|    7.0|    3.9|   6.7|
|Profit before taxes, EUR million               |  -10.3|   18.0|   32.6|  60.9|
|Net cash from operating activities, EUR million|    7.5|  -10.7|  -10.6| -28.8|
|Net interest-bearing debt at the end of period,| -179.5| -254.8| -179.5|-191.0|
|EUR million                                    |       |       |       |      |
|Gearing at the end of period, %                |  -57.9| -129.2|  -57.9| -55.8|
|Working capital at the end of period, EUR      |  -79.0| -146.8|  -79.0| -62.8|
|million                                        |       |       |       |      |
|Return on investment, %                        |  -11.1|   34.7|   12.6|  20.9|
|Return on equity, %                            |   -8.9|   23.7|    8.9|  14.9|
|Order backlog at the end of period, EUR million|1,155.7|1,090.4|1,155.7| 867.4|
|Order intake, EUR million                      |  419.4|  139.3|  837.2| 557.1|
|Personnel, average for the period              |  3,163|  2,599|  2,753| 2,612|
|Earnings per share, EUR                        |  -0.16|   0.30|   0.55|  1.01|



The market sentiment in the mining and metals industry continued to improve in
the reporting period, supported by increased metal prices and continued demand
growth from the emerging markets. In addition, inventory levels began to
decline, suggesting that the real economy and the end-use segments of metals are
recovering. Even though the long-term outlook for all metals looks solid, there
is uncertainty due to the sluggish pickup in demand in the developed economies.
Although there was idle production capacity, companies active in developing
countries made investments in new capacity. Many mining and metals companies
have also continued to upgrade their investment plans.

Competitive situation continued to be intensive due to fewer new projects.
However, Outotec has been able to defend its gross margins by providing
technological solutions which minimize the life-time costs of its customers'
processes and by leveraging its asset-light operating model, which includes
flexible use of subcontractors and global sourcing.


Order intake in the reporting period amounted to EUR 419.4 million (Q1/2009: EUR
139.3 million) including two large plant deliveries, technology transfer
packages, equipment deliveries and service orders. These orders had normal gross
margins and customary payment terms.

Major new orders in the first quarter:

  * Sinter plant for Kalagadi Manganese, South Africa (EUR 119 million);

  * Copper roasting and sulfuric acid plants for Codelco, Chile (EUR 116

  * Copper smelter technology for Tongling Non-Ferrous Metals Group, China (EUR
    15 million);

  * Precious metal plant for Baiyin Non Ferrous Group, China (EUR 6 million);

  * Pelletizing technology for Bhushan Power & Steel Plant, India (value not


The order backlog at the end of the reporting period totaled EUR 1,155.7 million
(March 31, 2009: EUR 1,090.4 million) representing a 6% increase from the
comparison period in 2009.

At the end of the reporting period, Outotec's order backlog included 23 projects
with an order backlog value in excess of EUR 10 million, accounting for 69% of
the total backlog. According to management's estimate, roughly 54% of the
current backlog will be delivered in 2010 and the rest in 2011 and beyond. The
order backlog includes roughly EUR 70 million (December 31, 2009: EUR 70
million) in suspended projects.


Outotec's sales in the reporting period totaled EUR 187.0 million (Q1/2009: EUR
231.6 million), which was 19% lower than in the comparison period. The decline
in sales was due to the low starting order backlog at the beginning of the year.
In addition, there were fewer projects in a phase where major deliveries are
carried out and revenue recognition is high.

The Services business, which is included in the divisions' and other businesses'
sales figures, totaled EUR 50.5 million in the reporting period (Q1/2009: EUR
30.9 million), up 63% from the comparison period. The increase in Services
business came from Larox, which Outotec acquired in December 2009. Supported by
the acquisitions of Larox and Millteam, Outotec remains on track in terms of
achieving its service business sales target of EUR 250-300 million by the end of

The operating profit for the reporting period was EUR -10.1 million (Q1/2009:
EUR 16.3 million). The operating loss included EUR 12.4 million one-time
restructuring costs, which are leading to approximately EUR 7 million
sustainable annualized cost savings starting from the second quarter. More than
half of these costs came from fixed asset write-offs and the remaining costs
from provisions related to personnel reductions in Finland. In addition, the
operating loss included EUR 3.2 million of purchase price allocation (PPA)
amortizations and EUR 2.2 million net positive effect from acquisition costs and
the revaluation of Ausmelt shares. The operating profit excluding one-time items
and PPA amortizations was EUR 3.3 million, representing 1.8% of sales (Q1/2009:
7.0%). The decrease in operating profit resulted from low sales volume and
higher fixed costs compared to the comparison period.

In the reporting period, Outotec's fixed costs were EUR 45.6 million (Q1/2009:
EUR 31.5 million). The increase was mainly caused by the fixed costs of Larox
and Ausmelt and increased sales efforts.

Outotec's profit before taxes for the reporting period was EUR -10.3 million
(Q1/2009: EUR 18.0 million). It included net finance income of EUR -0.2 million
(Q1/2009: EUR 1.7 million). The net finance income was impacted primarily by low
interest rates and reduced net cash position. Net profit for the period was EUR
-7.3 million (Q1/2009: EUR 12.5 million). Taxes totaled EUR 3.0 million positive
(Q1/2009: EUR -5.5 million) since deferred tax assets were booked from the
losses. Earnings per share were EUR -0.16 (Q1/2009: EUR 0.30).

Outotec's return on equity for the reporting period was -8.9% (Q1/2009: 23.7%),
and return on investment was -11.1% (Q1/2009: 34.7%).

|Sales and Operating Profit by Segment    |   Q1|   Q1|Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                              | 2010| 2009| 2009|
|Sales                                    |     |     |     |
|Minerals Processing                      | 48.2| 84.5|338.2|
|Base Metals                              | 31.9| 44.8|136.4|
|Metals Processing                        | 72.5| 97.2|378.8|
|Larox                                    | 31.2|    -|    -|
|Other Businesses                         |  8.9| 18.3| 60.4|
|Unallocated items*) and intra-group sales| -5.6|-13.2|-36.2|
|Total                                    |187.0|231.6|877.7|
|Operating profit                         |     |     |     |
|Minerals Processing                      | -0.3|  6.1| 29.2|
|Base Metals                              | -1.8|  4.3|  8.4|
|Metals Processing                        |  9.1|  8.9| 36.0|
|Larox                                    | -3.0|    -|    -|
|Other Businesses                         | -1.7| -0.4| -1.5|
|Unallocated**) and intra-group items     |-12.5| -2.7|-13.5|
|Total                                    |-10.1| 16.3| 58.6|

*) Unallocated items primarily include invoicing of internal management and
administrative services.

**) Unallocated items primarily include internal management and administrative
services, one-time costs which relate to restructuring and share of the result
of associated companies.

Minerals Processing

The Minerals Processing division's sales in the reporting period decreased by
43% from the comparison period and totaled EUR 48.2 million (Q1/2009: EUR 84.5
million). Operating profit was EUR -0.3 million (Q1/2009: EUR 6.1 million). The
decrease in sales was primarily due to a significantly lower starting order
backlog and a relatively low order intake in the first quarter. The
significantly lower sales relative to the division's fixed costs was the primary
reason for the division's operating loss. Operating loss for the reporting
period also included unrealized and realized exchange loss related to currency
forward contracts of EUR 0.4 million (Q1/2009: unrealized and realized loss of
EUR 0.7 million).

Base Metals

The Base Metals division's sales in the reporting period decreased by 29% from
the comparison period and totaled EUR 31.9 million (Q1/2009: EUR 44.8 million).
The decrease in sales was primarily due to a low starting order backlog. The
operating profit was EUR -1.8 million (Q1/2009: EUR 4.3 million). The
significantly lower sales relative to the division's fixed costs was the primary
reason for the division's operating loss. The division's operating loss also
included EUR 0.3 million PPA amortizations related to the Ausmelt acquisition.

