Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panels

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Are you thinking of taking advantage of the power of the sun to help reduce your energy bills and your environmental impact? Solar panels might be the answer you're looking for. But before you jump on the solar bandwagon, it’s important to explore everything you need to know about installing solar panels on your home.


A solar panels on a roof

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Property and construction expert, Thomas Goodman at MyJobQuote.co.uk has created this guide, providing everything you need to know about solar panels. Let’s dive right in…


How Do Solar Panels Work?


Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, consist of a number of solar cells that convert every day sunlight into electricity. When sunlight hits these cells, it creates an electrical current. The direct current (DC) electricity produced by the panels is then inverted into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the kind used in your home. This AC electricity can then be used to power your appliances and lighting, reducing your reliance on the national grid.


The Benefits of Solar Power


There are several advantages to installing solar panels on your home:


  • Save Money on Energy Bills: Solar panels generate clean, free electricity, significantly reducing your reliance on the grid and potentially lowering your electricity bills. Government feed-in tariffs can further boost your savings by paying you for the electricity your panels generate, even if you don't use it all yourself. The current scheme, the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), pays you an export tariff for the electricity you export back to the grid.
  • Boost Your Home's Value: Homes with solar panels are increasingly sought-after by eco-conscious buyers. Installing solar panels can be a brilliant investment, potentially increasing the value of your property by up to £10,000.
  • Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: If you generate your own clean electricity, you'll be helping to combat climate change and will also be reducing your reliance on fossil fuels. The UK has ambitious goals to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Solar power is one of the key parts of achieving that target.
  • Government Incentives: The UK government offers various financial incentives to help encourage UK homeowners to install solar panels. These incentives can help to significantly reduce the upfront cost of the installation. The SEG, for example, is a nationwide scheme that pays you for any electricity you export back to the grid. You may also be eligible for the Energy Saving Trust grant, which offers a lump sum towards the cost of installing solar panels.


Is Your Roof Suitable For Solar Panels?


An ideal south-facing roof with minimal shading throughout the day will maximise the efficiency of your solar panels. However, east or west-facing roofs can still be suitable for solar power generation, although they may produce slightly less electricity. North-facing roofs are generally not recommended for solar panels due to minimal sunlight exposure.


Here are some additional factors to consider:


  • Roof Pitch: A roof pitch between 30 and 40 degrees is ideal for capturing sunlight. However, solar panels can still be very effective on roofs with a shallower pitch.
  • Shading: Trees, chimneys, and other structures can cast shadows on your roof, reducing solar panel efficiency. It's important to assess the amount of shading your roof receives throughout the day.
  • Roof Material: Most common roof materials, such as slate, tile, and metal, are suitable for solar panel installation.


It is important that you consult with a reputable solar panel installer who can assess your roof's suitability and sun exposure. They will be able to advise you on the best placement and size of solar panel system for your specific needs.


The Cost of Solar Panels and Installation


The upfront costs of installing solar panels will vary depending on several factors:


  • Size of the System: The larger the system (in terms of kilowatt-peak (kWp) output), the more electricity it will generate and the higher the initial cost. However, a larger system will also lead to greater savings on your electricity bills.
  • Type of Panels: There are many different types of solar panels available to buy, with varying efficiencies and costs. Monocrystalline silicon panels are the most efficient panels, but are also the most expensive, while polycrystalline silicon panels are a more affordable option with slightly lower efficiency.
  • Complexity of Installation: The ease of installation will depend on your roof's accessibility and any potential challenges, such as multiple roof sections or chimneys. A more complex installation will likely cost more.


However, government incentives such as the SEG and potential grants can significantly reduce the upfront cost. Solar panels are also considered a long-term investment, with a lifespan of around 25 years. Most reputable installers will provide a return on investment (ROI) calculation specific to your home and energy usage so you can understand how long it will take for the energy bill savings to offset the initial cost.


Maintaining Your Solar Panels


Solar panels require minimal maintenance. However, it's recommended to keep them free of debris and snow buildup for optimal performance. Brushing off leaves and other debris a few times a year should suffice. Heavy snowfall shouldn't damage your panels, but if significant accumulation occurs, consult your installer's recommendations for safe removal.


Most reputable solar panel installers will offer after-sales care and maintenance packages. These can provide peace of mind and ensure your system is operating efficiently.


Making The Switch to Solar Power


If you arere interested in installing solar panels on your home, here are the next steps:


  • Get Quotes: Obtain quotes from several reputable solar panel installers. Ensure they are MCS-certified, a mark of quality and compliance with industry standards. The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is a government-backed program that ensures the quality of solar panel installations.
  • Compare and Choose: When comparing quotes, consider not just the price but also the installer's experience, reputation, after-sales service, and the type of panels they offer.
  • Finance Options: Explore various financing options available, including government grants and loans specifically designed for solar panel installations. The Energy Saving Trust loan offers competitive interest rates to help finance the upfront cost of solar panels.
  • Planning Permission: In most cases, planning permission won't be required for domestic solar panel installations. However, it's always best to check with your local planning authority. You can usually find this information on your council's website.


Benefits Beyond Your Bills


While the financial savings and environmental benefits are significant motivators for going solar, there are other advantages to consider:


  • Increased Homeownership Satisfaction: Many homeowners report feeling a sense of satisfaction and pride knowing they're generating their own clean energy.
  • Potential for Future Battery Storage: As battery storage technology becomes more affordable, you may be able to add a battery system to your solar panels in the future. This would allow you to store any excess solar energy generated during the day and use it at night, further reducing your reliance on the grid.
  • Low Noise Pollution: Solar panels operate silently, unlike some traditional energy sources.


Final Thoughts


The sun beams down every day, offering a vast, renewable energy source waiting to be harnessed. Solar panels can ultimately transform your home into a mini power station, reducing your reliance on the grid, lowering your electricity bills, and shrinking your carbon footprint. While initial costs exist, government incentives and long-term energy savings make solar a compelling investment.


So, if you're looking for a way to save money, protect the environment, and also boost the value of your home, consider joining the growing number of British homeowners who are embracing the power of the sun. With some careful planning and the right solar panel installer, you can transform your home's roof into a solar oasis, generating clean energy for years to come.









Thomas Goodman has worked as a property and construction expert for MyJobQuote for six years and has worked in the construction industry for over twenty years. Thomas continues to work on building projects while providing expert construction and property advice to industry professionals and DIY enthusiasts.




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