September Jobs to Complete Now - Prepare Your Home For Winter

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September is here already, and before you know it, we'll be facing the first frost. It's worth spending some time now to get your home and garden ready for the cold weather before it really starts to kick in.


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The experts at have teamed up with a range of home and gardening experts to create this list of jobs that you can complete now to prepare your property for winter. So whether you’re looking to prevent winter damage or you want to find out some ways to lower your energy bills, these tips will surely help you.


Re-Caulk Windows and Doors


The winter months can get very cold very fast. This can take its toll on your heating bill, particularly if you are letting more cold air into your home than you need to. Before the cold months set in, inspect the windows and doors in your home to ensure they are properly sealed. Adequately sealed doors in windows will help to keep the warm air in and the cold air out.


A person using a silicone sealant to seal a window

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If needed, you should re-caulk your windows and doors to seal any cracks and gaps. Caulking is a process of applying a flexible material to fill the spaces between different surfaces, such as wood, metal, or glass. “Caulking can help you save energy and money by reducing heat loss and preventing drafts", says Goodell David, Founder of Woodworking Clarity.


You should check your windows and doors for any signs of wear and tear, such as peeling, cracking, or shrinking, and re-caulk them if needed", David continues. “You can use a caulking gun or a tube of caulk to apply it along the edges of the frames.” Caulking is a fast and easy way to make your home feel warmer and reduce your energy bills. Draught excluders can also be a helpful way to winter-proof your doorways.


Check Your Heating System


One of the most important things that you can do at this time is check your heating system. After all, you don’t want to be left with no heat when the first frost hits. There are several things you can do to ensure your heating system is up to scratch.


Firstly, bleeding your radiators will help to increase their heat efficiency and will also help you to save money on your heating bills. According to Rich Mullins, home consultant and founder of H2o Plumbing, a boiler inspection is also a great idea at this time of year. “Schedule a professional HVAC inspection to clean, service, and replace filters as needed. This preventative measure will not only keep your home warm but also improve energy efficiency," says Mullins.


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You should also check the pressure on your boiler before the cold weather hits. Your boiler will run at its best when it’s at around 1-1.5 bar. You can check the pressure of your boiler via the gauge on the front of the unit.


If your boiler is quite old, you may want to consider investing in a new one before the heating season starts. According to Simon Brow, Lead Engineer and Compliance Officer at Rightio, a UK-based repairs company, “A boiler's efficiency is rated on a scale from A to G. A modern boiler rated 'A' will usually run at around 94% efficiency, meaning only 6% of the energy generated is wasted when heating the home. The older the boiler is, the more energy it wastes and the lower its efficiency.” Older boilers cost much more to run than newer models. “By upgrading your boiler, you could save around 20-30% on your energy bills every year.”


Prepare Your Garden


In addition to the inside of your home, you also need to do some prep work on the outside of your property, starting with the garden. “In terms of gardening, September is the perfect time to plant spring bulbs and clear out any dead plants. It's also a good idea to prepare your garden furniture for winter storage," says Harper Nelson, Chief Information Officer at REI Insiders.


As soon as Autumn hits, the leaves will begin to fall from the trees. These can quickly collect on your lawn, blocking the sunlight, preventing adequate water from reaching the roots, and potentially causing lawn diseases. With this in mind, it’s best to deal with fallen leaves swiftly to ensure your lawn remains in great shape and comes back thriving in spring. Inspect your lawn regularly and rake up any fallen leaves as they start to accumulate.


A rake in the grass

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For the last cut of the season, you want to make sure you cut your grass as short as you possibly can. The lawn may still grow slightly for a while after the last cut before the frost stunts the growth. If you cut your grass short, this will prevent the need for any further cuts until next year, even if the lawn does grow slightly.


It’s also a good idea to aerate your lawn at this time. “Over time, soil can become compacted, especially in high-traffic areas. This compaction prevents water, oxygen, and essential nutrients from reaching the grassroots," says Gene Caballero, co-founder of GreenPal. “In September, it's ideal to aerate your lawn, which involves creating small holes throughout your lawn to allow these essential elements to penetrate deeper into the soil. This not only helps the grass grow stronger but also preps it for the winter months.”


