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The Swedish diary cooperative, Milko, today unfolded the result of a consumer survey in the leading daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter. The survey, conducted by SIFO, shows that most Swedes are actually prepared to pay more for their daily milk. In fact, 88 per cent of respondents are willing to pay one extra Swedish Krona (1 SEK) for one litre milk - if the entire amount was to go directly to the dairy farmers. More than 40 per cent (42) of respondents consider the milk price to be undercharged, while 8 per cent consider it to be overpriced. The result of the consumer poll indicates a strong support for the upcoming Milko dairy deal campaign, "The Milk Handshake", both in timing and in substance. In sum, the "milk handshake" between the consumers and the dairy farmers stresses the small-scaled dairy farmers hardened market conditions and by this agreement Milko will raise the milk price with one Swedish Krona next week and let the entire amount transfer back directly in to the pocket of the milk suppliers. By this diary deal, the farmers, already under strong economical stress, will get about 8 per cent receipts a month, said Mr Per Asling, Chairman of the Milko, today at the press meeting in Stockholm. -There is a growing awareness among consumers that something need to be done now to safeguard the domestic dairy suppliers. This survey shows us that the "Milk Handshake" are on the right track, both in time and place, said Mr Erik Gumabon, CEO of the Milko company. For more information about the Survey or the “Milk Handshake”, please contact press office at +46(0)70-337 17 17. You can also find the Survey in Swedish at www.milko.se

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