Movinn Strenghtens Management with Advisory Board Member

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Movinn strenghtens the management team and appoints Salomé A. Trambach as Advisory Board Member. 

Company announcement nr. 5 - 2022

Date 24/1/2022

Copenhagen, Denmark - Movinn is happy to announce the appointment of Salomé A. Trambach as a member of the Company's advisory board. Salomé has extensive industry-specific knowledge and is currently working professionally with management coaching. The existing Board of Directors have appointed Salome as member of the Advisory Board starting now which means that Salomé Trambach will be attending future board meetings and contribute to the strategic development of Movinn. 

Employment History: 

  • Salomé Trambach Coaching, Global. 
  • Head of Nordics, France & People, LifeX, Copenhagen. 
  • Country Manager, LifeX, Copenhagen. 
  • Business Development Manager, China Experience, Shanghai (CH).
  • Business Development Manager, PwC, Mexico City. 


  • Authentic Leadership Program, Naropa University, U.S. 
  • Msc. International Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School. 
  • Bcs. Business Administration & Sociology, Copenhagen Business School. 

Patrick Blok, CEO, states: 

"We are very happy with this addition to our management team. I have known of Salomé from her work with one of our colleagues in the industry, and the impressive results they have created. So I was pretty sure that Salomé would be a great fit, if we ever got the chance to work together. That chance has now risen. Salomé has extensive industry-specific experience and a great network. She also has hands-on experience with building an international organization and in creating a strong, international company culture. Those skills will definitely come in handy, when we are to formally launch new markets". 


"Vi er rigtig glade for den her styrkelse af selskabets ledelse. Jeg har kendt til Salomé gennem hendes arbejde i branchen, hvor der er skabt nogle flotte resultater, så jeg var rimelig sikker på, at Salomé ville være et godt match til os, hvis vi nogensinde fik muligheden for at arbejde sammen. Og det fik vi nu. Salomé har omfattende erfaring fra vores sektor og hun har et godt netværk. Desuden har hun prøvet at bygge organisationer og skabe en stærk virksomhedskulturer i udlandet. Den erfaring bliver vi helt sikkert glade for, når vi skal igang med at lancere nye byer i udlandet". 

Salomé Trambach states: 

"I look forward to be part of Movinn's growth journey through Denmark and Europe through working closely with the Board of Directors. Movinn plays an important role as an innovative force in the real estate sector, by making serviced homes more accessible for the international workforce. They have a strong set of values, where quality, dedication and professionalism is focus points and I look forward to becoming part of this unique partnership, where success is also about creating something people love being part of".


"Jeg ser frem til at tage del i Movinns spændende vækstrejse i Danmark og Europa gennem samarbejde i bestyrelsen. Movinn spiller en vigtig rolle som innovativ styrke på ejendomsmarkedet  og gøre boliger mere tilgængelige for blandt andet udlandsk arbejdskraft.
Der bliver arbejdet ud fra et stærkt værdigrundlag hvor høj kvalitet, dedikation og faglighed er i fokus og jeg glæder mig til at blive en del af dette unikke partnerskab, hvor succes også handler om at skabe noget folk elsker at være en del af. "

Patrick Blok

CEO, Movinn A/S

+45 28940979

Certified Advisor

Per Lönn

Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB

About Movinn

Founded in October 2014, Movinn A/S has grown to become one of Denmark's leading providers of fully serviced apartments, delivering space-as-a-service to mainly large domestic and international corporations and organizations. To stay at the forefront of trends in the real estate and serviced living industry - and to diversify activities - the company has created a house of brands that cover both traditional and emerging client segments.
Inhouse, the company has created a highly integrated value chain and comprehensive tech-products (several software platforms & IoT hardware) to help provide the best possible service and quality to the company's clients and to help scale profitable growth. Movinn has a strong presence in Denmark, covering Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen (the latter being the largest and primary market), and the company is planning to expand its
operations into new European destinations.

Movinn A/S has received approval for admission to trading of its shares on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark under the ticker “MOVINN”.