Metals Processing

The Metals Processing division's sales in the reporting period decreased 25%
from the comparison period to EUR 72.5 million (Q1/2009: EUR 97.2 million). The
decrease in sales was mainly due to low order intake in 2009 and due to the fact
that in the first quarter only a few projects were in a phase where major
deliveries are carried out and revenue recognition is high. Operating profit
increased to EUR 9.1 million (Q1/2009: EUR 8.9 million) due to good project
execution and successful project completions. Operating profit for the reporting
period also included unrealized and realized exchange gain related to currency
forward contracts of EUR 0.6 million (Q1/2009: unrealized and realized gain of
EUR 1.3 million).


The Larox division's sales in the reporting period were EUR 31.2 million and its
operating profit EUR -3.0 million. The division's operating loss included EUR
-2.9 million PPA amortizations. The sale of Larox Flowsys shares had no effect
on the operating profit of Larox division because the shares were valued at
market price in the PPA.


The net cash flow from operating activities in the reporting period was at EUR
7.5 million (Q1/2009: EUR -10.7 million). The net cash flow in the reporting
period was positive because the order intake included large projects, and thus
there were substantial advance payments.

Outotec's working capital amounted to EUR -79.0 million at the end of the
reporting period (March 31, 2009: EUR -146.8 million). The change in working
capital resulted from low order intake and subsequently lower advance payments
in 2009, but due to large orders received in the first quarter of 2010, working
capital developed positively. In addition, the consolidation of Larox negatively
impacted on Outotec's working capital.

At the end of the reporting period, Outotec's cash and cash equivalents totaled
EUR 232.1 million (March 31, 2009: EUR 257.5 million). The company invests its
excess cash in short-term money market instruments such as bank deposits and
corporate commercial papers.

Outotec's financing structure remained strong. Net interest-bearing debt at the
end of the reporting period was EUR -179.5 million (March 31, 2009: EUR -254.8
million). The advances received at the end of the reporting period totaled EUR
150.7 million (March 31, 2009: EUR 225.1 million), representing a decrease of
33% from the comparison period. Outotec's gearing at the end of the reporting
period was -57.9% (March 31, 2009: -129.2%), and the equity-to-assets ratio was
40.7% (March 31, 2009: 35.6%).

The company's capital expenditure in the reporting period was EUR 53.7 million
(Q1/2009: EUR 4.7 million), of which EUR 51.1 million was related to the Larox
Corporation and Ausmelt Ltd acquisitions. Other capital expenditure included
investments in information technology, machinery and intellectual property

Guarantees for commercial commitments, including advance payment guarantees
issued by the parent and other Group companies decreased from the comparison
period due to lower order intake and were EUR 295.3 million (March 31, 2009: EUR
350.1 million) at the end of the reporting period. At the end of the reporting
period, the total volume of pledges and mortgages was EUR 2.5 million (December
31, 2009: EUR 33.4 million). The reduction was due to the repayment of most of
the external credit facilities of Larox and the subsequent release of banks'


Outotec announced its new operational model on February 9, 2010. As of April
1, 2010 Outotec's businesses were reorganized into four business areas, three of
which are reporting segments. The business areas are:

- Non-ferrous Solutions, consisting of businesses related to the processing of
copper, nickel, zinc, lead, gold, silver and platinum group metals as a full
process chain from ore to metal, as well as industrial minerals. Larox and
Ausmelt businesses are included in the Non-ferrous business area ;
- Ferrous Solutions, consisting of businesses related to the processing of iron,
steel and ferroalloys as well as titanium feedstock;
- Energy, Light Metals and Environmental Solutions, consisting of businesses
related to energy (including oil shale, bioenergy and oil sands), alumina,
aluminium and light metals processing, sulfuric acid plants, applications for
gas cleaning and heat recovery systems and coke, as well as industrial water
treatment; and
- Services, focusing on growing and developing the service business globally and
providing life-cycle services to Outotec's customers. The Services business will
be included in the figures of the three other business areas, but its sales
volume will also be reported separately.

Sales and delivery operations in geographical Market Areas are organized under
global the Market Operations organization which operates in matrix within the
Business Areas. Additionally, global Shared Support Functions are responsible
for providing an effective business platform for Outotec. The new operational
model is geared to deliver growth both in all Market Areas and in all Business
Areas. In addition, the matrix structure with globally shared support functions
will allow a more flexible and efficient use of Outotec's global capabilities
including products, technologies, competences and resources.


In the reporting period, Outotec began a cost-savings program targeting EUR 25
million annualized savings in operational fixed costs, comprising also fixed
costs of sales, by the end of 2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. These
savings will begin accruing gradually during the second and third quarters with
full effect in 2011. Savings will be achieved through implementation of the new
operational model and synergy benefits from recent acquisitions. On February
9, 2010, the company announced that it will be reducing the number of personnel
by 170 during 2010.

In order to achieve the targeted savings in operational fixed costs, one-time
costs, included in one-time items, are estimated to be in the range of EUR
20-25 million (previous estimate: EUR 20 million). The one-time costs, which are
related to the restructuring, are estimated to be recorded in the financial
results of the first half of 2010. The one-time costs related to the integration
of the acquired businesses are estimated to be recorded in the third quarter
(previously: first half).

In the reporting period, the one-time costs related to the cost savings program
totalled EUR 12.4 million, which lead to approximately EUR 7 million sustainable
annualized cost savings starting from the second quarter. More than half of
these costs came from write-offs of fixed assets and the remaining costs from
provisions related to personnel reductions in Finland.


Larox acquisition

On January 27, 2010 Outotec announced the final outcome of the Tender Offer,
according to which the Larox shares in Outotec ownership represented 98.5% of
all the Larox shares and 99.7% of all the votes attached to the Larox shares.
Outotec's intention is to acquire all the Larox shares and the company initiated
compulsory acquisition proceedings for the remaining Larox B shares. The
acquisition is expected to be closed in June. The planning process for the
integration of Larox began in the first quarter and the plan will be implemented
after the delisting of the company.

Millteam acquisition

On March 18, 2010 Outotec announced the acquisition of Millteam Sweden's service
business. Millteam offers maintenance services, complete installations,
installation supervision, maintenance inspections and service of equipment for
mining companies and has special expertise in grinding mill service. The
Millteam acquisition supports Outotec's strategy to expand its service business.
With the new service center in Sweden, Outotec can now provide better life-cycle
services for its customers in Europe and the CIS area. The terms and conditions
related to the acquisition were realized on April 1, 2010.

Ausmelt acquisition

On March 23, 2010 Outotec announced that it had successfully completed the
acquisition of the Australian listed company Ausmelt Ltd and now owns 100% of
all the company's shares and votes. Ausmelt's principal activities are the
development, design, engineering and supply of Top Submerged Lance (TSL)
smelting technology for the production of metals and processing of industrial
wastes. Ausmelt's TSL technology complements Outotec's smelting technology
portfolio. Outotec currently has flash smelting technology for copper and nickel
primary smelting in large scale plants, while Ausmelt's TSL technology is
suitable for small to mid-size plants as well as for a variety of other feed
materials, such as ferrous metals, zinc, lead and tin concentrates, zinc-bearing
residues and various secondary and waste materials. The additional benefit of
the technology is that it enables the recovery of valuable metals from


In the reporting period, Outotec's research and technology development expenses
totaled EUR 7.1 million (Q1/2009: EUR 5.1 million), representing 3.8% of sales
(Q1/2009: 2.2%). Outotec filed 17 new priority patent applications (Q1/2009:
12), and 31 new national patents were granted (Q1/2009: 26).


