A new introduction on Priva’s 50th anniversary

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A new introduction on Priva’s 50th anniversary Half a century ago, Priva introduced the Hylo Salamander oil-fuelled burner to the horticultural market — the Dutch company’s first commercial product. Now, fifty years on, Priva is still dedicated to providing technological innovations in horticulture and, at this year’s Horti Fair exhibition, Priva prepares to reflect on 50 years of smart innovation with a special celebration. Once again, Priva will take advantage of the opportunity of this year’s Horti Fair to introduce another innovation of modern horticulture — and with it coinciding with Priva’s 50th birthday, the introduction will have an especially festive feel. The Blue Box On Priva’s exhibition stand will be The Blue Box — a hyper-modern personal theatre experience, where visitors can experience all the aspects of Priva’s new product in a spectacular presentation. It will be an unmissable feature of this year’s Horti Fair, Priva will introduce an innovation in modern horticulture on the HortiFair once more. Feel the Climate, get insight On the occasion of the fifty year anniversary this introduction gets an extra festive flavour. In the hyper modern theatre ‘The Blue Box’ on the Priva stand (number 01.0314) visitors can experience all aspects of this spectacular introduction lifelike during the presentation ‘Feel the Climate, get insight’. Fifty years of sustainability At Priva, experience and vision go hand in hand, and have done for half a century. Priva’s new product is a result of this experience and vision, putting sustainability, people, planet and profit at the heart of the horticultural industry once again. Successful history An important anniversary is the perfect occasion to look back on the good times of old and make big plans for the future — and in the year of its fiftieth anniversary, Priva is going to do just that. In 1959, the company stood as a newcomer to the field, beginning its long, successful history by importing heaters for horticultural growers. Today, Priva is a household name in the horticultural industry, with a considerable presence in built environment sector. Challenges for the future But despite the company’s success in its field, Priva is not content merely to sit back on its laurels — the future offers even greater challenges that Priva is ready to meet head on. Mindful of the importance of sustainability, Priva has been working on an abundance of new technology intended to drive and maintain sustainable development around the world — and this effort has not gone unnoticed. Cradle to cradle This summer, the founder of the ‘Cradle to Cradle’ principle, Dr Michel Braungart, visited the Priva Campus in De Lier. He praised Priva, both for the company’s vision and insight into the welfare of the planet and for continually striving to realise an efficient and sustainable climate for growth, both in the horticultural and built environment sectors. From the professor whose revolutionary view of design and technology stresses no impact on the planet, this was high praise indeed. Practical innovations Priva is continually searching for the perfect balance between economical and ecological benefits, and works closely with growers to develop new, efficient solutions in production, labour, energy, climate and water management. The results of this continuing partnership are practical innovations in horticulture that benefit not only the growers but the environment as well. Sustainable development A perfect example is the Priva NutriFlex. This revolutionary system makes it possible to dose water and nutrients with pinpoint accuracy, not only providing cost-savings and inceased efficiency for the grower, but also reducing waste products and thus reducing the impact on the environment. The Priva ClimateOptimizer, introduced at HortiFair two years ago, is a similar example of Priva’s commitment to sustainable development, enabling growers to make an energy saving of as much of 40 per cent. Service and support Priva believes that its service should go beyond innovating product development and committs much time and attention to service and support, from training at the site to instruction at Priva’s professional training centre, in addition to its dedicated Energy Advice and Climate Advice services. Note for the editor For more information about Priva please contact the department marketing & communications van Priva in De Lier, via telephone number +31 174-522 600. www.priva.nl