Feng Shui Rules to Follow to Bring Harmony to The Home

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Have you ever walked into a home and felt an instant sense of calm and peace? Or maybe you've experienced the opposite - a space that feels cluttered, stagnant, or devoid of energy? Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy, aims to harmonise the energy flow within a space, creating a more positive and balanced environment.


A table with a stone balance

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In this article, interior design expert Ryan McDonough at MyJobQuote.co.uk explores various Feng Shui rules you can incorporate into different rooms of your home, transforming it into a haven of happiness and well-being. From the bustling energy of the kitchen to the tranquil space of the bedroom, Ryan delves into practical tips to bring harmony to each area.


Here, Ryan will also explore the placement of mirrors throughout the home, dispelling myths and maximising their positive energy-enhancing effects.


But creating a happy home goes beyond aesthetics. Ryan also covers essential Feng Shui principles like decluttering and creating a welcoming entryway, ensuring a smooth flow of energy throughout your living space.


By incorporating these simple adjustments, you can cultivate a home that not only looks beautiful but also feels energising and uplifting and inspires happiness for you and your loved ones.


Feng Shui Rules For Various Rooms


Entrance Hall


The entrance area of your home is known as the "mouth of qi." This means that the front entrance of your home is the portal for all of the qi, or energy, to enter your home. This is one of the most important parts of the home to consider for feng shui.


It's important to ensure your entranceway is brightly lit. The hallway and door area should be free from clutter, and you should ensure that the doorbell is working properly.


Living Room


The living room is a space where people can gather in your home. This may include family and friends. The living room is considered one of the more public areas of your home, and ideally, you'll want to make this an inviting and open space.


In order to incorporate feng shui into the living room, you'll want to decorate it with the five element colours based on the types of energies you would like to invite into the room. Green plants can help to cultivate growth, wellness, and kindness. The sofa and chairs should be configured in the commanding position.


Dining Room


Your dining room is a place for gathering to nourish and eat with each other. This room is a place where you can connect with loved ones. The room also represents friendship and wealth.


If your dining table is used for any purposes other than dining, make sure everything is cleared from the table before mealtimes. Use your dining table on a regular basis for meals to help attract more friendships. Fresh flowers in the dining room can help to invite more positive energy.




The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home for feng shui. This room represents abundance, health, and prosperity. The way we eat will relate directly to how we show up in the world. The stove, in particular, is connected to wellness and prosperity.


Be sure to keep the stove in good condition and ensure that it’s always clean. Use the stove at least once each day, even if you just use it to boil some water. This will help to keep the energy active. Dispose of expired foods regularly.




The bedroom represents the people who sleep in there. Adjustments in your bedroom can work quite quickly as you spend a large number of hours of your life sleeping.


Place your bed in the commanding position and remove any clutter or storage from underneath the bed. Ideally, the underneath of the bed should be completely open for qi and air circulation. Make sure you have a headboard securely attached to the bed.


Home Office


Your home office represents your career. With this in mind, the feng shui of your office can greatly affect your success in your career.


Place your desk in the commanding position and ensure that you use a desk chair with a back support. Make sure you have a minimum of three feet of space between your chair and your desk.




The bathroom represents the element of water. This can lead to a draining of wealth. Whe applying feng shui to the bathroom, begin by ensuring it is always sparkling clean to give off a true spa-like environment. The bathroom should mostly represent a area of healing and rest.


Placing a live houseplant on the back of your toilet can help transform the downward water energy into upward life energy since plants flourish and grow with the help of water. Make sure the toilet seat remains closed whenever it is not in use. Keep all mirrors clean and streak-free so that they can reflect with intention and clarity.


Feng Shui Rules on Mirrors


Place a Mirror Perpendicular to the Entrance Door


It is not recommended to place a mirror in front of the front door. You should instead place a mirror on a wall that is perpendicular to the front door. When hanging a mirror close to the front door, you will want to connect it to a positive intention, such as expanding all of the great opportunities that come into your life.


Mirrors in The Dining Room


The best room to hang a mirror is in the dining room, as this room closely reflects our capacity to hold onto friendships and wealth. We all want to reflect these particular things in our lives. Mirrors can help achieve this greater increase.


