Munters Election Committee

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In accordance with the decision at Munters Annual General Meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors has requested four of the major shareholders to each appoint one member who, together with himself, will form the Election Committee.

The Election Committee’s task is to present proposals regarding the composition of Munters’ Board of Directors, remune¬ration to the Board of Directors and other matters, at Munters Annual General Meeting on April 24, 2007.

The Election Committee comprises:
Gustaf Douglas, Investment AB Latour
Carl-Olof By, AB Industrivärden
Anders Algotsson, AFA Försäkring
Peter Rudman, Nordea fonder
Berthold Lindqvist, Chairman of the Board, Munters AB

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Election Committee can do so to or to Valberedningen, Munters AB, P O Box 430, 191 24 Sollentuna.

Sollentuna 19 October 2006

Lars Engström
Chief Executive Officer

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