At the end of the reporting period, Outotec had a total of 3,167 employees
(March 31, 2009: 2,557) of which 557 employees came from Larox and 45 from
Ausmelt. Outotec's personnel excluding Larox and Ausmelt increased by 8
employees in the reporting period. Outotec had on average 3,163 employees
(Q1/2009: 2,599). The average number of personnel increased by 564 from the
comparison period mainly through acquisitions. Temporary personnel accounted for
about 6% of the total number of employees.

In the first quarter, Outotec concluded its employee negotiations, which began
in Finland on February 11, 2010 to seek alternative options for cost saving and
measures to minimize the need for redundancies. The outcome of these
negotiations was that 84 persons were made redundant in April in Outotec's
corporate management, support functions, research center and business units in
Finland. The total personnel reduction in Finland will be approximately 120
employees in 2010 when taking into account retirements and termination of
temporary contracts.

|Distribution of personnel by country|March 31,|March 31,|        |Dec 31,|
|                                    |     2010|     2009|change %|   2009|
|Finland                             |    1,126|      907|    24.1|  1,145|
|Germany                             |      475|      397|    19.6|    472|
|Rest of Europe                      |      280|      241|    16.2|    283|
|Americas                            |      742|      673|    10.3|    740|
|Australia                           |      282|      197|    43.1|    239|
|Rest of the world                   |      262|      142|    84.5|    249|
|Total                               |    3,167|    2,557|    23.9|  3,128|

At the end of March 2010, the company had, in addition to its own personnel on
Outotec's payroll, approximately 230 (December 31, 2009: 250) full-time
equivalent, contracted people working in project execution. The number of
contracted workers at any given time changes with the active project mix and
project commissioning, local legislation and regulations, and seasonal

In the reporting period, salaries and other employee benefits totaled EUR 50.6
million (Q1/2009: EUR 41.0 million).


On February 9, 2010 Outotec announced that a new Executive Board had been
appointed for the company to replace the current Executive and Management
Committees. The new Executive Board took charge when Outotec shifted into the
new operational model on April 1, 2010. The members of the Executive Board with
responsibility areas are:

Pertti Korhonen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the
Executive Board
Vesa-Pekka Takala, Chief Financial Officer
Jari Rosendal, Executive Vice President, President of Non-ferrous Solutions
business area
Pekka Erkkilä, Executive Vice President, President of Ferrous Solutions business
area (as of April 12, 2010)
Peter Weber, Executive Vice President, President of Energy, Light Metals and
Environmental Solutions business area
Kalle Härkki, Executive Vice President, President of Services business area
Martti Haario, Executive Vice President - Market Operations
Tapio Niskanen, Senior Vice President - Business Infrastructure
Ari Jokilaakso, Senior Vice President - Human Capital


Outotec has a share-based Incentive Program 2008-2010, which was announced on
March 3, 2008. The Share-based incentive program 2008-2010 comprises three
earning periods: calendar years 2008, 2009, and 2010. The Board of Directors
determines the amount of the maximum reward for each individual, the earning
criteria and the targets established for them separately on an annual basis.
Reaching the targets established for the earning criteria will determine how
great a portion of the maximum reward will be paid. For the 2009 and 2010
earning periods, the incentive program involves approximately 60 individuals.
The reward is paid in shares and as a cash payment. The reward will not be paid
if the individual's employment ends before the close of the earning period. The
individual must also hold the earned shares and remain employed with the company
for at least two years after the close of the earning period. No shares were
allocated for the 2009 earnings period.


Outotec Oyj's Annual General Meeting was held on March 18, 2010, in Espoo,
Finland. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr.
Risto Virrankoski and chaired by Mr. Tomas Lindholm, attorney-at-law.

Financial Statements

The Annual General Meeting approved the parent company and the consolidated
Financial Statements, and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and
the CEO from liability for the financial year 2009.


The Annual General Meeting decided that a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share be paid
for the financial year ended on December 31, 2009. The dividend was paid on
April 8, 2010.

The Board of Directors

The Annual General Meeting decided on the number of the Board members, including
Chairman and Vice Chairman, to be six (6). Mr. Carl-Gustaf Bergström, Mr. Karri
Kaitue, Mr. Hannu Linnoinen and Mr. Anssi Soila were re-elected as members of
the Board of Directors and Ms. Eija Ailasmaa and Mr. Tapani Järvinen were
elected as new Board members for the term expiring at the end of the next Annual
General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting elected Mr. Carl-Gustaf Bergström as
the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Annual General Meeting confirmed the remunerations to the Board members as
follows: Chairman EUR 5,000 per month and other Board members EUR 3,000 per
month each, Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Audit Committee in addition EUR
1,000 per month each, and each Board member EUR 500 for attendance at each Board
and Committee meeting as well as reimbursement for direct costs arising from
Board work.


KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accountants, was re-elected as the company's
auditor, with Mauri Palvi as Auditor in charge.

Board's authorizations

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to resolve upon the
repurchase of the company's own shares as follows:

- The company may repurchase the maximum number of 4,578,037 shares using free
equity and deviating from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights to the shares,
provided that the number of own shares held by the company will not exceed ten
(10) percent of all shares of the company.

- The shares are to be repurchased in public trading at the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
at the price established in the trading at the time of acquisition.

The authorization shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting. This
authorization has not been executed as of April 23, 2010.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to resolve upon
issues of shares and other special rights entitling to shares as follows:

- The authorization includes the right to issue new shares, distribute own
shares held by the company, and the right to issue special rights referred to in
Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act. This authorization to the Board of
Directors does not, however, entitle the Board of Directors to issue share
option rights as an incentive to the personnel.

- The total number of new shares to be issued and own shares held by the company
to be distributed under the authorization may not exceed 4,578,037 shares.

- The Board of Directors is entitled to decide on the terms of the share issue,
such as the grounds for determining the subscription price of the shares and the
final subscription price as well as the approval of the subscriptions, the
allocation of the issued new shares and the final amount of issued shares.

The authorizations shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting. This
authorization has not been executed as of April 23, 2010.

The Annual General Meeting amended Section 9 of the Articles of Association so
that notice to convene the General Meeting shall be issued no later than 28 days
prior to the General Meeting.

Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide to donate
from the distributable assets of the company an amount not exceeding EUR
600,000 to Finnish Universities of its choice.

In its assembly meeting the Board of Directors elected Mr. Karri Kaitue as the
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. In addition, the Board elected Ms. Eija
Ailasmaa, Mr. Anssi Soila and Mr. Hannu Linnoinen as members of the Audit
Committee. Mr. Linnoinen acts as the Chairman of the Audit Committee.


Outotec's shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (OTE1V). On March
31, 2010, Outotec's share capital was EUR 17,186,442.52 consisting of
45,780,373 shares. Each share entitles its holder to one vote at the company's
general shareholder meetings.


In the reporting period, the volume-weighted average price for a share in the
company was EUR 23.93; the highest quotation for a share was EUR 27.80 and the
lowest EUR 18.85. The trading of Outotec shares in the reporting period exceeded
26 million shares, with a total value of over EUR 623 million. On March
31, 2010, Outotec's market capitalization was EUR 1,220 million and the last
quotation for the share was EUR 26.65. On March 31, 2010, the company did not
hold any treasury shares for trading purposes.

Outotec has an agreement with a third-party service provider concerning
administration and hedging of the share-based incentive program for key
personnel. These shares are accounted as treasury shares in Outotec's
consolidated balance sheet. At the end of the reporting period, the amount of
these treasury shares was 332,534. There have been no purchases of Outotec
shares based on this agreement during the reporting period.

On March 31, 2010, Outotec had 17,102 shareholders. Shares held in 15 nominee
registers accounted for 53.5% and Finnish households held some 17.2% of all
Outotec shares.


In April, 2010 Outotec announced an order awarded by Bhushan Power & Steel Plant
Limited (BPSL) on the delivery of pelletizing technology for BPSL's steel plant
expansion at Jharsuguda, located in Orissa state of India. The order was
included in the first quarter order intake.


Risks related to global operating environment

Outotec's global business operations are subject to various political, economic
and social conditions. Operations in emerging markets may present risks that are
not encountered in countries with well-established economic and political
systems, including economic instability and a potential difficulty to anticipate
future business conditions in these markets. These conditions, which can rapidly
change, may cause delays in the placement of orders for projects that have
already been awarded, thus subjecting Outotec to volatile markets.

Risks related to Outotec's business

Outotec has systematic risk management procedures - Project Risk Identification
and Management (PRIMA) - in place to monitor projects. In conjunction with
Outotec's risk assessment for the first quarter in 2010, all unfinished work and
projects, which use the percentage of completion and completed contract method,
were monitored and evaluated and contingencies were updated. Also, projects,
where the stage of completion was close to 100% were evaluated and provisions
for performance guarantees and warranty period guarantees, along with possible
provisions for project losses were updated. There were no material changes in
the total project risk provisions.

Due to the international nature of Outotec's business and projects in various
countries, different interpretations of international and local tax rules and
regulations may cause additional direct or indirect taxes for Outotec which
would reduce the company's net result.

At the end of the reporting period, Outotec's order backlog included roughly EUR
70 million in suspended projects (December 31, 2009: EUR 70 million). Some of
the suspended projects may be cancelled or renegotiated. In any market
situation, there is a risk of postponement and delays in project business.

Acquisitions are an integral part of Outotec's growth strategy. There is a risk
that the estimated synergy benefits will not materialize as planned.

Outotec has a cost-savings program targeting EUR 25 million annualized savings
in operational fixed costs, comprising also fixed costs of sales, by the end of
2010 compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. There is a risk that the targeted
savings will not materialize. Part of these cost savings is estimated to come
through the new operational model and there are risks related to its global

Outotec is involved in a few other arbitral and court proceedings. Outotec
management expects that those cases and their outcome will have no material
effect on Outotec's financial result.

The economic uncertainty may further reduce the demand for Outotec's products
and services. Outotec's gross margin is impacted by license fee income related
to certain technologies. A lack of these types of orders may reduce gross

Financial risks

There is a risk that customers and suppliers may experience financial
difficulties and a lack of financing may result in bankruptcies, which can also
result in losses for Outotec. These risks are reduced by advance and milestone
payments and letters of credit. In the reporting period, there were no material
credit losses related to payments by Outotec's counter-parties.

Outotec's business model is based primarily on customer advance payments and
on-demand guarantees issued by Outotec's relationship banks. Changes in advance
payments received have an impact on the liquidity of Outotec. Exposure to
on-demand guarantees has remained high. Cash held by Outotec is primarily
invested in short-term bank deposits and, to a lesser extent, in Finnish
corporate short-term commercial papers. The lower interest rate levels reduce
the interest income generated from these investments.

More than half of Outotec's total cash flow is denominated in euros. The rest is
divided among various currencies, including the US dollar, Australian dollar,
Brazilian real, Canadian dollar, and South African rand. The weight of any given
currency in new projects can fluctuate substantially, but most cash-flow-related
risks are hedged in the short and long term. In the short-term, currency
fluctuations may create volatility in the operating profit. The forecasted and
probable cash flows are selectively hedged and are always on the basis of
separate decisions and risk analysis. Natural hedging is used as widely as
possible and the remaining open foreign exchange exposures related to committed
cash flows are fully hedged using derivative instruments. The cost of hedging is
taken into account in project pricing.


The overall market sentiment is supported by an improving macro-economic
outlook, growing metals demand and strong commodity prices. Most of the growth
in global metals consumption will come from developing economies and China is
expected to represent nearly 50% of the growth in 2010. Metals demand outside
China also shows signs of recovery. There is also a continuous demand for
modernization and debottlenecking at mine sites and metals processing plants as
well as for energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. According to mining and
metals companies' announcements, their investments will increase in 2010
compared to 2009. There are many active sales projects which are expected to
turn into orders in 2010 or later, which is in line with normal industry lead
times when planning capital investments. Despite the strengthening market
outlook, there is still idled production capacity.

Non-ferrous Solutions

Prices for base metals and precious metals have remained strong and inventories
decreased slightly in the first quarter. Though there is still idle capacity,
the mining and metals companies have continued to update their capex plans for
the coming years and have continued to develop their projects which were put on
hold during the financial crises. Financing for new projects is becoming easier,
project potential is increasing and the order pipeline is improving, but
decision-making is still rather slow. Competition also continues to be strong
for new projects. Long-term fundamentals are promising and are improving as ore
grades decline and more processing capacity and advanced technology solutions
will be needed. At the same time, environmental regulations tighten. In order to
exploit complex ore bodies, new technologies and modern solutions are required,
which enable economically viable production and better metals recovery.

Ferrous Solutions

According to metals companies' announcements, their investments will increase in
2010 from 2009 levels. There are strong signs that the demand for seaborne raw
materials for steel making, iron ore and coking coal, will continue at record
levels. The demand for stainless steel raw materials has also shown strong
growth. India continues to rapidly develop its infrastructure utilizing its
large natural resource base. There are several steel plant expansions and new
investments developing in India, in particular on the upstream side, catering
for the Chinese market where concentrates and pellets are in continuous demand.

Energy, Light Metals and Environmental Solutions

The aluminum price has shown positive development and the demand for aluminum,
an important light metal, continues to increase. Consequently, alumina and
bauxite projects are revitalizing, particularly in China and in areas which
cater to the Chinese market.

The sulfuric acid market is driven by the continuous need from the fertilizer
industry and the base metals producers. Sulfuric acid is needed in
hydrometallurgical processes and produced as a by-product in the
pyrometallurgical processes. In addition to acid plants, pyrometallurgical
processes require other environmental solutions such as off-gas cleaning and
effluent treatment plants. Based on the continuous need for nickel and copper,
and thus the processing of sulfur-bearing concentrates, the outlook for the
sulfuric acid market remains positive. Outotec's technologies have a leading
market position as they feature both high economic and ecological efficiency.

Outotec's new markets include the utilization of alternative energy resources,
such as oil shale and oil sands and industrial water treatment. The world's
recoverable oil shale and oil sand resources are many times greater than those
of conventional oil reserves, with large deposits found in the US, Canada,
Brazil, China, Jordan, Russia and Estonia. Outotec's technologies can also be
applied to the materials recycling and chemical industries.

Services business

Outotec's Services business is driven by production capacity levels,
modernizations, upgrades and new capital investment projects. Customer needs for
spare parts, services and modernizations have increased due to many of them
re-commissioning their production lines and increasing the utilization rates of
their operations. This recovery has also been visible in Outotec's negotiations
with its global customer base and activity has increased from 2009. In addition,
there is a tendency for larger services scopes, which supports the company's
strategic target to be a life-cycle partner for Outotec's technology solution
users. Also, integration of the acquired businesses is expected to bring a
larger service offering and stronger presence globally.


Due to the post-cyclical nature of Outotec's business and a low order intake in
2009, the year 2010 will be challenging.

Based on the actual order intake during the first quarter, management expects
that in 2010:

- order intake will be significantly higher compared to 2009

- sales will grow to approximately EUR 1 billion due to the Larox and Ausmelt
acquisitions, and

- operating profit, which includes EUR 10 million purchase price allocation
amortizations, will remain on the same level as in 2009, excluding one-time

In 2010, one-time costs, which are included in one-time items, are estimated to
be in the range of EUR 20-25 million (previous estimate: EUR 20 million).
One-time costs, which are related to restructuring initiatives, are estimated to
be recorded in the first half of 2010. One-time costs related to the integration
of the acquired businesses are estimated to be recorded in the financial results
of the third quarter (previous estimate: first half).

