Interim report January-September 2011

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Täby, 19 October 2011 - Micronic Mydata AB (publ) is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Small Cap, MICR. The information in this report is of the type that Micronic Mydata AB (publ) is required to disclose under the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication on 19 October 2011, at 8 am.

Third quarter July-September, 2011
(Comparative figures refer to Q3, 2010)

  • Net sales were 330 (231) million
  • The operating result was SEK 3 (-28) million
  • Adjusted operating result was SEK 13 (-8) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK -0.02 (-0.39)
  • Order intake was SEK 311 (454) million

Interim period January-September, 2011
(Comparative figures refer to Q1-Q3, 2010)

  • Net sales were SEK 828 (736) million
  • The operating result was SEK -52 (-52) million
  • Adjusted operating result was SEK -25 (6) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK -0.72 (-0,96)
  • Order intake was SEK 936 (1,082) million
  • Order backlog at 30 September was SEK 258 (393) million

Future outlook

The Board’s assessment is unchanged that sales in 2011 will be in the range of SEK 1,100 to 1,300 million. Sales in 2010 amounted to SEK 1,288 million.

SMT continues strong

Business area SMT continued to show a strong order intake and strong sales of all products during the third quarter. Sales of the recently launched MY100e series increased by 63 percent over the third quarter last year, and sales of the MY500, a unique product that offers our customers stencil-free application of solder paste, are strong on all markets.

Customers within business area PG are affected by the growing financial unrest, which is reflected in declining TV sales. Consequently, we see a reduction in demand for photomasks used in the manufacture of displays. On a more positive note, demand and growth are still strong for mobile electronics such as mobile telephones and tablets, a development which will benefit the business area.

The increasing complexity of electronics consumer products will also create a need in general for our laser-based mask writers for the manufacture of semiconductors.

The profitable operations in both SMT and mask writer give us the possibility to invest in LDI to strengthen our position as a global high-tech growth company. During the third quarter, a second LDI system was shipped to another partner for evaluation of the technology and a market launch is planned in the fourth quarter.

The Group’s aftermarket sales continue to grow with improved margins and constitute a stabile base for profitable growth.

Due to the current financial turmoil with weak visibility regarding the pace of growth within the electronics industry we are cautious with regard to costs. Specific investments are being made to streamline operations and create conditions for sustainable profitability.

Peter Uddfors, President and CEO

Contacts at Micronic Mydata:

Peter Uddfors
President and CEO
+46 8 - 638 52 00

Carina Wång
+46 8 - 638 52 00


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