Outotec to deliver technology for a tin smelter in Indonesia

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Outotec to deliver technology for a tin smelter in Indonesia

Outotec has agreed with the Indonesian PT TIMAH Tbk (TIMAH) for the design and delivery of Outotec Ausmelt® Top Submerged Lance (TSL) technology and equipment for a new tin smelter, to be located at the existing tin smelter site at Muntok, Indonesia. The order has been booked in Outotec's 2018 second quarter order intake. The contract value is not disclosed, but orders of this size and scope are typically valued at over EUR 10 million.

Outotec and TIMAH entered into agreements for a technology license and process and basic engineering in 2017. Now, the scope of Outotec's delivery includes detailed engineering and supply of core proprietary equipment for the Ausmelt core technology package.

TIMAH is Indonesia's largest integrated tin miner and tin processor, as well as one the world's largest refined tin exporter.

Outotec's deliverables will take place over the next 2 years, and the TIMAH Ausmelt plant, to be designed to process tin concentrates for production of 45,000 tonnes of crude tin per annum, is expected to become operational in 2020. 
"We are pleased to cooperate with TIMAH and provide them with our proven, cost effective and environmentally friendly Outotec Ausmelt furnace process at their new smelter. The Ausmelt technology is widely used in tin production around the world," says Kalle Härkki, Head of Outotec's Metals, Energy & Water business.

For further information please contact:

Kalle Härkki, President - Metals, Energy & Water business unit
tel. +358 20 529 2158

Eila Paatela, Director - Corporate Communications
tel. +358 20 529 2004, +358 400 817198

e-mails firstname.lastname@outotec.com

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