Communiqué from Munters' AGM April 15, 2009
Munters’ Annual General Meeting was held on April 15, 2009, at IVA in Stockholm.
Board of Directors and fees
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) re-elected the Board members Anders Ilstam, Bengt Kjell, Sören Mellstig, Eva-Lotta Kraft, Jan Svensson, Lars Engström, Kenneth Ericsson and Kjell Åkesson. Anders Ilstam was appointed Chairman of the Board and Bengt Kjell was appointed Vice Chairman.
It was decided that the fee to the board members shall amount to a total of SEK 2,275,000.
It was decided that the fee to the auditor shall be payable on account.
Dispositions concerning the Company’s result
The AGM resolved that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2008 and that the accumulated profit of SEK 798,587,275 shall be carried over.
Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives
The Meeting resolved to establish guidelines for remuneration to senior executives in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, principally entailing that the remuneration shall be in accordance with market conditions and have a pre-determined cap.
Articles of association
The AGM resolved to amend the articles of association (§10) so that General Meetings shall be held in Stockholm. The AGM also resolved on a conditional change of the articles of association (§12), entailing that notice to a General Meeting shall be published in the Swedish Official Gazette (Sw. “Post- och Inrikes Tidningar”) and on the Company’s website. It shall be advertised in Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet that notice convening General Meeting has been made. The time for publishing notice convening a General Meeting is also removed.
Information about the AGM is available at the Company and on Munters’ website: