Marine energy leader Minesto attracts another multi million euro investment

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Marine energy company Minesto, recently given a €13M investment from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government, today announced that they have received an additional €3.5M from KIC InnoEnergy.

Minesto receives a €3.5M capital injection from KIC InnoEnergy, a European company promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and education in the sustainable energy field. The funding is part of the overall development of the company. KIC IE invests in game changers with a different mindset, and bringing innovative products, services and successful companies to life. The collaboration was initiated in 2014 and has led to the largest single investment ever made by KIC IE in the field of ocean energy.

The funding is dedicated to ensure that the first commercial scale power plant is installed in 2017 in co-operation with partners McLaughlin & Harvey and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Minesto secured a €13M investment from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government earlier this year, hence they can become one of the first companies in the world to reach a commercial scale tidal array.

“KIC IE´s investment takes us one big step closer towards our vision of becoming one of the world leaders in marine energy,” said Anders Jansson, CEO of Minesto. “The funding from KIC IE helps us to offer a proven, demonstrated and innovative turn-key solution, applicable in a much wider range of European coastal waters with global export potential.”

“A strategic investment in proven marine energy technology”

“KIC InnoEnergy have decided to invest in the Deep Green technology developed by Minesto as it strongly complies with our vision to make Europe sustainable. Minesto has proven the technology and has a capable team to commercialise this step change product. We see Deep Green as one of the few marine energy converters that can be cost competitive in the short term. For us, it is a strategic investment and we look forward to promote and support the company Minesto to become a leading actor within the marine energy sector,“ said Mikel Lasa, CEO of KIC InnoEnergy Iberia.

Minesto’s tidal power plant, called Deep Green, resembles an underwater kite and is based on an innovative new approach for generating electricity from tidal and ocean currents. Deep Green is the only proven marine power plant that can  generate electricity from low velocity tidal currents, which greatly increases the available resource for marine energy. Deep Green has been producing electricity in the waters off Northern Ireland for more than two years now. This has been hailed as a major breakthrough for the entire renewable energy industry.


For images of Deep Green visit

For additional information please contact:

Anders Jansson
CEO, Minesto
Phone: +46 31 760 21 02 or +46 707 57 57 62

Mikel Lasa
CEO of KIC InnoEnergy Iberia

Image of Anders Jansson,
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About Minesto

Minesto is a marine energy company whose mission is to minimize the global footprint of the energy industry by enabling commercial power production from low velocity tidal and ocean currents.

Minesto’s award winning and patented product, Deep Green, is the only proven marine power plant that operates cost efficiently in areas with low velocity currents.

In May 2015, Minesto secured a €13m investment from the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government for the commercial rollout of Deep Green.

Minesto was founded in 2007 and is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, Anglesey, Wales and Northern Ireland. The major shareholders in Minesto are BGA Invest and Midroc New Technology. Anders Jansson is the company’s CEO. Read more about Minesto at


About KIC InnoEnergy (

KIC InnoEnergy is a European company dedicated to promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and education in the sustainable energy field by bringing together academics, business and research institutes. Its goal is to make a positive impact on sustainable energy in Europe. The company does this by creating future game changers with a different mind-set, and bringing innovative products, services and successful companies to life.

With its headquarters in the Netherlands, KIC InnoEnergy develops its activities across a network of offices located in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Sweden. More than 150 partners contribute to the company´s activities, forming a first class and dynamic network that is always open to new entrants. Its 27 shareholders are committed to a 7 year industrial plan in which they pledge to mobilise €700 million of resources during the period 2011-2015 alone.

KIC InnoEnergy is financially supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and, while a profit-oriented company, has a “not for dividend” financial strategy, reinvesting all its profits back into the organisation’s activities.



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