Program Your Thermostat


Your thermostat can make a big difference in your comfort over the winter months. However, it can also make a big difference in how much you spend on your energy bills through the heating season.


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The best way to save money on your heating bills? Program your thermostat. “By programming your thermostat to adjust temperatures based on your daily routine, you can ensure that your home  is warm when you need it and conserves energy when you don't, making it a smart and eco-friendly choice for winter comfort", says Amir Behrozi, Founder of My Home Dojo


If you want to go a step further, consider installing a smart thermostat. This will allow you to control your heating from an app on your phone. You can even control your heating while you’re not at home. This is perfect for those who regularly forget to change their heating settings or for those who want the luxury of ensuring their home is warm for when they get home, no matter what their schedule may be.


Insulate Your Pipes


It costs very little to insulate your pipes, and it can make a big difference in ensuring your pipes don't freeze or burst over winter. According to Rhys Charles, Founder of Lawn and Tractors, “Frozen pipes are one of the most common and costly problems that homeowners face in the winter.”


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“When water freezes inside the pipes, it expands and exerts pressure on the pipe walls, causing them to crack or rupture. This can result in flooding, water damage, and expensive repairs," says Charles. “To prevent this, you should insulate your pipes with foam or fibreglass sleeves that fit snugly around them.”


In addition, Charles recommends leaving your faucets dripping slightly to maintain a steady flow of water and to prevent your pipes from freezing. When insulating pipes, pay particular attention to the ones that take hot water from your boiler or cylinder to your hot taps. You will find these in airing cupboards, next to the boiler, or underneath your bathroom and kitchen sinks.


Prepare Your Decking


Preparing your deck for winter is very important, especially if your decking is made from natural wood or if you live in an area with particularly harsh winter weather conditions. "Algae can quickly make the decking slippery and hazardous. It's essential to brush away any autumn leaves to prevent rot and further deterioration," says Chloe Grayling, decking expert at Cladco Decking.


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“Once cleared, a thorough cleaning with a Decking Cleaner or soapy water is recommended." Grayling suggests scrubbing the deck boards in the direction of the grooves and joints to effectively remove dirt and build-up. You should then rinse the decks with warm water to complete the process.


“While composite materials are more resilient, especially against algae growth, they still require maintenance” Grayling continues. “A pre-winter scrub is advisable, using the same technique as timber or even a power washer for more thorough cleaning. Proper cleaning before winter can also mitigate the formation of ice, ensuring the decking remains safe throughout the season.”


Get Your Roof Inspected


According to Goodell David, Founder of Woodworking Clarity, “Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, as it protects you from the elements and keeps you warm and dry. However, it can also be vulnerable to damage from wind, rain, snow, ice, or hail.”


A person on a ladder with a glove on roof

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Before the harsh winter weather kicks in, you should inspect your roof and look out for any signs of trouble, such as missing roof tiles, sagging or buckling areas and also check internally for damp spots on your ceilings or walls. You should also check the flashing around the chimney, vents, skylights, or other openings for any gaps or rust.


A badly maintained roof can lead to leaks and flooding and may even invalidate your home insurance, so it’s essential that you don’t skip this step. If you find any problems, you should contact a professional roofer to fix them as soon as possible. It’s much better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your roof.


Deep Clean The Kitchen


The winter months are a time for holidays and celebrations. Chi Ip, owner of Tidy Here, suggests, “Make sure that your kitchen is clean and ready for all the festivities of the winter.”


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“Clean your oven, dishwasher, and stove. Wipe your cabinets and shelves. Take out and wash cutlery and plates used for the season and place them in areas where they are easily accessible.”


By completing these tasks early, you can be sure that you’re ready for the winter festivities. There's nothing worse than leaving all of the cleaning until the last minute, leaving you panicking right before everyone arrives. If you deep clean your kitchen now, it will be much easier to clean when the festive season comes around.









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