Outotec publishes its sustainability report 2011

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Outotec publishes its sustainability report 2011

Outotec has published its sustainability report 2011, which is the company's second report based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. The report conforms to Application Level B+ and is third-party assured by Ecobio Ltd. The report describes Outotec's approach to sustainability, performance and achievements in 2011 as well as future targets and is an update of the 2010 report. Key achievements include new global health and safety reporting, more detailed social data and high proportion of Environmental Goods and Services (EGS) in 2011 order intake.

"Outotec's most significant impact on sustainability occurs indirectly through our customers' operations. With eco-efficient solutions, it is possible to reduce the environmental impact of the industry, at the same time increasing welfare.  The annual emissions avoided by the metallurgical industry through use of five Outotec technologies amounted to 4.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalency in 2011. I am very proud that as much as 87 percent of our order intake for 2011 was categorized as Environmental Goods and Services under the OECD classification. I am also pleased that in 2011 we progressed well in many other areas of our sustainability agenda. We intend to further improve our performance and reporting and thus demonstrate our commitment to good governance, responsible business practices and transparency", says Outotec CEO Pertti Korhonen.

The report is available at www.outotec.com/sustainability in English.

For further information please contact:


Minna Aila, Senior Vice President - Communications and Corporate Responsibility
tel.+358 20 529 2455, +358 40 513 1470

e-mail firstname.lastname@outotec.com

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