Biophilic Designs - Bringing The Outside Inside

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Are you someone who loves the outdoors and wants to improve your mental health from the comfort of your own home? Well, you may be interested in learning about biophilic design trends. This trend focuses on bringing the outdoors indoors, creating a bond between humans and nature simply through interior design.


A bathroom with plants and a tub

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Biophilic designs have many benefits. However, if you've never heard of this trend or you want to find out more about it, you've come to the right place. In this article, interior designer Ryan McDonough at has teamed up with interior design expert Raf Michalowski at Meble Furniture to provide you with all the information you need to know about this innovative home design trend.


What Is The Biophilic Design Trend All about?


If you’ve never heard of the biophilic design trend, you may be wondering what it’s all about. Well, we’re here to set the record straight. “Biophilic design is an innovative approach that seeks to incorporate elements of nature into the built environment, fostering a deeper connection between people and the natural world", Michalowski explains.


“This design trend recognises the innate human affinity for nature and aims to create spaces that support health, wellbeing, and productivity by integrating biophilic elements such as natural light, vegetation, water features, and natural materials", Michalowski adds.


What Are The Key Elements of Biophilic Designs?


There are several key elements that contribute to the biophilic design trend. These include the following:


Creating a Natural Environment


When incorporating this design in your own home, you want to think about how you can create a more natural environment. This will focus on features of the natural world such as natural light, earthy colour hues, plants, and images of natural landscapes and animals.


The Use of Natural Shapes


Natural shapes are lines and curves that appear in nature. This includes things like vaults, arches, water paths, plants, and other things that form in nature. You want to consider the shapes of the outside world and try to bring those shapes into your home.


Using Natural Patterns


Similar to the use of natural shapes, you also want to consider using natural patterns that can occur in nature. This can often be shown through plant patterns, rock formations or erosions, and the use of rhythm and scale.


Letting Natural Light Flow Inside


Natural light is very important for our wellbeing. The biophilic design trend emphasises natural light and space. Letting natural light flow into your home can help to merge the indoors and the outdoors with elements of warmth, shadows, and various shapes.


Adding Plenty of Plants


Plants are a very important aspect of biophilic designs. You don't have to turn your home into a complete jungle to achieve it. A few live plants are great, but you can also incorporate plants into your design through artwork, wallpapers, and decorative accent pieces. You want to create a nice blend between your home and the natural elements of the outdoors.


Which Rooms Does This Design Work Best in?


If you want to add biophilic designs to your home, you may be wondering which spaces it works best in. "I think one of the key benefits of biophilic design is its ability to improve both physical and psychological wellbeing. Research has shown that exposure to nature can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, boost mood, and enhance cognitive function. By incorporating biophilic elements into interior spaces, designers can create environments that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall mental and emotional balance," says Michalowski.


The biophilic design works well in any room of the home. If you want to choose a particular space, consider where you want to feel the most relaxed. This may be the bathroom or bedroom. You should also consider where you spend most of your time, as the design can help to improve your mood. This may apply to the living room. Also, biophilic designs are known to increase productivity, so they could work very well in a home office space.



How Can You Achieve This Design In Your Own Home?


“The best way to achieve biophilic design involves a combination of strategies, including maximising access to natural light, incorporating views of nature, introducing indoor plants and living walls, using natural materials such as wood and stone, and creating spaces that evoke natural patterns, textures, and colours," says Michalowski.


“You can also consider incorporating elements of fractal geometry, which mimics the repetitive patterns found in nature, to enhance the biophilic experience", Michalowski adds.


Final Thoughts


The biophilic design trend is a very positive trend which helps to improve your mental health and improve the aesthetic appearance of your home. By incorporating natural elements throughout your home, you can feel closer to nature and truly bring the outdoor world inside.



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