Munters launches DryCool ERV -

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efficiency leap through innovative combination of energy recovery and
dehumidification in one small unit

January 2008 was another milestone in Munters tradition of innovation in energy efficient air treatment solutions. The launch of the DryCool ERV in the USA generated $1.7 million of orders in the first month after the release. The first order was sold to a school district in the southeast United States to cool and dehumidify air to seven different school facilities. Several upcoming projects have been designed to incorporate the DryCool ERV technology which shows that the product has a significant market potential. The immediate product acceptance verifies the energy efficiency to be a decisive competitive advantage for Munters.

Earlier this month the product was awarded an Innovation Honorable Mention at the prominent 2008 AHR EXPO® in New York. A panel of seven judges, appointed for their knowledge and experience in the HVAC&R industry, found the DryCool ERV worthy of this recognition.

Munters DryCool ERV builds on the highly successful patented HCU-platform for cooling and dehumidi¬fication, which has been combined with the newly acquired Des Champs energy recovery technology. It utilizes exhaust recovery and condenser reactivation desiccant to provide the most efficient dehumidifier of outside air available. The DryCool ERV reduces operating costs and creates a more comfortable indoor environment. The system is applicable to all commercial applications. For more information on the Munters DryCool ERV or other products visit

Kista, February 18, 2008

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