How to Fix Up The Exterior of An Older Period Property

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If you live in a period property, it is likely that you purchased the property for specific reasons - usually due to the home's appearance. This means you will want to protect some of the key period characteristics when performing renovations on the home. This may include things like the external sash windows, external brickwork, and exterior doors.


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Certain distinguishing features can make a period home very special. Period homes are also often seen as a very sought-after investment. As time goes on, the distinctive period home features may become hidden or damaged. However, there are some small home improvements that you can do to transform your home and get it looking its best.


The exterior of the property is what most people will see first, and it is the outside of the property that usually gives the image of a heritage home. This means you'll want to spend some time focusing on fixing up the outside of the property to ensure it looks as good as possible.


So, how do you fix up an older period property without compromising its distinguishing features? Property and construction expert Thomas Goodman at has created this guide, providing you with all of the information you need about sprucing up an older property.


Fixing Up The Property’s Brickwork


Sometimes, you may need to repoint the brickwork on your period home. This is sometimes an essential job if you want your home to be able to weather all of the elements and still look great. If you are planning on fixing up the outside of your period home, repointing the brickwork should be one of the first things you consider doing. If you notice any damaged or missing mortar in the brickwork, this can cause leaks, which could result in damp entering the home.


Repointing brickwork involves carefully repacking the mortar that sits between the bricks on the exterior of your property. The cost of repointing brickwork isn't too substantial, especially when you consider the amount of money you will save on expensive damp repair jobs or other issues in the home.


It's quite easy to repoint brickwork yourself as a DIY job. However, it does require a specific set of equipment, and you may also need to work at heights. For this reason, it is recommended that you consult a professional to do this type of work for you.


Taking Care of Wooden Sash Windows


Windows are a key feature of older period homes. If your home has wooden sash windows that have gone through a lot of wear and tear over the years, or if you have neglected the windows for several years, they may need to be replaced. You can replace most wooden sash windows on a like-for-like basis. By replacing the windows with more modern wooden sash windows, you will get the benefit of enhanced glass.


Most period homeowners prefer to stick to the original materials that were used when building the property, where possible. However, there are certain circumstances where you may need to choose some alternatives instead. If you are happy to replace the existing wooden sash windows with newer wooden sash windows, this could be beneficial. Alternatively, you may prefer uPVC sash windows. These can withstand harsh weather conditions much better and may provide a more durable and long-lasting solution. 


Maintaining Heritage Timber Doors


The front door is often a standout feature on a period home. Some may feature ornate glass surrounds and these could become very draughty. In some cases, the door may need to be replaced. Additionally, it's important to think about the security of your home when it comes to the front door. Your existing door may not be able to provide much security – particularly if it is quite old.

Newer doors are much more secure than period doors.


You don't necessarily have to compromise the distinguished period appearance if you want to boost the security of your home. Modern timber doors are much more secure and can still retain the traditional design.


Final Thoughts


Older period properties are often extremely attractive with their distinguishing features. If you live in a period property, you'll want to ensure that it always looks its best. By completing a few exterior jobs and keeping on top of maintenance, you can keep your period home looking amazing for many years in the future. In addition to improving your home's kerb appeal, these simple jobs may also make your home safer and could even help with reducing your energy bills.



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