Outotec's thousandth Larox® PF filter goes to Xerox

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Outotec's thousandth Larox® PF filter goes to Xerox

The 1000th Larox PF filter has been successfully delivered from the Outotec Filters Lappeenranta plant in Finland to Xerox Corporation in North America.

Larox PF filters have been manufactured in Lappeenranta since the late 1970s. Although the company name has changed since then from Lappeenrannan Konepaja to Larox and recently to Outotec, the PF filter has retained its position as the company's main filter product. The Outotec Larox PF filter has earned its reputation as one of the market's leading brands with proven technology, as 1000 installed units demonstrates. Since the beginning the Larox PF filter has been a key component in heavy duty industrial processes.

The first PF filters were installed at Outokumpu in the USA, Kema Nord AB in Sweden and Oy Lohja Ab in Finland in 1977 for talc dewatering, test filtrations and Liladox applications. The PF 1000th is 12 series filter, which was also the type of the very first filters sold. Although the cake discharge has always been automatic, over the years the electromechanical closing system has been updated into a hydraulic closing system. The continuous product development has also increased the capacity of the PF filter. Whereas the first PF filters were able to process 0.4 tons/m²/hour, in today's iron ore concentrator plants the capacity of the largest PF filter is up to 1.5 tons/m²/hour. Over the years the design of the filter has evolved with the industrial requirements and tightening industrial safety standards, but for the most part the technology has remained the same.

The Outotec Larox PF filter is a durable and proven technology leader. Many of the manufactured filters are on their second round, meaning they have been refurbished and moved on to their second location and new applications. The PF filter is used in a wide range of applications, from the mining and metallurgical industries to the chemical process industries, all of which benefit from the filter's excellent dewatering efficiency, low energy consumption and dry cake.

The 1000th filter sold to Xerox in North America is a PF 32m2, and it is a repeat order for a toner application. Over the last 15 years Outotec (formerly Larox) has formed a very good relationship and partnership with Xerox manufacturing facilities in Canada and Webster, N.Y.

For further information please contact:


Matti Julku, Director - Filters Product Line

tel.  +358 20 529 4252
