Micronic reports strong third quarter and highest order intake ever

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Taby, Sweden, October 20, 2005 - Micronic Laser Systems AB (Stockholm Exchange’s "Attract 40 list": MICR) today presented the Group’s Interim Report for January 1 – September 30, 2005. - Order intake for the first nine months reached a record SEK 1,143 (739) million, including third quarter order intake of SEK 586 (350) million. - Net sales for the first nine months are reported at SEK 693 (417) million, of which SEK 303 (176) million referred to the third quarter. - Operating profit for the first nine months was SEK 10 (29) million, of which the third quarter operating profit was SEK 57 (54) million. - Operating profit adjusted for capitalization and amortization of development costs was SEK 99 (-67) million for the first nine months and SEK 81 (28) million for the third quarter. - Profit after tax for the first nine months was SEK 3 (17) million, or SEK 0.07 (0.44) per share. Third quarter profit after tax was SEK 39 (37) million, or SEK 1.01 (0.94) per share. - The order backlog at 30 September was SEK 1,297 (1,079) million. “In view of continued powerful growth in the display market, we have revised our full-year assessment for order intake. With a strong order intake through the third quarter and orders received after the end of the period, we have already reached our minimum target for the full year,” says Sven Lofquist, President and CEO of Micronic Laser Systems. “Gross margin recovered in line with expectations after the second quarter, at 59 percent for the third quarter and 53 per cent for the first nine months of the year. Third quarter operating margin was 19 percent, and we achieved a positive result for the entire nine-month period. It should be noted that operating margin adjusted for capitalization and amortization reached 27 percent for the third quarter and exceeded 14 percent for the first nine months”, adds Sven Lofquist. “The ongoing installations of two Sigma systems are proceeding smoothly and our launch of the Sigma7500 was carried out in connection with the year’s major photomask conference in the USA. At the conference the first customer presented additional positive experiences of Sigma” says Sven Lofquist. “We are continuing to meet our goals thanks to the unflagging dedication of our employees and a consistent focus on lead times and quality. We have now entered the fourth quarter, traditionally the company’s strongest, and look forward to the end of the year with confidence,” concludes Sven Lofquist. Company contact: Sven Lofquist President & CEO +46 8 638 52 00 sven.lofquist@micronic.se Agency contact: Luz Rodriguez The Loomis Group, Inc. +33 1 58 18 59 30 rodriguezl@loomisgroup.com


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