OncoZenge has been approved for listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market
OncoZenge AB (publ) has today obtained approval from Nasdaq Stockholm for admission to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The first day of trading in OncoZenge's shares will be on Friday, February 12, 2021.
In accordance with the press release published on February 8, 2021, OncoZenge obtained a conditional approval from Nasdaq Stockholm earlier this week for admission to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Nasdaq Stockholm has today announced that OncoZenge fulfills all the conditions and the company has received the final approval for admission to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The first day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market will be on Friday, February 12, 2021. OncoZenge's shares will be traded under the short name (ticker) ONCOZ and with ISIN code SE0015504097.
Due to the listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, OncoZenge has prepared a supplementary document which is available on OncoZenge's website, www.oncozenge.se. The supplementary document shall be read as a supplement to the prospectus that OncoZenge published on February 8, 2021 prior to the listing and the forthcoming rights issue. However, the supplementary document does not constitute a prospectus and has not been reviewed or approved by any supervisory authority. The supplementary document contains some complementary information on OncoZenge's capital structure, net indebtedness, share capital development and a hypothetical ownership structure following the completed Lex Asea distribution.
Preliminary timetable for the listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and the Rights Issue
February 12, 2021 First day of trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market
February 15, 2021 Last trading day in OncoZenge with the right to receive subscription rights
February 16, 2021 First trading day in OncoZenge without the right to receive subscription rights
February 17, 2021 Record date for participation in the Rights Issue
February 19 – March 5, 2021 Subscription period
February 19 – March 2, 2021 Trading in subscription rights
March 9, 2021 Estimated date for publication of the outcome of the Rights Issue
Erik Penser Bank AB is the financial advisor and Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå AB is the legal advisor in connection with the rights issue and the listing of OncoZenge.
Certified Adviser
OncoZenge's Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank AB. Contact information: Erik Penser Bank AB, Box 7405, 103 91 Stockholm, phone: +46 (0) 8-463 80 00, e-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se.
Important Information
Publication, release or distribution of this press release may in certain jurisdictions be subject to legal restrictions and persons in the jurisdictions where this press release has been made public or distributed should be informed of and follow such legal restrictions. The recipient of this press release is responsible for using this press release and the information herein in accordance with applicable rules in each jurisdiction. This press release does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for any securities in OncoZenge in any jurisdiction, either from OncoZenge or from anyone else.
This press release is not a prospectus according to the definition in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) and has not been approved by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. Any purchase of securities of OncoZenge in the Rights Issue should only be made on the basis of the information contained in the formal prospectus issued in connection with the Rights Issue, which was approved the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on February 8, 2021.
This press release does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or subscribe for securities in the United States. The securities mentioned herein may not be sold in the United States without registration, or without an exemption from registration, under the U.S. Securities Act from 1933 ("Securities Act"), and may not be offered or sold within the United States without being registered, covered by an exemption from, or part of a transaction that is not subject to the registration requirements according to the Securities Act. There is no intention to register any securities mentioned herein in the United States or to issue a public offering of such securities in the United States. The information in this press release may not be released, published, copied, reproduced or distributed, directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, in or to Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa, the United States or any other jurisdiction where the release, publication or distribution of this information would violate current rules or where such an action is subject to legal restrictions or would require additional registration or other measures beyond those that follow from Swedish law. Actions in contravention of this instruction may constitute a violation of applicable securities legislation.
Offers to the public are permitted in Sweden and Denmark from and including the date of approval of the prospectus by the competent authority in Sweden and the competent authority in Denmark has been notified in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation (“Prospectus Publication”), through to and including the settlement date.
Elsewhere in the EEA, and in advance of Prospectus Publication, this announcement and this offering are only addressed to and directed at persons in Member States of the EEA, who are “Qualified Investors” within the meaning of Article 2(1)(e) of the Prospectus Regulation. The securities are only available to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such securities will be engaged in only with Qualified Investors. This announcement should not be acted upon or relied upon in any member state of the EEA by persons who are not Qualified Investors.
Forward-looking statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements related to OncoZenge’s intentions, estimates or expectations with regard to the company’s future results, financial position, liquidity, development, outlook, estimated growth, strategies and opportunities as well as the markets in which the company is active. Forward-looking statements are statements that do not refer to historical facts and can be identified by the use of terms such as “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “estimates,” “will,” “may,” “implies,” “should,” “could” and, in each case, their negative, or comparable terminology. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based on various assumptions, which in several cases are based on further assumptions. Although the company believes that the assumptions reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, there is no guarantee that they will occur or that they are correct. Since these assumptions are based on assumptions or estimates and involve risks and uncertainties, actual results or outcomes, for many different reasons, may differ materially from those what is stated in the forward-looking statements. Due to such risks, uncertainties, eventualities and other significant factors, actual events may differ materially from the expectations that expressly or implicitly are contained in this press release through the forward-looking statements. The company does not guarantee that the assumptions which serve as a basis for the forward-looking statements in this press release are correct, and each reader of the press release should not rely on the forward-looking statements in this press release. The information, opinions and forward-looking statements that expressly or implicitly are stated herein are provided only as of the date of this press release and may change. Neither the company nor any other party will review, update, confirm or publicly announce any revision of any forward-looking statement to reflect events that occur or circumstances that arise with respect to the contents of this press release, beyond what is required by law or other rules.
For additional information, please contact:
Pirkko Tamsen, CEO OncoZenge, telephone: +46 760 09 84 99, e-mail: pirkko.tamsen@oncozenge.se
Anna Ljung, CEO Moberg Pharma, telephone: +46 707 66 60 30, e-mail: anna.ljung@mobergpharma.se
About this information
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 2.30 p.m. CET on February 10th, 2021.
About Moberg Pharma, www.mobergpharma.com
Moberg Pharma AB (publ) is a Swedish pharmaceutical company focused on commercializing proprietary innovations based on drug delivery of proven compounds. The company’s main asset, MOB-015, is a novel topical treatment for onychomycosis. Data from phase 3 clinical trials in more than 800 patients for MOB-015 indicate that the product has the potential to become the future market leader in onychomycosis. Moberg Pharma has agreements with commercial partners in place in Europe and Japan, among others, and the company's intention is to submit a registration application during the second half of 2021 in Europe. Moberg Pharma is headquartered in Stockholm and the company’s shares are listed on the Small Cap list of the Nasdaq Stockholm (OMX: MOB).
About OncoZenge, www.oncozenge.se
OncoZenge AB (publ) is a Swedish pharmaceutical company founded in 2020 through a spin-off from Moberg Pharma AB. The company collaborates with leading clinicians from Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark. OncoZenge develops better products for supportive care of cancer patients. Preparations are underway for Phase 3 of BupiZenge®, after leading Phase 2 data for pain relief in patients with oral mucositis.