How to Make Space For Storing Christmas Gifts

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Christmas is truly the season for giving. During this time of the year, we will be bringing more things into the home as we receive gifts from our friends and family members. However, this can lead to a lot of clutter if you don’t plan correctly. So, how do you make space for storing Christmas gifts?


A close up of a gift

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Below, interior designer Ryan McDonough at provides a list of hints and tips on how to make space for storing all of your new Christmas gifts. Take a look at the list below and get your home ready for the festivities of Christmas gifting.


Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need


One of the most important things you can do before Christmas is spend some time decluttering your home. You should make sure everything is put back in its proper place and remove anything that you no longer need. Getting each room properly organised will help you find space to store your Christmas gifts.


Decluttering your home will give you a chance to throw away things that you no longer need or use, make space for the gifts that you'll receive on Christmas day, and give you more space for putting up Christmas decorations. You'll be surprised at just how much of a difference a bit of decluttering can make.


Take a walk around your home and look at everything you own. Do you use everything you own? Are you sure you need everything you own? If there is anything you don’t want or need, consider throwing it away or donating it.


Get Your Children Involved


If you have children in your home, their rooms can very quickly become busy and cluttered – especially after they have unwrapped all of their new toys at Christmas. It’s important that your children understand that they need to let go of some of their old toys in order to make room for new ones.


Get your children to look through their toys and ask them to make a pile of toys that they no longer play with and don’t need anymore. These toys can then be donated or sold. The more your child can get rid of, the better to prevent all of the post-Christmas toy mess.


Invest in Some Handy Storage Solutions


When thinking about where to store Christmas gifts, you may want to consider some handy storage solutions. The more creative storage solutions you can create in your home, the less cluttered and overwhelming your home will feel.


It's a good idea to consider using some multifunctional storage solutions. This will give your the opportunity to store as many items as possible while using as little space as possible. Floating shelves are a great idea for extra storage as these provide a place to store any smaller items, but they don't take up any of the floor space. Attractive storage boxes will allow you to have space to put things away without making your home look ugly.


Ask For Experiences


If you have a large extended family or if you’re expecting a lot of gifts at Christmas, consider some ways in which you can prevent the build-up of too many new items coming into the home. One way you can do this is by asking for experiences rather than physical gifts.


You can ask for things like tickets to the zoo, cinema tickets, concert tickets, or even just days out for lunch. Experiences will not only allow you to cut down on the Christmas clutter, but they will also provide you with quality time that you can spend with your family. If you have children, days out are great for making memories.


Try Secret Santa


If you have a group of friends, why not consider Secret Santa instead of everyone buying gifts for each other? Secret Santa is a concept where you put all of the group's names into a hat, and then each person picks out one name. Whichever name you pick out, that's the person you have to buy a gift for. You can set a limit according to everyone's budget. That way, you can save money and also save space.


Secret Santa prevents the build-up of lots of gifts from your friends. Instead, you will receive just one gift from whoever picked your name out of the hat. Plus, it helps to reduce the stress of Christmas shopping as you will only need to focus on buying one gift for a friend instead of many.


Move Your Furniture Around


You may be able to make space for gifts by adjusting the layout of your home. Consider moving your furniture around to make space for handy new storage solutions. You could even get rid of any pieces of furniture that you no longer need or use.


When you move your furniture around, you may be able to make space for putting up shelves or adding a new small cupboard. These are all spaces that can work as a storage solution for your new Christmas gifts.


Final Thoughts


As you can see, there are several things that you can do to make space for all of your wonderful new Christmas gifts. Consider taking some of these hints and tips on board and try having a sort-out before the big day to make sure your home doesn't become too cluttered or overwhelming.




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