Operating profit is dependent on exchange rates, product mix, timing of new
orders, and project completions.


Due to post-cyclical nature of Outotec's business and low order intake in 2009,
the year 2010 will be challenging. However, the management believes that order
intake will pick up this year.

The management expects that in 2010:

- sales will grow to approximately EUR 1 billion due to the Larox and Ausmelt
acquisitions, and

- operating profit will remain on the same level as in 2009, excluding one-time
cost provisions which relate to restructuring, and integration of acquired
businesses, and which are estimated to be recorded in the financial results of
the first half of 2010.

Operating profit is dependent on exchange rates, product mix, timing of new
orders, and project completions.


Outotec will publish the following interim reports in 2010:

Interim Report for January-June 2010: Thursday, August 5

Previous date: July 23. The rescheduling is due to the new reporting structure.
The restated comparison figures will be published during week 27.

Interim Report for January-September 2010: Friday, October 22


A briefing, in which President and CEO Pertti Korhonen and CFO Vesa-Pekka Takala
will present the interim report, will be held in Helsinki, Finland.


Date: Friday, April 23

Time: 2.00-3.00 pm (EEST)

Venue: Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä, Simonkatu 9, Helsinki


You may follow the briefing via a live webcast at The webcast
will be recorded and published on Outotec's website for on demand viewing.


You may also join the briefing by telephone. To register as a participant for
the teleconference and Q&A session, please dial in 5 to 10 minutes before the
beginning of the event:

FI/UK: +44 20 7162 0025

US/CANADA: +1 334 323 6201

Password: Outotec/862948

In addition, an instant replay service of the conference call will be available
for 3 days until April 26, 2010 midnight on the following numbers:

UK: +44 20 7031 4064

US: +1 954 334 0342

Access code: 862948

The contact information is gathered for registration purposes only and it is not
used for commercial purposes.

Espoo, April 23, 2010

Outotec Oyj

Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:

Outotec Oyj

Pertti Korhonen, President and CEO

tel. +358 20 529 211

Vesa-Pekka Takala, CFO

tel. +358 20 529 211, mobile +358 40 570 0074

Eila Paatela, Vice President - Corporate Communications

tel. +358 20 529 2004, mobile +358 400 817198

Rita Uotila, Vice President - Investor Relations

tel. +358 20 529 2003, mobile +358 400 954141

Format for e-mail addresses:


|Statement of Comprehensive Income                        |    Q1|    Q1| Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                                              |  2010|  2009|  2009|
|Sales                                                    | 187.0| 231.6| 877.7|
|Cost of sales                                            |-141.5|-184.4|-687.5|
|Gross profit                                             |  45.5|  47.2| 190.1|
|Other income                                             |   3.0|   0.6|   4.1|
|Selling and marketing expenses                           | -20.8| -13.2| -56.5|
|Administrative expenses                                  | -17.7| -13.2| -54.6|
|Research and development expenses                        |  -7.1|  -5.1| -20.5|
|Other expenses                                           | -12.9|  -0.0|  -3.9|
|Share of results of associated companies                 |  -0.2|     -|  -0.2|
|Operating profit                                         | -10.1|  16.3|  58.6|
|Finance income and expenses                              |      |      |      |
|Interest income and expenses                             |   0.5|   1.8|   5.2|
|Market price gains and losses                            |   0.0|   1.0|   0.6|
|Other finance income and expenses                        |  -0.7|  -1.1|  -3.5|
|Net finance income                                       |  -0.2|   1.7|   2.2|
|Profit before income taxes                               | -10.3|  18.0|  60.9|
|Income tax expenses                                      |   3.0|  -5.5| -18.6|
|Profit for the period                                    |  -7.3|  12.5|  42.3|
|Other comprehensive income                               |      |      |      |
|Exchange differences on translating foreign operations   |   9.3|   3.6|  19.5|
|Cash flow hedges                                         |  -0.1|  -1.1|   2.7|
|Income tax relating to cash flow hedges                  |   0.0|   0.5|  -0.3|
|Available for sale financial assets                      |  -0.0|  -0.2|   2.4|
|Income tax relating to available for sale financial      |     -|     -|  -0.0|
|assets                                                   |      |      |      |
|Other comprehensive income for the period                |   9.2|   2.8|  24.3|
|Total comprehensive income for the period                |   2.0|  15.4|  66.6|
|Profit for the period attributable to:                   |      |      |      |
|Equity holders of the parent company                     |  -7.3|  12.5|  42.3|
|Non-controlling interest                                 |     -|     -|     -|
|Total comprehensive income for the period attributable   |      |      |      |
|to:                                                      |      |      |      |
|Equity holders of the parent company                     |   2.0|  15.4|  66.6|
|Non-controlling interest                                 |     -|     -|     -|
|Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity |      |      |      |
|holders of the parent company:                           |      |      |      |
|Basic earnings per share, EUR                            | -0.16|  0.30|  1.01|
|Diluted earnings per share, EUR                          | -0.16|  0.30|  1.01|

All figures in the tables have been rounded and consequently the sum of
individual figures may deviate from the sum presented. Key figures have been
calculated using exact figures.

|Condensed Statement of Financial Position    |March 31,|March 31,|December 31,|
|EUR million                                  |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|ASSETS                                       |         |         |            |
|Non-current assets                           |         |         |            |
|Intangible assets                            |    202.4|     82.0|       170.2|
|Property, plant and equipment                |     52.6|     31.1|        52.1|
|Non-current financial assets                 |         |         |            |
|Interest-bearing                             |      1.5|      0.2|         5.1|
|Non interest-bearing                         |     41.9|     22.5|        37.2|
|Total non-current assets                     |    298.5|    135.9|       264.6|
|Current assets                               |         |         |            |
|Inventories *)                               |    105.0|     91.7|        93.2|
|Current financial assets                     |         |         |            |
|Interest-bearing                             |      0.8|      0.5|         0.7|
|Non interest-bearing                         |    275.5|    293.9|       292.7|
|Cash and cash equivalents                    |    232.1|    257.5|       258.5|
|Total current assets                         |    613.4|    643.6|       645.0|
|TOTAL ASSETS                                 |    911.8|    779.4|       909.6|
|EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                       |         |         |            |
|Equity                                       |         |         |            |
|Equity attributable to the equity holders of |    310.1|    197.2|       315.0|
|the parent company                           |         |         |            |
|Non-controlling interest                     |        -|        -|        27.4|
|Total equity                                 |    310.1|    197.2|       342.4|
|Non-current liabilities                      |         |         |            |
|Interest-bearing                             |     39.4|      2.5|        41.2|
|Non interest-bearing                         |    105.8|     69.1|        98.2|
|Total non-current liabilities                |    145.2|     71.6|       139.4|
|Current liabilities                          |         |         |            |
|Interest-bearing                             |     15.5|      1.0|        32.0|
|Non interest-bearing                         |         |         |            |
|Advances received **)                        |    150.7|    225.1|       150.9|
|Other non interest-bearing liabilities       |    290.4|    284.6|       244.9|
|Total current liabilities                    |    456.5|    510.7|       427.8|
|Total liabilities                            |    601.7|    582.3|       567.2|
|TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 |    911.8|    779.4|       909.6|

*) Of which advances paid for inventories amounted to EUR 23.8 million at March
31, 2010 (March 31, 2009: EUR 18.9 million, December 31, 2009: EUR 17.0

**) Gross advances received before percentage of completion revenue recognition
amounted to EUR 1,045.5 million at March 31, 2010 (March 31, 2009: EUR 983.9
million, December 31, 2009: EUR 1,041.2 million).

