Leading Energy Supplier Urges People to Spend on Credit…Carbon Credits That Is

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MXenergy helps people understand Carbon Credits

Stamford, CT – March 31, 2011  - Everywhere these days people seem to be talking about “going green,” “reducing their carbon footprint” or “becoming carbon neutral.”  But what does that really mean?  And how do you actually go about accomplishing that task?

MXenergy, one of the nation’s leading independent energy providers and a company with a long history of environmental dedication, wants to help people understand carbon offsets and simplify the process for its customers.

“Certain phrases, such as “becoming carbon neutral” seem to be buzz words in today’s culture,” says Marjorie Kass, MXenergy Managing Director.  “ But while that may sound good, many people may be unsure of what carbon neutrality actually means or how to go about accomplishing it.  We want to help people understand the process and, for our customers, make it a goal they can easily achieve.”

In short, the concepts behind carbon neutrality are as follows:

Carbon Footprint: A carbon footprint is each individual’s contribution to the global warming problem through their own daily activities, such as how they travel, what energy they use in their homes, how far they drive each day.  Numerous calculators exist to help people determine their own carbon footprint.  www.carbonfund.org provides an excellent calculator for people to use.

Carbon Neutrality:  To achieve carbon neutrality means you have neutralized the effect of your personal greenhouse gas emissions so your actions are no longer contributing to global warming

Carbon Offsets:  One way to achieve carbon neutrality is through the purchase of carbon offsets.  Carbon offsets are purchases an individual can make designed to reduce or offset the negative impact to the environment.  Funds may go towards wind farms or planting trees.  It allows individuals to take personal responsibility for their impact on the environment.

MXenergy offers a program for customers to offset the emissions associated with their utility purchases.

“In 2007 MXenergy launched the Earth Friendly Partnership for customers to join the fight against global warming, enabling them to make their homes and businesses carbon-neutral by also purchasing CCX afforestation offsets,” says Kass.  “Customers who join the partnership pay only a fraction of a penny more for power service, with MXenergy subsidizing the balance.  This is a simple, easy way for our customers to achieve carbon neutrality and to assume a level of personal responsibility in the fight against global warming.”

This is the third straight year the leading natural gas and electricity supplier has voluntarily partnered with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) to offset the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the company’s national operations.  The carbon offsets are used to support Valley Wood, Inc, of Columbus, Georgia, a certified offset aggregator with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) that manages over 300,000 acres of sustainable forest land.


About MXenergy

MXenergy is one of the fastest growing retail natural gas and electricity suppliers in North America, serving approximately 500,000 customers in 41 utility territories in the United States and Canada. For over 11 years, the company has provided millions of customers with a choice in how they purchase energy to run their homes and businesses.  Founded in 1999 to provide natural gas and electricity to consumers in deregulated energy markets, MXenergy  helps residential customers and small business owners control their energy bills by providing both fixed and variable rate plans MXenergy  is committed to best practices in environmental conservation, supporting local communities through various outreach programs and is a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange.  For more information about MXenergy please visit www.mxenergy.com.

Marjorie Kass (203) 356-1318 ext. 7801    
Managing Director        

Laurel O'Connor (209) 782-7212
NorthStar Media Management LLC
