Report from MQ Holding AB’s Annual General Meeting 2012

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MQ Holding AB held its Annual General Meeting on 31 January 2012 in Gothenburg. The Parent Company and Group’s income statements and balance sheets for the fiscal year of 2010/2011 were approved at the meeting. The meeting further passed the motion by the Board of Directors’ regarding the appropriation of profits and resolved to issue a dividend of SEK 1.10 per share. The record date was established as Friday, 3 February 2012 and payment is expected to be made via Euroclear Sweden AB on Wednesday, 8 February 2012. The Board of Directors and President were granted a discharge from liability for the fiscal year 2010/2011.

The Meeting resolved that the Board of Directors should comprise six Board members until the next Annual General Meeting. Erik Olsson, Göran Barsby, Thomas Nyberg and Eva Redhe Ridderstad were re-elected to the Board, and Bengt Jaller and Christina Ståhl were elected as new members. Erik Olsson was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board. Christel Kinning and Jonas Lagerstedt declined re-election.

The Meeting resolved on annual director fees to the Board of Directors totalling SEK 1,400,000, of which SEK 400,000 is allocated to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 200,000 to each of the other Board members. Remuneration for committee resolved to be SEK 15,000 for each day of meeting.

Resolutions were also passed regarding guidelines for remuneration to the executive management of the company and the establishment of a new Nomination Committee forthe 2013 Annual General Meeting.

For additional information, please contact:

Jennie Ahlgren, IR Manager, telephone +46 (0)761-25 71 20

Tony Siberg, Executive Vice President and CFO, telephone +46 (0)736-84 41 60

MQ is one of Sweden's leading retailers of fashion brands. Through a select mix of inhouse and external brands, MQ offers men's and women's clothes with a high fashion content in attractive stores. The company currently has a nationwide network of 115 stores in Sweden and its goal is to be the leading fashion brand retail chain in the Nordic region. MQ was listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm on 18 June 2010. For more information, see



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