Outokumpu Technology's AGM to convene on April 2, 2007

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Outokumpu Technology's AGM to convene on April 2, 2007

The Board of Directors of Outokumpu Technology Oyj has today decided to convene an Annual General Meeting of shareholders that will be held on Monday, April 2, 2007 at 1.00 pm (Finnish time) in Dipoli Congress Center in Espoo, Finland. In addition to the items as prescribed in Article 14 in the Articles of Association, the agenda for the meeting will include proposals to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on issuing shares and to authorize the Board of Directors to repurchase the company's own shares.

In addition, the meeting will be asked to decide on the shareholders' proposal on the election of the Board of Directors and the largest shareholder's proposal on the election of the Auditor.

Authorization to issue shares
Proposal by the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on an issue of new shares and an issue of special rights referred to in Article 1 of Chapter 10 of the Companies' Act as well as on distribution of own shares in the possession of the company. The number of issued new shares or distributed own shares held by the company under the authorization may not exceed 4,200,000. The authorization shall be valid until the next Annual General Meeting.

Authorization to repurchase the company's own shares

Proposal by the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of no more than 4,200,000 of the company's own shares in public trading at the Helsinki Stock Exchange. The authorization shall be valid until the next Annual General Meeting.

Board of Directors and Auditor

Shareholders representing approximately eighteen per cent of the shares of the company have notified the company that they will propose that the Annual General Meeting resolves to re-elect the current members of the Board of Directors Carl-Gustaf Bergström, Karri Kaitue, Hannu Linnoinen, Anssi Soila and Risto Virrankoski, and that the Annual General Meeting resolves to elect Risto Virrankoski as the chairman of the Board of Directors and Karri Kaitue as the deputy chairman of the Board of Directors for a term ending at the end of the next Annual General Meeting. All previously mentioned candidates have stated that they consent to the nomination.

Outokumpu Oyj, representing approximately twelve per cent of the shares of the company, has notified the company that it will propose that the Annual General meeting resolves to re-elect the current auditor KPMG Oy Ab as the auditor of the company for the financial year 2007 with certified accountant Mauri Palvi as the auditor in charge.


Rita Uotila
Vice President - Investor Relations
tel.: +358 20 529 2003, mobile: 0400 954141

Helsinki Stock Exchange