|Condensed Statement of Cash Flows                        |   Q1|   Q1|Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                                              | 2010| 2009| 2009|
|Cash flows from operating activities                     |     |     |     |
|Profit for the period                                    | -7.3| 12.5| 42.3|
|Adjustments for                                          |     |     |     |
|Depreciation and amortization                            |  5.3|  2.8| 12.1|
|Other adjustments                                        |  7.6|  2.6| 21.4|
|Decrease (+) / increase (-) in working capital           |  6.2|-22.1|-75.0|
|Interest received                                        |  1.0|  1.9|  6.1|
|Interest paid                                            | -0.2| -0.2| -0.7|
|Income tax paid                                          | -5.1| -8.3|-34.9|
|Net cash from operating activities                       |  7.5|-10.7|-28.8|
|Purchases of assets                                      | -2.5| -4.3|-17.0|
|Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash                 |-20.6| -2.7| -1.9|
|Acquisition of shares in associated companies            |    -|    -|-10.4|
|Proceeds from sale of assets                             |  3.5|  0.1|  0.0|
|Change in other investing activities                     |    -|  0.0| -0.2|
|Net cash used in investing activities                    |-19.6| -7.0|-29.5|
|Cash flow before financing activities                    |-12.1|-17.7|-58.3|
|Repayments (-) / borrowings (+) of non-current debt      | -8.7| -0.0| 30.3|
|Decrease (-) / increase (+) in current debt              |-10.3| -0.5|  1.7|
|Purchase of treasury shares                              |    -| -3.3| -3.3|
|Dividends paid                                           |    -|-42.0|-42.0|
|Change in other financing activities                     | -0.1| -0.2| -0.2|
|Net cash used in financing activities                    |-19.1|-45.9|-13.4|
|Net change in cash and cash equivalents                  |-31.3|-63.7|-71.7|
|Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |258.5|317.8|317.8|
|Foreign exchange rate effect on cash and cash equivalents|  4.9|  3.4| 12.5|
|Net change in cash and cash equivalents                  |-31.3|-63.7|-71.7|
|Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period       |232.1|257.5|258.5|

Statement of Changes in Equity

A = Share capital

B = Share premium fund

C = Other reserves

D = Fair value reserves

E = Treasury shares

F = Reserve for invested non- restricted equity

G = Cumulative translation differences

H = Retained earnings

I = Non-controlling interest

J = Total equity

|Statement of Changes in Equity                                                |
|                    |  Attributable to the equity holders of the   |          |
|                    |                parent company                |          |
|                    |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|                    |   A|   B|  C|   D|    E|   F|    G|    H|        I|    J|
|EUR million         |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|Equity at January   |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|1, 2009             |16.8|20.2|0.1|-3.7| -9.4|   -|-16.0|218.5|        -|226.4|
|Dividends paid      |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|-42.0|        -|-42.0|
|Purchase of treasury|    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|shares              |   -|   -|  -|   -| -3.3|   -|    -|    -|        -| -3.3|
|Share-based         |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|payments:           |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|value of received   |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|services            |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|  0.1|        -|  0.1|
|Total comprehensive |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|income for the      |   -|   -|  -|-0.8|    -|   -|  3.6| 12.5|        -| 15.4|
|period              |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|Other changes       |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|  0.6|        -|  0.6|
|Equity at March     |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|31, 2009            |16.8|20.2|0.1|-4.5|-12.7|   -|-12.4|189.6|        -|197.2|
|Equity at January   |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|1, 2010             |16.8|20.2|0.3| 1.1| -4.6|63.4|  3.5|214.3|     27.4|342.4|
|Dividends           |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|-32.0|        -|-32.0|
|Share issue         | 0.4|   -|  -|   -|    -|24.3|    -|    -|        -| 24.7|
|Share-based         |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|payments:           |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|value of received   |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|services            |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|  0.2|        -|  0.2|
|Total comprehensive |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|income for the      |   -|   -|  -|-0.1|    -|   -|  9.3| -7.3|        -|  2.0|
|period              |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|Non-controlling     |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|interest related to |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|Larox Group         |   -|   -|  -|   -|    -|   -|    -|    -|    -27.4|-27.4|
|acquisition         |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|Other changes       |   -|   -|0.0|   -|    -|   -|    -|  0.2|        -|  0.3|
|Equity at March     |    |    |   |    |     |    |     |     |         |     |
|31, 2010            |17.2|20.2|0.3| 1.0| -4.6|87.7| 12.8|175.4|        -|310.1|

|Key figures                                    |     Q1|     Q1|Last 12| Q1-Q4|
|                                               |   2010|   2009| months|  2009|
|Sales, EUR million                             |  187.0|  231.6|  833.1| 877.7|
|Gross margin, %                                |   24.4|   20.4|   22.6|  21.7|
|Operating profit, EUR million                  |  -10.1|   16.3|   32.2|  58.6|
|Operating profit margin, %                     |   -5.4|    7.0|    3.9|   6.7|
|Profit before taxes, EUR million               |  -10.3|   18.0|   32.6|  60.9|
|Profit before taxes in relation to sales, %    |   -5.5|    7.8|    3.9|   6.9|
|Net cash from operating activities, EUR million|    7.5|  -10.7|  -10.6| -28.8|
|Net interest-bearing debt at the end of period,| -179.5| -254.8| -179.5|-191.0|
|EUR million                                    |       |       |       |      |
|Gearing at the end of period, %                |  -57.9| -129.2|  -57.9| -55.8|
|Equity-to-assets ratio at the end of period, % |   40.7|   35.6|   40.7|  45.1|
|Working capital at the end of period, EUR      |  -79.0| -146.8|  -79.0| -62.8|
|million                                        |       |       |       |      |
|Capital expenditure, EUR million               |   53.7|    4.7|  147.0|  98.0|
|Capital expenditure in relation to sales, %    |   28.7|    2.0|   17.6|  11.2|
|Return on investment, %                        |  -11.1|   34.7|   12.6|  20.9|
|Return on equity, %                            |   -8.9|   23.7|    8.9|  14.9|
|Order backlog at the end of period, EUR million|1,155.7|1,090.4|1,155.7| 867.4|
|Order intake, EUR million                      |  419.4|  139.3|  837.2| 557.1|
|Personnel, average for the period              |  3,163|  2,599|  2,753| 2,612|
|Profit for the period in relation to sales, %  |   -3.9|    5.4|    2.7|   4.8|
|Research and development expenses, EUR million |    7.1|    5.1|   22.5|  20.5|
|Research and development expenses in relation  |    3.8|    2.2|    2.7|   2.3|
|to sales, %                                    |       |       |       |      |
|Earnings per share, EUR                        |  -0.16|   0.30|   0.55|  1.01|
|Equity per share, EUR                          |   6.82|   4.76|   6.82|  7.09|
|Dividend per share, EUR                        |      -|      -|   0.70|  0.70|


These  interim  financial  statements  are  prepared  in accordance with IAS 34
Interim  Financial Reporting. The same accounting policies and methods have been
applied  in these interim financial statements as in the recent annual financial
statements  and also below  revised standards have  been applied which have been
effective  from the  beginning of  2010. These interim  financial statements are

Adoption of new and revised IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations

Outotec has applied the following revised standards from the beginning of 2010:

  * IFRS  3 Business  Combinations.  The  revised  standard allows the entity to
    measure  non-controlling interest at fair value  or at a proportionate share
    of  the underlying net  assets. In business  combinations achieved in stages
    previously  held,  equity  interest  shall  be  measured  at  fair  value at
    acquisition date and the result of the fair valuation shall be recognized in
    profit  or  loss.  Costs  related  to  an acquisition shall be expensed when
    incurred.  The  revised  standard  has  been  applied  to the acquisition of
    Ausmelt  Ltd. The shares  acquired in 2009 have  been measured at fair value
    and  the  fair  value  change  has  been  recognized  in  profit or loss. In
    addition,  costs related to Ausmelt Ltd  acquisition have been recognized in
    profit or loss when incurred.

  * IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. Accounting for
    changes in a parent's ownership interest in a subsidiary depends on whether
    the change results in a loss or gain of control. Changes that do not result
    in a loss or gain of control are accounted for as equity transactions and
    when changes result in loss or gain of control transaction is recognized in
    profit or loss. The revised standard has been applied to the acquisition of
    Ausmelt Ltd. The acquired shares were valued at fair value when Outotec
    reached the majority ownership and the result was recognized in profit or

  * IFRS Annual improvements

In  addition,  Outotec  has  applied  the  following  revised standards from the
beginning  of 2010, which are not expected to have impact on the Group's interim
financial statements or financial statements:

  * IFRS  2 Group Cash-Settled Share-Based  Payment Transactions (effective date
    for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2010)

  * IAS  39 Financial Instruments: Recognition  and Measurement: Eligible Hedged
    Items  (effective  date  for  annual  periods  beginning  on  or  after July
    1, 2009).

Outotec  will estimate the impacts of the following standards and will apply the
new standards from the financial period beginning January 1, 2011 onwards:

  * IAS   24 Related  Party  Disclosures  (effective  date  for  annual  periods
    beginning  on or after January 1, 2011). EU has not yet approved the revised

  * IAS  32 Financial Instruments: Presentation: Classification of Rights Issues
    (effective date for annual periods beginning on or after February 1, 2010)

  * IFRIC  14 - Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (effective date for
    annual  periods  beginning  on  or  after  January  1, 2011). EU has not yet
    approved the changes.

  * IFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments
    (effective date for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2010). EU
    has not yet approved the interpretation.

Use of estimates

IFRS  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and assumptions that affect the
reported  amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities,  as  well  as the disclosure of
contingent  assets and liabilities at the  date of the financial statements, and
the  reported  amounts  of  income  and  expenses  during  the reporting period.
Accounting  estimates  are  employed  in  the  financial statements to determine
reported  amounts,  including  the  realizability  of certain assets, the useful
lives  of  tangible  and  intangible  assets,  income taxes, provisions, pension
obligations   and   impairment   of  goodwill.  These  estimates  are  based  on
management's  best  knowledge  of  current  events  and  actions; however, it is
possible  that the  actual results  may differ  from the  estimates used  in the
financial statements.

|Major non-recurring items in operating profit|       Q1|       Q1|       Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                                  |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|One-time costs related to restructuring      |    -12.4|        -|           -|
|Net effect from acquisition costs and        |      2.2|        -|           -|
|revaluation of Ausmelt Ltd. shares           |         |         |            |
|Impairment loss from Pacific Ore Ltd's shares|        -|        -|        -2.5|
|Arbitration settlement                       |        -|        -|         2.4|
|Income tax expenses                          |       Q1|       Q1|       Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                                  |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|Current taxes                                |     -4.4|     -5.5|       -13.7|
|Deferred taxes                               |      7.4|      0.1|        -4.9|
|Total income tax expenses                    |      3.0|     -5.5|       -18.6|
|Property, plant and equipment                |March 31.|March 31.|December 31.|
|EUR million                                  |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|Historical cost at the beginning of the      |    117.8|     87.6|        87.6|
|period                                       |         |         |            |
|Translation differences                      |      2.4|      0.9|         3.3|
|Additions                                    |      1.3|      2.8|        14.9|
|Disposals                                    |     -0.0|     -0.1|        -0.9|
|Acquired subsidiaries                        |      0.9|        -|        12.9|
|Reclassifications                            |     -0.1|     -0.0|        -0.0|
|Historical cost at the end of the period     |    122.3|     91.2|       117.8|
|Accumulated depreciation and impairment at   |    -65.7|    -58.1|       -58.1|
|the beginning of the period                  |         |         |            |
|Translation differences                      |     -1.3|     -0.4|        -1.8|
|Disposals                                    |      0.0|      0.0|         1.0|
|Reclassifications                            |        -|      0.0|         0.2|
|Impairment during the period                 |     -0.4|        -|           -|
|Depreciation during the period               |     -2.3|     -1.6|        -7.0|
|Accumulated depreciation and impairment at   |    -69.6|    -60.1|       -65.7|
|the end of the period                        |         |         |            |
|Carrying value at the end of the period      |     52.6|     31.1|        52.1|
|Commitments and contingent liabilities       |March 31,|March 31,|December 31,|
|EUR million                                  |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|Pledges and mortgages                        |      2.5|      1.8|        33.4|
|Guarantees for commercial commitments        |    189.4|    196.4|       218.2|
|Minimum future lease payments on operating   |     60.7|     68.2|        64.4|
|leases                                       |         |         |            |

The pledges and mortgages are used to secure credit facilities in Outotec
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and Ausmelt Ltd. The total volume of pledges and mortgages
was reduced during first quarter of 2010 due to the repayment of most external
credit facilities of Larox and the subsequent release of banks' security.

This value of commercial guarantees does not include advance payment guarantees
issued by the parent or other group companies. The total amount of guarantees
for financing issued by Group companies amounted to EUR 41.5 million at March
31, 2010 (March 31, 2009: EUR 8.5 million and at December 31, 2009: EUR 47.1
million) and for commercial guarantees including advance payment guarantees EUR
295.3 million at March 31, 2010 (March 31, 2009: EUR 350.1 million and at
December 31, 2009: EUR 321.3 million).

|Derivative instruments|         |         |            |
|Currency forwards     |March 31,|March 31,|December 31,|
|EUR million           |     2010|     2009|        2009|
|Fair values, net      |  -5.6 *)| -11.0**)|    -1.9***)|
|Nominal values        |    313.6|    369.5|       319.3|

*) of which EUR -0.2 million designated as cash flow hedges.

**) of which EUR -6.2 million designated as cash flow hedges.

***) of which EUR 1.4 million designated as cash flow hedges.

|Related party transactions                         |    |    |     |
|Transactions and balances with associated companies|  Q1|  Q1|Q1-Q4|
|EUR million                                        |2010|2009| 2009|
|Sales                                              | 0.0|   -|  0.1|
|Trade and other receivables                        | 0.0|   -|  0.1|
|Current liabilities                                |   -|   -|  0.4|

|Business Combinations|

Acquisition of Larox Group

Outotec completed its acquisition of control in Larox through directed share
issue on December 21, 2009 and made a mandatory public tender offer for the
remaining Larox shares. On January 27, 2010, Outotec announced the final outcome
of the Tender Offer, according to which the Larox shares in Outotec ownership
represented approximately 98.5% of all the Larox shares and approximately 99.7%
of all the votes attached to the Larox shares. Outotec's intention is to acquire
all of the Larox shares and the company initiated compulsory acquisition
proceedings for the remaining Larox B shares under the Finnish Companies Act
immediately after the completion of the Tender Offer. The acquisition is
expected to be closed in June. The planning process for the integration of Larox
began in the first quarter and the plan will be implemented after the delisting
of the company.

The total purchase price of Larox shares was EUR 94.2 million including
capitalized transaction costs EUR 3.8 million and liability related to
non-controlling interest. Most of the consideration for the Larox shares
purchased was paid in the form of 3,780,373 new Outotec shares which totalled to
EUR 88.1 million.

