Notice of Annual General Meeting in Micronic

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The shareholders in Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ) are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on Thursday, March 29, 2007, at 5.00 pm at Näsby Slott (Room: Galleriet), Djursholmsvägen 30, Täby, Sweden.

Participation, etc.
Shareholders, who wish to participate in the AGM, must be listed in the share register kept by VPC AB (the Swedish Central Securities Depository) by March 23, 2007, and must notify the Company of their intention to participate in the AGM not later than 12.00 pm on March 23, 2007, in writing to Micronic Laser Systems AB (publ), P.O. Box 3141, SE-183 03 Täby, Sweden. Such notification can also be made by telephone +46 (0) 8 638 54 64, or by e-mail: In the notification, the name, address, telephone number, personal ID or registration number and the number of shares held shall be stated.

Shareholders who are represented by a proxy shall include a written proxy when they notify the Company. Representatives of legal entities shall enclose a copy of the registration certificate or an equivalent document which shows who are authorized to sign for the legal entity. Shareholders who wish to bring advisors to the AGM must notify the Company of the number of advisors (not more than two) in the manner stated above.

To be entitled to participate in the AGM, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee through the trust department of a bank or in the name of another nominee, must request temporary registration of the shares in their own name with VPC. Shareholders must notify their nominee hereof well before March 23, 2007 as the temporary registration must be effected by this date.

Agenda for the AGM
1. Election of Chairman of the meeting (see below).
2. Preparation and approval of the voting list.
3. Approval of the agenda.
4. Election of one or two persons who shall approve the minutes of the meeting.
5. Consideration of whether the meeting has been duly convened.
6. Speech by the Chief Executive Officer.
7. Presentation of annual report and auditor’s report as well as of the consolidated financial statements and the auditor’s report for the group.
8. Resolutions regarding the adoption of the income statement and the balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet.
9. Resolutions regarding the allocation of the Company’s result pursuant to the adopted balance sheet (see below).
10. Resolutions regarding discharge from liability of the members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer.
11. Election of the members and Chairman of the Board of Directors (see below).
12. Determination of fees for the members of the Board of Directors and the auditors (see below).
13. The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding the adoption of a stock option plan 2007/2012, and to issue warrants to subscribe for new shares, and approval of disposal of the warrants issued under the plan (see below).
14. The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration for the management, and amendment to the Articles of Association (see below).


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