Avoid Mirrors in the Kitchen


Mirrors should not be placed in the kitchen and especially should not be placed facing the stove. This placement is believed the promote negative energy. If you're considering placing a mirrored backsplash in your kitchen, you may want to think again.


Mirroring Beautiful Views


Be mindful of what the mirrors in your home will reflect inside and outside the home. Mirrors can invite and expand a lot of positive energy and light in the home. You just need to be aware of what the mirror is reflecting. It's best to hang the mirrors where they can reflect a beautiful view rather than something negative, such as a pile of bills.


Mirrors in the Hallway


It is seen as a positive thing to place mirrors in the hallway. However, they should not be placed at the end of a hallway as this can slow the flow of energy in the home. Mirrors are great on small staircases or landings as they can help with bringing more light and space into the area.


Hang a Mirror In The Living Room


Mirrors in the living room make things feel more festive by increasing the number of people present in the room. If your guests are negative, however, this can double the negativity. With this in mind, you need to be careful who you invite into your home and ask your guests to leave any drama at home.


Mirrors in the Bathroom


In the bathroom, you should avoid placing a mirror directly across from your toilet or the door.


Feng Shui Rules For a Happy House


Keep The Clutter Away


Clutter can greatly affect the energy flow in your home. If your home is cluttered, this can often lead to feelings of depression, tiredness, claustrophobia, and lower levels of motivation. Use organising and storage solutions to help minimise clutter in the home, particularly around hallways, doors, and passageways. Remove any obstacles around the home and get rid of any unused or unwanted items that may be taking up valuable space in the home.


Keep an Open Traffic Flow


Feng shui furniture arrangements allow for open pathways throughout the home. Blocked traffic flows can lead to blocked energy flows. For example, in the living room, you should avoid placing your sofa in a position where the back of the sofa faces the room's entrance. Rounded corners are smoother for traffic flow, so consider choosing a rounded coffee table instead of a square one. Consider how you move around each room in your home and make adjustments to ensure the traffic flow is smoother and easier.


Create a Welcoming Entrance


Your home's entrance will represent the energy of the rest of your home. In this space, you want to create a very positive first impression of your home. Start by ensuring the entrance is always clear and clutter-free. The entrance to your home should feel open, bright, and inviting. Add some live plants to your entranceway to make it feel more welcoming. If your front door sticks or if the locks cause a lot of frustration, address these issues quickly to make entering your home a serene, peaceful, and positive experience. Add plenty of lighting in this space so that you're not entering a dark room when you step into your house.


Incorporate Plants


Plants can invite a connection to nature in the home and can provide freshness and plenty of energy. Decorate rooms with plenty of plants. Choose plants that suit the lighting conditions of your home, and ensure you choose plants that you can easily care for. Beware of any plants that have pointy or spiky leaves, as these could subconsciously leave you feeling on edge.


Use The Command Position


The command position refers to the positioning of your furniture relative to the door. You should ideally be able to see the door whenever you are lying or sitting on furniture. Furniture should be ideally placed diagonally from your door and should have a solid wall behind the piece of furniture. This represents an ability to handle all opportunities and threats effectively.


Create Balance With Colours


Colours can really help to uplift a room, so it's important to think carefully about the colours you choose around your home. Nature-inspired hues are great for incorporating calmness. Brighter and more vibrant colours will increase the levels of energy in the home. Darker colours should be kept lower to the floor to provide solid foundations. Lighter colours on walls and ceilings will provide a more open effect.


Final Thoughts


Feng Shui offers a wealth of practical wisdom to create a home that reflects your inner harmony and fosters well-being. By following these guidelines for different rooms, incorporating mirrors strategically, and embracing core principles like decluttering and open traffic flow, you can transform your living space into a haven of positive energy. 


Remember, Feng Shui is a journey, not a destination. Experiment, personalise, and enjoy the process of creating a home that truly supports your happiness and success. 


As you cultivate a space that feels balanced and inviting, you'll likely discover a renewed sense of peace and purpose within yourself. So, embrace the power of Feng Shui and watch your home blossom into a reflection of your happiest self.





Ryan is an interior design expert with 15 years worth of experience in the field. Ryan works closely with clients to make their visions come to life at a price that suits their budget. Ryan also provides expert interior design comments for MyJobQuote and has been featured in a range of top publications. 



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