The below purchase price allocation is preliminary and the final purchase price
allocation will be completed during 2010. In the preliminary purchase price
allocation the purchase price has been allocated to intangible assets such as
technologies, trademarks and customer relationships. The goodwill is mainly
based on the synergy benefits that have been estimated to be at least EUR 7
million annually.

|                             | Fair values recorded on|                       |
|                             |             acquisition| Carrying amounts prior|
|EUR million                  |                        |         to acquisition|
|Intangible assets            |                    41.0|                   17.4|
|Property, plant and equipment|                    12.9|                   12.9|
|Inventories                  |                    26.3|                   22.8|
|Trade and other receivables  |                    41.0|                   39.0|
|Cash and cash equivalents    |                     1.5|                    1.5|
|Total assets                 |                   122.9|                   93.8|
|Interest-bearing liabilities |                    34.6|                   34.6|
|Deferred tax liabilities     |                     8.7|                    1.7|
|Trade and other payables     |                    32.0|                   32.0|
|Total liabilities            |                    75.3|                   68.3|
|Net assets                   |                    47.6|                   25.5|
|Acquisition cost (equity)    |                    88.1|                       |
|Acquisition cost (cash)      |                     4.7|                       |
|Liability related to         |                     1.4|                       |
|non-controlling interest     |                        |                       |
|Goodwill                     |                    46.6|                       |
|Cash and cash equivalents in |                     1.5|                       |
|subsidiaries acquired        |                        |                       |
|Acquisition cost paid in cash|                     2.7|                       |
|at March 31, 2010            |                        |                       |
|Acquisition cost paid at     |                     2.0|                       |
|December 31, 2009            |                        |                       |
|Cash flow effect at March    |                     2.7|                       |
|31, 2010                     |                        |                       |

Effect of Larox acquisition on Outotec Group's sales and operating profit in

Outotec's sales for January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009 would have been EUR
1,027.9 million and profit for the period EUR 31.8 million if the acquisition
carried out during the period had been completed on January 1, 2009.

Acquisition of Ausmelt Limited

On March 23, 2010 Outotec successfully completed the acquisition of the
Australian listed company Ausmelt Ltd and owns 100 percent of the company's
shares and votes. The acquisition price of the shares was approximately AUD 49
million (approximately EUR 33.3 million). Due to IFRS 3 requirements all shares
of Ausmelt Ltd were valued at fair value when Outotec reached the majority
ownership which increased the value of Ausmelt Ltd shares by approximately EUR
3.3 million.

Ausmelt's principal activities are the development, design, engineering and
supply of Top Submerged Lance (TSL) smelting technology for the production of
metals and the processing of industrial wastes. Ausmelt's TSL technology
complements Outotec's smelting technology portfolio. Outotec currently has flash
smelting technology for copper and nickel primary smelting in large-scale
plants, while Ausmelt's TSL technology is suitable for small to mid-size plants
as well as a variety of other feed materials, such as ferrous metals, zinc, lead
and tin concentrates, zinc-bearing residues, and various secondary and waste
materials. The additional benefit of the technology is that it enables the
recovery of valuable metals from by-products.

The below purchase price allocation is preliminary and the final purchase price
allocation will be completed during 2010. In the preliminary purchase price
allocation the purchase price has been allocated to intangible assets
(technology, order backlog, customer relations) and property, plant and
equipment. The goodwill is mainly based on the sales synergy benefits that are
expected to come from Ausmelt's increased growth opportunities as a part of

|                          |  Fair values recorded on|                         |
|                          |              acquisition|Carrying amounts prior to|
|EUR million               |                         |              acquisition|
|Intangible assets         |                     13.3|                      0.6|
|Property, plant and       |                      0.3|                      0.3|
|equipment                 |                         |                         |
|Inventories               |                      0.7|                      0.7|
|Trade and other           |                      2.7|                      2.6|
|receivables               |                         |                         |
|Cash and cash equivalents |                      4.4|                      4.6|
|Total assets              |                     21.3|                      8.9|
|Deferred tax liabilities  |                      3.9|                      0.1|
|Trade and other payables  |                      8.0|                      7.5|
|Total liabilities         |                     11.9|                      7.6|
|Net assets                |                      9.4|                      1.3|
|Acquisition cost          |                     33.3|                         |
|IFRS fair valuation of    |                      3.3|                         |
|shares                    |                         |                         |
|Goodwill                  |                     27.3|                         |
|Cash and cash equivalents |                      4.4|                         |
|in subsidiaries acquired  |                         |                         |
|Acquisition cost paid in  |                     22.3|                         |
|cash at March 31, 2010    |                         |                         |
|Acquisition cost paid in  |                     10.4|                         |
|cash at December 31, 2009 |                         |                         |
|Cash flow effect at March |                     17.9|                         |
|31, 2010 *)               |                         |                         |

*) Cash flow effect of the acquisition has been translated with the average
EUR/AUD rate for the period.

|Segments' sales and operating profit by quarters                              |
|EUR million             |Q1/08|Q2/08|Q3/08|Q4/08|Q1/09|Q2/09|Q3/09|Q4/09|Q1/10|
|Sales                   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Minerals Processing     | 60.1| 92.7|122.0|144.8| 84.5| 91.1| 79.4| 83.2| 48.2|
|Base Metals             | 60.1| 72.0| 76.9| 86.4| 44.8| 29.6| 28.0| 34.0| 31.9|
|Metals Processing       |104.6|109.2|116.9|163.9| 97.2|103.4| 77.4|100.8| 72.5|
|Larox                   |    -|    -|    -|    -|    -|    -|    -|    -| 31.2|
|Other Businesses        |  9.1| 16.7| 11.4| 18.8| 18.3| 20.0| 11.5| 10.7|  8.9|
|Unallocated items *) and| -8.3|-15.0| -9.2|-15.1|-13.2| -6.5| -7.6| -8.9| -5.6|
|intra-group sales       |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Total                   |225.6|275.5|318.1|398.8|231.6|237.6|188.7|219.8|187.0|
|Operating profit        |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Minerals Processing     |  4.1|  3.2|  3.1| 12.1|  6.1|  7.9|  9.1|  6.1| -0.3|
|Base Metals             |  6.3| 11.9| 13.3| 17.2|  4.3| -0.4|  1.6|  2.8| -1.8|
|Metals Processing       | 12.3| 11.8| 14.9| 22.1|  8.9|  9.3|  6.3| 11.5|  9.1|
|Larox                   |     |    -|    -|    -|    -|    -|    -|    -| -3.0|
|Other Businesses        |  0.4|  1.2|  1.7|  0.7| -0.4| -0.1| -0.5| -0.5| -1.7|
|Unallocated and         | -2.2| -5.1| -4.1| -4.6| -2.7| -2.7| -1.5| -6.5|-12.5|
|intra-group items **)   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
|Total                   | 21.0| 22.9| 28.9| 47.5| 16.3| 13.9| 15.1| 13.3|-10.1|

*) Unallocated items primarily include invoicing of internal management and
administrative services.

**) Unallocated items primarily include internal management and administrative
services, one-time costs which relate to restructuring and share of the result
of associated companies.

|Definitions for Key Financial Figures                                   |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|Net interest-bearing debt        |=|Interest-bearing debt -             |     |
|                                 | |interest-bearing assets             |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|Gearing                          |=|Net interest-bearing debt           |× 100|
|                                 | |Total equity                        |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|Equity-to-assets ratio           |=|Total equity                        |× 100|
|                                 | |Total assets - advances received    |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|Return on investment             |=|Operating profit + finance income   |× 100|
|                                 | |Total assets - non interest-bearing |     |
|                                 | |debt (average for the period)       |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|Return on equity                 |=|Profit for the period               |× 100|
|                                 | |Total equity (average for the       |     |
|                                 | |period)                             |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|                                 | |Research and development expenses in|     |
|Research and development expenses|=|the statement of comprehensive      |     |
|                                 | |income                              |     |
|                                 | |(including expenses covered by      |     |
|                                 | |grants received)                    |     |
|                                 | |                                    |     |
|                                 | |Profit for the period attributable  |     |
|Earnings per share               |=|to the equity holders of the parent |     |
|                                 | |company                             |     |
|                                 | |Average number of shares during the |     |
|                                 | |period, as adjusted for stock split |     |
|Dividend per share               |=|Dividend for the financial year     |     |
|                                 | |Number of shares at the end of the  |     |
|                                 | |period, as adjusted for stock split |     |


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