THE LAST OF US - The Cost to Protect Your Home From a Zombie Apocalypse

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The Last of Us, based on a 2013 PlayStation game of the same name has definitely taken the world by storm over the past few months. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the series is a dystopian drama based upon a world where a fungus infection has turned humans into zombie-like creatures and those who have not fallen victim to the infection are living in strict quarantined zones.


Following the much anticipated finale of the show this week, MyJobQuote’s security expert, Alison Peckham has decided to take a look at how much it would cost to protect your home from a zombie apocalypse, you know, just in case! (Not that we’re anticipating such an event any time soon – hopefully!)


There are many ways in which you could protect your home from a zombie apocalypse, such as upgrading your external doors, installing tempered glass windows, and fitting a security camera system. Here’s what Alison Peckham from had to say…


Upgrade Your External Doors


When considering a zombie apocalypse, the most important thing is making sure the zombie-like entities remain outside of your home. Reinforced composite doors are the perfect choice for helping make sure this is the case. Composite front doors are extremely safe, secure, durable, and strong. Plus, they last for an average of 30 years or more, so you won’t need to be worrying about changing your door again in the middle of an apocalypse. In addition, you may want to think about upgrading the locks on your front door, to make sure it’s most definitely as strong as can be.


The average cost of fitting a composite front door: £500 - £2000

The average cost of upgrading the locks on a front door: £100 - £200


Install Tempered Glass Windows


Tempered glass, also known as toughened glass, is extremely strong and can withstand a range of things from rapid temperature changes to physical stress. If you want to feel as safe as possible in your home, tempered glass windows are a must. This type of glass is known to be around four or five times stronger than regular glass. The cost of installing new tempered glass windows will vary, depending on the size of your home and the number of windows that you require.


The cost of installing tempered glass windows on an average-sized home: £4000 - £6000


Fit a Security Camera System


One of the most important things that you’ll need to do during a zombie apocalypse is constantly be on high alert. You’ll need to know when there are zombies in close proximity of your home so that you can be fully prepared in case of an attack. The best way to monitor what’s going on around your home is to set up an outdoor camera security system. Choose a system that is fully weatherproof and features night vision so you can keep watch around your home at all times.


The average cost of installing an outdoor camera security system: £500 - £1000


Add Exterior Lighting


Outdoor lighting can be used to illuminate the zombie intruders on your property without giving away your location like shining a torch out of the window would. Motion activated lights are perfect for a zombie apocalypse. The sudden bright light is enough to scare away anything. Choose a range of lights and position them all around your home to protect your property as much as possible.


The average cost of installing exterior lighting: £100 - £500


Install a Panic Room


Although the most expensive option on the list, a panic room is the ultimate safety precaution for a zombie apocalypse. A panic room consists of a small, hidden bulletproof room in the home where the family can hide in case of an intrusion. Interestingly, the demand for panic rooms has been soaring over the past few years for wealthy homes in London, with many new-build homes in the area having these rooms added into the initial designs at the request of the buyer.


The average cost of installing a panic room: £100,000 - £500,000


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Kim Jackson
MyJobQuote connects homeowners with local tradespeople. Hiring a tradesperson has never been so easy!


