Autumn Home Maintenance Tips

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Autumn is a good time to take care of some jobs around the home and in the garden – especially before the winter weather arrives. Things such as inspecting your roof and checking your home for draughts are a must at this time of year to ensure your home is warm and energy-efficient throughout the winter months. Plus, taking care of these jobs now will prevent you from having to do them on shorter or colder days when it may be more difficult.


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Completing these jobs now may help you save some money in the long run – especially if you can identify some small repairs that may turn into much bigger problems down the line if not dealt with quickly.


The experts at have teamed up with several other home, cleaning, and gardening experts to create this ultimate guide on autumn home maintenance tips. Take a look at the guide below.


Disconnect Your Outdoor Hoses


According to Josh M, plumbing technician at, one of the most important jobs you can do at this time is disconnect, drain, and store your outdoor hoses. “Leaving them connected can cause water to back up in the faucets and pipes. When this trapped water freezes, it can cause the pipes to burst, resulting in expensive damage.”


With this in mind, you will need to switch off the water supply to the outside of your property if possible. Then, disconnect the hose pipe and tip it up until all of the water has run out. Then, store the hose away in a place such as the garage or a shed. If you were able to turn off the water supply outside, turn the tap on and allow all of the remaining water to drain out. This will limit the possibilities of frozen pipes.


Clean Gutters and Downspouts


Cleaning your gutters and downspouts is an important task at this time of the year. “Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water damage and ice dams during colder months", says Ayman Nazish, interior designer at Persimmon Design.


“Remove leaves, twigs, and debris from your gutters, and ensure that downspouts are directing water away from your home's foundation. This will prevent water from pooling around your home," Nazish continues. Pooling water could cause damage to your home and may be a big hazard if the water freezes. Instead, it's best to be on the safe side and eliminate any possibility of this happening.


Prepare Your Garden For Stormy Weather


Autumn is now here, which means the weather will soon be turning. During this time of year, it's normal to expect the weather to take a turn for the worse and storms could be on the agenda over the coming weeks. Now is the time to start preparing your garden for the bad weather.


You will need to stake new plants and check on older ones regularly to ensure they're not becoming weak or damaged. Climbing plants need to be properly tied to supports and trellises. Make sure your garden fences are stable, as strong winds can be disastrous. It may be necessary to think about reinforcing your fence panels at this time.


Heavy rain can cause a whole host of issues, including waterlogging. Now is the time to make sure there is optimum drainage to prevent your plants from becoming over-watered with rain.


Service Your Heating System


Autumn is the time when everyone will start putting their heating on daily. This means that now is an important time to make sure your heating is up to scratch and ready to face the harsh winter temperatures. After all, you don’t want to be left with a freezing cold house due to dodgy heating.


Rich Mullins, founder and owner of H2O Plumbing, suggests, “Before the cold sets in, schedule a professional inspection and maintenance service for your heating system.” This will allow you to identify any problems with your heating system and get them fixed promptly before the cold weather really starts to hit.


“Clean filters, vents, and ducts to ensure optimal performance and safety. A well-maintained heating system not only keeps your home comfortable but also saves on energy costs," Mullins continues.


Take Care of Your Lawn


Your lawn demands some special attention at this time of the year. “It's the ideal time for aerating, a process that involves making small holes in the soil. This allows water, oxygen, and nutrients to penetrate deeper, promoting robust root growth," says Gene Caballero, gardening expert and co-founder of GreenPal.


Post-aeration, overseeding becomes more effective, ensuring seeds make direct contact with the soil. This step is crucial, especially for areas of your lawn that appear thin or patchy," Caballero adds. "To top it off, applying a fall-specific fertilizer provides your lawn with the essential nutrients required to remain resilient during the cold winter months and emerge greener in the spring.”


So, if you haven't taken the time to give your lawn some TLC yet, now may be the time. It's essential that you prepare your lawn ready for when it goes dormant over winter. The more prep work you do now, the healthier and happier your lawn will come back in the spring.


Inspect Your Roof For Damage


Now is also a good time to inspect your roof for any damage before the cold weather comes along. “Check your roof for any missing, cracked or damaged shingles. These can lead to leaks and water damage during the rainy season. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, hire a professional to inspect your roof for you," suggests Mark Bushkuhl, founder and CEO of Ninebird Properties.


Leo Watts, home improvements expert at CNCSourced, also agrees that the roof is an element of the home that is often overlooked. “Regular inspections are crucial. Even minor issues, such as a few cracks or missing shingles, can escalate if not addressed promptly. An often-overlooked sign of rooftop wear is the presence of shingle granules in gutters, indicating that the roof might need some care," Watts adds.  


Insulate Your Pipes


Frozen pipes are one of the most common and costly problems that homeowners face in the winter. It costs very little to insulate your pipes, and it can make a big difference in ensuring your pipes don't freeze or burst over winter.


When water freezes inside the pipes, it then expands and puts pressure on the pipe walls, causing them to crack or rupture. This can result in flooding, water damage, and expensive repairs. To prevent this, you should always insulate your pipes with foam or fibreglass sleeves that fit snugly around them before winter.


When insulating pipes, pay particular attention to the ones that take hot water from your boiler or cylinder to your hot taps. You will find these in airing cupboards, next to the boiler, or underneath your bathroom and kitchen sinks.


Check For Draughts


Autumn is the time when the weather starts to become colder, and so homeowners may begin to notice cold draughts in their homes. However, it can sometimes be difficult to locate the source of the draughts through sight alone. Luckily, Niall Lynchechaun, managing director at Midland Stone, has a little trick that can help homeowners pinpoint the source of draughts much more easily.


“Believe it or not, the only thing you need to address this problem is a lit candle. Just move it slowly around doors and windows and wait for the flame to start flickering - when it does, that means you’re very close to the source of your air leak. From there, you’ll only need a bit of caulk or weatherstripping to take care of the problem," Lynchechaun explains.


Store Your Outdoor Furniture


Another thing you’ll need to think about before the weather takes a turn for the worse is storing your outdoor furniture. You shouldn’t leave your outdoor furniture outside and exposed to the elements during the colder months. Things such as wind, rain, and snow could cause some damage, and this may mean that you have to fork out on brand-new furniture by the time spring comes back around.


“Before the winter chill sets in, clean and properly store your outdoor furniture, cushions, and pillows. If you lack indoor storage space, invest in weatherproof covers to protect your furniture from the elements," explains Ralph Abundo, operations specialist at Canberra Bond Cleaning.


Program Your Thermostat


Your thermostat can make a big difference in your comfort over the winter months. However, it can also make a big difference in how much you spend on your energy bills through the heating season.


The best way to save money on your heating bills? Program your thermostat. “By programming your thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your daily routine, you can ensure that your home  is warm when you need it and conserves energy when you don't, making it a smart and eco-friendly choice for winter comfort", says Amir Behrozi, Founder of My Home Dojo


If you want to go a step further, consider installing a smart thermostat. This will allow you to control your heating from an app on your phone. You can even control your heating while you’re not at home. This is perfect for those who regularly forget to change their heating settings or for those who want the luxury of ensuring their home is warm for when they get home, no matter what their schedule may be.






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